Chapter 190

She even suspected that the man with a smile in front of her was still the son of her own character?

Is it really because LAN Yue came back that he made these changes?

Yunfang's line of sight falls again on the blue Yue and blue Chen Hao's body, the vision slightly flashes, no matter how to say, this woman is Haohao Hao's biological mother.

"Just talk about it. What are you so nervous about? I won't eat her. Why didn't you see the guests at home

"They're leaving for a while."

"Oh." Yunfang nodded, with a delicate expression on her face.

Yunfang was wearing a blue lake embroidered jacket with her hair meticulously raised. She was dressed in a very elegant way, but the shiny fabric showed her sideburns mixed with white hair.

After all, time is unforgiving.

Qi Yanjun thought that a lot of things had happened at home during this period of time. Yunfang and his family must have had a lot of heart and felt guilty immediately.

"Since we are here, let's have a meal together! A few days ago, Hao Hao didn't shout to eat Aolong. Today, he satisfies the desire of this little greedy devil. "

"Haohao wants to eat Aolong. Why didn't you say it earlier? Yesterday, someone sent it to my family. I knew it would have brought it."

Yunfang went to Haohao's side and touched his small face which was similar to Qi Yanjun when he was a child. He felt a lot of comfort in his heart.

Blue Chen Hao is not want to eat Aolong, but in the small partner's home to eat once, want to blue Yue also taste, said to want to eat.

When he came back that day, he did not expect Qi Yanjun to put it in his heart.

"No, mom. We're going out to eat today."

"Yeah, that's great. I'm going out to dinner today!" Qi Yanjun voice down, blue Chen Hao cheered, small face difficult to cover joy.

And LAN Yue and Yun Fang sat still.

LAN Yue silently observes Yunfang, and Yunfang seems to say something, frowning.

Qi Yanjun said that the family has touched the limit of Yunfang's patience. Today she has been polite to LAN Yue, but this does not mean that she can accept LAN Yue being with her son.

"Let's go! Don't let Haohao down. "

Qi Yanjun didn't know whether he didn't find it or pretended not to know it. His voice gently went up to take Yunfang's shoulder, and turned his head and hooked the corner of his mouth at LAN Yue.

Blue Yue takes blue Chen Hao upstairs to change clothes.

Qi Yanjun and Yunfang are waiting downstairs. Although Qi Yanjun is deliberately leaning his face, Yunfang still notices the scratch on his face.

"Yan Jun, what's the matter with your face? Who did you fight with for such a long three seals? It's not right. It looks like... "

Yunfang said that the line of sight immediately turned to the upstairs, where blue Yue just took blue Chen Hao on the second floor.

"It was caught by the cat."

Qi Yanjun's deep and narrow Phoenix eyes did not rise, indifferent explanation.

Yunfang looked at the wound again. Her face sank, but she couldn't say anything.

"There is no cat in the pear garden, so it must be a wild cat. The cat has no idea what to do with it."

"This little injury is nothing at all. Compared with the fact that I was sent to the military camp for special training, I was really scratched by a kitten."

Here to be able to scratch her son, Yunfang does not have to think about who it is.

Originally, I wanted to satirize LAN Yue. Unexpectedly, Qi Yanjun mentioned the old story. Yunfang looked at him, and his face was a bit dark.

"Yan Jun, are you complaining that your parents have been too strict with you since childhood, and that you have suffered so much?"

"Mom, I don't mean anything else. I know that my grandfather meant to let me into the barracks. All the children in the military area are like this. Compared with my brother, I am already relaxed. How can I blame you for such a thing... "

"You and calligraphy have always been the pride of me and your father."

Yun Fang sighed.

"We have spoiled Yingying since we were young. We regard her as the apple of our eye. We have no requirements for her. We only hope that she can be happy and finally marry a good family. But I didn't expect that the child was so confused that it broke my heart

"Yingying is so young that she is too spoiled by us. My elder brother and I are also responsible for this matter."

"Calligraphy now to carry out the task, that hurt Yingying bastard found?"

"Not yet. He's hiding now. Haicheng is not small. It will take some time to find him, but as long as he is in Haicheng, he can't run away." Qi Yanjun stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. "I've already said hello to Haicheng media. Even if he finds the media to do harm to our Qi family, those media dare not scribble."

"I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If he is used by people who can't get along with our Qi family, the consequences will be even more serious. You still need to spend more efforts to find him as soon as possible and control him."

"Well, Ma, don't worry about such things."

Compared with the past, Qi Yanjun's attitude towards Yunfang today is much hotter than before. The smile on Yunfang's face is irresistible, and it also makes LAN Yue look better.Soon, LAN Yue and LAN Chen Hao changed their clothes and went downstairs.

Lao Wang, the driver, drove them to a seafood restaurant with a Rolls Royce. Qi Yanjun's mobile phone rang before the car went out far away.

Li Yiyao is calling. After receiving the call, Qi Yanjun's face changes greatly.

"Yan Jun, what's the matter? Why are you so ugly?"

"Mom, let's not go to the restaurant now. Something's wrong."

Qi Yanjun orders Lao Wang to drive back to his old house in a deep voice. All the way, LAN Yue and Yun Fang vaguely feel the seriousness of the matter in the back seat.

"Yan Jun, is there something wrong with Yingying?"

After a long time, Yunfang trembled and asked.

"It's Yingying's business, but Yingying is OK now. She's fine in the old house."

Qi Yanjun calmly replied, but his brows were locked, and his thin lips pursed a trace of cold radian. It could be seen that he was in a heavy mood.

"Yingying people are OK, that is..."

It's really afraid of what to come. In an instant, Yunfang's back is cool, and the blood color on her face is all gone.

LAN Yue sits beside and sees clearly. She pushes LAN Chenhao around her. The clever LAN Chenhao immediately responds. He takes the initiative to lean towards Yunfang, and his small hand tightly grasps Yunfang's hand.

Yunfang looks down at the small face of blue Chen Hao's concern. She has a little comfort in her heart, but she is still worried.

"Lao Wang, drive faster."

Before Qi Yanjun's car reached the gate of the old house, they saw about a dozen reporters from a distance, surrounded the gate of the old house, all with cameras and flashing lights.

Rolls Royce stops at 10 meters away, Qi Yanjun's face is gloomy to the extreme.

"How do the security guards come in here? What are these people doing here?"

"What's going on here? Yan Jun, you can think of a way. My grandfather is at home today. If something happens, he can't stand it. "

Yun Fang's words made Qi Yanjun feel more heavy. He had made such a scene. How could Mr. Qi not know.

Lao Wang got out of the car and took several people to drive away the reporters around the gate of the old house. However, those reporters were full of energy. When they saw Qi Yanjun's car, they immediately rushed up.

"You're sitting in the car!"

Qi Yanjun opened the door of the car with a gloomy look. His tall figure stood outside the car. With his cold face, it was particularly deterrent.

Emotional some excited Yunfang also ready to follow the car to understand the mood, blue Yue quickly stopped her.

"What are you doing?"

"Yan Jun, he can handle it well. If you go down, you will be watched by reporters outside. The best way is to deal with these people outside and go back to see Yingying as soon as possible. "

LAN Yue has a plain face and delicate facial features, especially a pair of beautiful and penetrating eyes. Her expression is concerned. After a few seconds of hesitation, Yunfang still does not get off the bus.

Outside, Qi Yanjun didn't know what he said with the reporter. The reporters looked at each other and showed a very scared expression.

Soon, the reporters scattered in twos and threes, and did not get close to the old house. Qi Yanjun got on the car with a cool face and drove a Rolls Royce into the old house.

Entering the old house, Qi Yanjun told Yunfang what happened today.

The situation of the old house is a little better than Qi Yanjun imagined. Thanks to Li Yiyao's timely arrival, Qi Yingying is still in a stable mood in the room, but Mr. Qi doesn't know about it.

"Grandfather doesn't know yet?"

"Don't worry. I told him it was for Xu miaoyong, so he didn't pay attention to it."

"That's good. Thanks to Yiyao, but what's going on? Who is so bold? "

"It was the man named Chen Dongqing who tweeted and then spread it on various platforms. Now Haicheng has become a storm."

Chen Dongqing is really not afraid of heaven and earth. After getting the clues, he goes to Huang Siwei and confirms Qi Yingying's unmarried pregnancy. After that, he has no scruples about publishing the matter on the Internet.

Li Yiyao found Chen Dongqing almost without any effort. He wanted to contact Chen Dongqing, but he was rejected by the other party.

"It's him, that's not surprising."

Qi Yan Jun's eyes darkened and his brows frowned deeper.

"Before, vice president Ding's corruption was brought out by him. It's hard to deal with him if he doesn't eat hard and soft. But why did he aim at Qi family this time? "

"Who is this man? It's too vicious to make such a fuss. I was afraid of this, but I didn't expect it happened. Now rumors are all over the place. What can Yingying do in the future? "

Yunfang is very difficult to control her emotions, raised her voice, a face of hatred.

She was so excited that she nearly fainted in the dark. Beside did not speak blue Yue hastens to come forward, and blue Chen Hao together will help her to the sofa to sit down.

"Chen Dongqing is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. Now it is necessary to know who told him about Yingying."Qi Yanjun's voice dropped, and Li Yiyao's hard face was overcast.

He said coldly, "who else can it be? It must be Qin Ming. There won't be anyone else except him."

Li Yiyao's words made the atmosphere in the living room colder.

Qi Yanjun's narrow Phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously, and his fists hanging over his figure clenched. "No matter who I am, I will not let him go. This time, the development of things will be worse than we imagined. In the case of protecting Yingying, how to save Qi's reputation is also very important. "

Don't look at Qi Yanjun also know, now the Qi family has become the laughing stock of the whole Haicheng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!