Chapter 180

But that ice face looks very decent. It doesn't look like a person who can do such things!

What do you think, Meng? You go to the hotel downstairs and ask them for some iodine. It's really nice of Qi family to fight Xiaoqin like this. "

When Guan Mengmeng is in a daze, Guan's mother comes over and pushes her with a hasty look on her face.

Qin mingwo is on the sofa with a thin back and his forehead is supported by his hand. The bangs are scattered, covering his eyebrows and eyes. He looks extremely haggard and sympathetic.

Guan Mengmeng stares at him for a while, then turns around and goes out.

Guan's father told him anxiously, "Meng Meng, be careful when you go out. Don't attract the attention of Qi family."

Guan's father and his mother are simple people who have no doubt about what Qin Ming said. They sympathize with him and take good care of him.

Guan Mengmeng is inexplicably guilty. She walks alone in the corridor and can't help looking left and right. She thinks that if she jumps out now, she will definitely frighten her to death.

But fortunately, she successfully walked to the hotel lobby, did not encounter the ice face.


With the disinfectant from the front desk, Guan Mengmeng walks to the elevator to wait for the elevator. When the elevator door opens, she is stunned.

Because inside the elevator stands a tall and upright man with deep eyebrows and frightening cold.

Guan Mengmeng, who had never met before, met three times in a day. Guan Mengmeng grabbed her hair and wondered whether she had caused any bad luck today.

Subconsciously, she hid the disinfectant in her hands behind her back. Guan Mengmeng drooped her eyelids and felt nervous.

But Qi Han Mo coldly looked at her, the cold sight let her hit a shudder.

"Excuse me, please."

Fortunately, someone from the back also wants to take the elevator. They politely signal Guan Mengmeng and Qi Hanmo to let go of the elevator.

Qi Hanmo walked out of the elevator and left quietly without looking at Guan Mengmeng.

Guan Mengmeng breathed a sigh of relief and went to deliver the medicine at ease.

When the elevator door closed, qihanmo, who had gone out, suddenly stopped and walked towards the front desk.

Can I help you, sir

The front desk lady raised her head and saw a beautiful and compelling face. She immediately showed a bright smile and warm greetings.

"I want to ask if the lady who just went up took something from you?"

"Well I don't know how to answer that, sir

"Just tell me what she took."

Qi Hanmo looks indifferent, thin lips slightly pursed, clear line of sight makes people can not avoid.

The front desk Miss suddenly brain short circuit the same, truthfully told Qi Han Mo, Guan Mengmeng came to look for disinfectant.


Qi Han Mo stares at Guan Mengmeng's direction of leaving, and the corner of her mouth purses a cold radian.

Time passed quickly, and it was getting late.

Qi Hanmo and several of his men stayed in the hotel for half a day, and still did not find the trace of Qin Ming. As a soldier, Qi Hanmo is very principled and won't disturb the people for private affairs.

After all, this is a hotel, and he has no right to search at will. So even if he knew that Qin Ming might be hiding in a hotel room, Qi Hanmo did not order a room search.

"Mr. Qi, there are only two exits in the hotel: the front door and the back door. We have been guarding here to make sure that no one has ever come out. Qin Ming is still inside... "

When Qi Hanmo left the hotel, his entourage immediately reported to him, but he made a gesture of evacuation.

You're leaving before you catch them? The attendants looked at each other with some doubts.

"If he doesn't come out, it's useless for us to guard here. We'll arrange people to patrol around the hotel. If we see him come out, we'll immediately arrest him."

"Yes, Mr. Qi."

"Mr. Qi, are you in such a hurry to leave so as to rush to Xiangshan tomorrow?"

"Well, it's confidential. Don't mention it outside."

Qi Hanmo's sharp eyes glanced at the subordinates who opened his mouth, with some warning in his eyes.

His mission to Xiangshan tomorrow is related to state secrets and requires extra caution.

The subordinates realized that they had made a mistake, and they only dared to lower their heads and look frightened.

When he looked up, Qi Hanmo had already driven away alone.

Qi Hanmo is driving a very ordinary off-road vehicle, the window is open, the breeze blows his angular cheek, he maintains a calm look.

After a while, he called Qi Yanjun.

After the phone was dialed, no one answered, which made him frown.


Just when he was impatient to hang up the phone, Qi Yanjun's lazy and dumb voice came from the other end of the phone.

"You're looking for me now, are you aware of your conscience? I know that I was a little bit heavy handed today, so I specially called to apologize... ""I'm going to leave Haicheng for a few days. Qin Ming has already gone. I'll let my subordinates contact you these two days. You can find a way to solve it! "

"Well, don't worry."

Although he was interrupted by Qi Hanmo, Qi Yanjun was used to this attitude of his elder brother to people.

After hanging up the phone, he turned his face to his side, and his eyes were filled with a delicate and delicate face.

The owner of this face is sleeping soundly, and his pink and tender lips are slightly open and spit out even breath.

Her graceful figure was covered by a thin quilt. Qi Hanmo recalled what happened a few hours ago, and her long and narrow eyes gradually turned dark.

"Don't bother me. I'm tired."

In her sleep, lanyue felt a big palm swimming on her body, with a strong sense of provocation. But she was so sleepy that she didn't even want to open her eyes. She reached out to push the people next to her.

"But I'm not tired."

There was a husky voice in her ear. The next second, she only felt cold on her body, and the quilt was lifted. But soon, a hot body was pasted up.

LAN Yue doesn't know how Qi Yanjun seems to have a lot of useful energy. She begins to regret and compromise with him before.

"Young master, they won't have dinner. I'll take you to wash your hands."

Outside the room, blue Chen Hao knocked on the door for a long time, but did not get a response. Wang Ma came over and looked at the closed door with a look of responsibility. She bent down and took blue Chen Hao's hand and took him away.

"But mother has been in the room for a long time. When will she come out?"

"This I don't know. Don't ask me about it, young master. Don't tell anyone about it. "

Blue Chen Hao seems to understand, but Wang Ma said if he told others, then blue Yue will have trouble. So make up your mind not to tell anyone.

"Young master, have some fruit."

After dinner, LAN Chen Hao sat on the sofa in the living room and watched TV like a little adult. The programs he watched were also some political news channels.

Wang Ma came to give him fruit. He looked serious and thought it was funny.

Blue Chen Hao pour is did not feel, watch TV at the same time, the line of sight is still intentionally or unintentionally see upstairs.

"What's the matter? What are you doing, young master

After a while, Wang Ma came over and found that the fruit in front of blue Chen Hao had not been moved. He looked worried and asked.

Blue Chen Hao frowned and pulled down Wang Ma's sleeve, "Grandma Wang, do you know where Aunt Yalan took my father? My mom said my dad can't leave here. It's dangerous to leave. "

Listen to blue Chen Hao mention this point, Wang Ma also face dew worry color.

Everyone in the pear garden knew that Mu Ning was injured and needed to stay in the pear garden for rest. But a few hours ago, Muning and Yalan said nothing and left the pear garden in a hurry.

"This Let's wait for Miss LAN and young master to come out! At that time, major Qi will help Miss LAN and find them back. "

Wang Ma touched the head of blue Chen Hao, look slightly embarrassed.

LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun stayed in the room for such a long time and didn't come out. In addition to LAN Chen Hao, the pear garden should know what they were doing.

If you go in and disturb me now, I'm afraid the pear garden will be restless in the future.

After listening to Wang Ma's words, blue Chen Hao cleverly nodded.

"Young master, do you want to change the program after watching the news for so long? My grandson is not much different from you. I like watching an animated cartoon recently. I can't remember what it's called

Blue Chen Hao is absent-minded, changed a platform at will.

"It's the little grandmother!"

Wang Ma also stood by to watch, saw the people on the screen, can't help but blurt out.

The variety shows recorded by Xu miaoreng are very popular. Her popularity has soared, and more and more programs are looking for her abbot.

On the screen, Xu miaoyong has delicate makeup, and her bright and elegant smile is her attraction.

Blue Chen Hao looks at silently, dropped eyelid, small face is difficult to cover lost.


Wang Ma realized that she had said something she shouldn't have said. She also thought about the complicated relationship in the family. She couldn't help sighing.

In the morning, Qijun and Yuelan went out the next night.

It can be seen that Qi Yanjun is in a good mood with a smile in his mouth, but LAN Yue's face is not very good-looking. He has been pursing his lips and has a bad look at Qi Yanjun.

"Wang Ma, why didn't you see Muning and Yalan?"

After going downstairs, LAN Yue realized that it was wrong and asked Wang ma.

Wang Ma tells LAN Yue about Muning and Yalan's sudden departure. LAN Yue immediately looks pale and flustered.

"How long have they been away and where have they been?" LAN Yue frowned and grabbed Wang Ma's arm eagerly.

Wang Ma shook her head, but LAN Yue was so excited that she was scared."Miss LAN, I think Mr. Mu looks ok when he leaves. You don't have to worry."

"No, he must be found."

LAN Yue is flustered. Wang MA in front of her doesn't know how dangerous it is to leave the pear garden for Muning.

"What's the matter? You're not saying that Munin is protected. How can they let Munin leave? "

"Don't get excited. I'll contact them to find out."

All of a sudden, he was scolded by LAN Yue. Although Qi Yanjun felt uncomfortable, he still gently comforted LAN Yue.

There are bodyguards around Liyuan to protect them secretly. How could they disobey orders to let Muning leave?

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