Chapter 196

He turned and looked back, and there was a beautiful face in his eyes.

"Why did you come? "

shortly after Qi Yanjun went out, LAN Yue followed him.

"I'm a little worried when you come out in a hurry. How's your grandfather doing now? "

" is out of danger. I just need to stay in the hospital for observation. I won't go back tonight. "

Qi Yanjun's eyes are deep. In order not to let LAN Yue worry, he pulls the corner of his mouth to cover up the tired color on his face.

LAN Yue nodded, but did not mean to leave. She went to the chair beside Qi Yanjun and sat down.

"Didn't my grandfather have heart surgery? Why is it so serious that I have to be hospitalized? "

thin and manual, trying to take out the cigarette from his pocket, suddenly remembered that this was a hospital, and Qi Yanjun took out his hand again.

He side face sees blue Yue, the eye blinks does not blink ground to stare at him, the bone knot distinct hand can not help but attack her cheek.

Yunfang has told him the story on the phone, and he knows it's sun Si who is behind the scenes.

Some people are targeting the Qi family. This reporter is arranged by sun Si. "Lan Yue frowned and looked at the dignified man in front of him," I guess, but now there are many people targeting Qi family. Sun Si is just one of them! "

with the advent of the new information age, everything has changed too fast. The political situation is also in constant turbulence, emerging forces are constantly rising, everyone wants to occupy a new pattern.

As the most powerful and influential family in Haicheng, the Qi family naturally became the target of public criticism.

As soon as the Qi family collapsed, the forces once attached to the Qi family would collapse, and all the patterns would change.

You are right. People with a clear eye can see that Haicheng has been more different since the new governor took office. Now my father is competing for representatives in order to have more security for our family in the future. "Sun Si is also competing for representatives, so it is not surprising that he will target Qi family. "

" yes! But even if my dad loses the election, he can't be represented by someone who has no principles or bottom line. "

SUN Si is a mercenary businessman. If he successfully infiltrates the political arena, the order maintained by Haicheng for decades will be disrupted.

LAN Yue raised his hand and grasped Qi Yanjun's wrist. His eyes were very clear.

"So sun Si wants to make a big fuss about Yingying's affairs. We must not let him succeed. Now we must deal with sun Si first. "

Qi Yanjun nodded with a smile, his eyes covered with thick black eyelashes were particularly deep.

LAN Yue's ears echoed his deep and pleasant voice. He could hear that Qi Yanjun's voice was full of confidence and innate pride.

"Sun Si has too many tricks in Haicheng. We didn't care about him before, but now he wants to bite back, so we will never let him continue to do what he wants. "

" I know that you are worried about your grandfather. Yingying also needs to take care of you. Even you are poor at separation. "Lan Yue's eyes touch the bruise of Qi Yanjun's eyes. She is distressed that he handles Qi's documents every night until midnight, and he has to rush around to deal with emergencies during the day.

Since she moved into the pear garden, she has never seen him have a good rest.

Even an iron man can't stand such a moment's continuous work!

Qi Yan Jun had an excessively beautiful face, but under such a face, he had extraordinary perseverance and sense of responsibility.

"I have one more thing to tell you. "

" what's up? "

" has something to do with sun Si. I just remembered this morning. Now I'm thinking, maybe I can help you find evidence of sun Si's violation of the law and discipline. "

" xiaoyueer, can you tell me what you want to do? "Qi Yanjun looked at LAN Yue thoughtfully, and his thin lips always had a gentle radian.

LAN Yue in front of him is no longer the little girl who needed his protection everywhere many years ago. He gradually found that in the five years since he left him, she has been able to take charge of her own affairs.

"Instead of waiting for sun Si to bite you Qi family all the time, it's better to find out all kinds of criminal evidence of him. People like him should not be at large. "The rumors of sun Si's mischievous behavior in Haicheng have been flying all over the world, but no one has touched him. It can be seen that he is not so easy to deal with. "

" no matter how hard he is to deal with it, he will always try. If he is lucky, he will not only help the Qi family, but also do harm to the people in Haicheng. "

" is fine, but you should be careful yourself. "

Qi Yanjun takes LAN Yue's shoulder and dotes on her eyes. As long as she stays by her side, no matter what she does.

"Don't worry! "

LAN Yue struggled to escape from Qi Yanjun's arm and patted him on the shoulder with a bright smile on his face.

As if, Qi Yanjun saw the little girl again.

In the end, the essence has not changed!

On that day, LAN Yue didn't stay in the hospital to accompany Qi Yanjun, but went back to the pear garden to take care of LAN Chen Hao. The next morning, the day was bright, and the lamp of Liyuan villa was on.LAN Yue packed out early, but as soon as she went out, she saw a very ordinary Jeep parked at the door.

When she came out, a strong and handsome man came down from the car.

"Yiyao? "Lan Yue was a little surprised," how could you come? "

" get in the car! "Li Yiyao was as calm as ever. He opened the door and motioned LAN Yue to get on first. After she got on the bus, he began to speak slowly." Qi Shao asked me to come. He couldn't rest assured of you. "

" I know he asked you to come, but can you rest assured of Yingying now? I thought you would be with her at this time. "

" now I can't change anything and I don't know what I can do for her. "

Li Yiyao clenched the steering wheel, and the blue veins on the back of his hand slightly protruded.

"I always wonder what kind of feelings you have for Yingying? Do you care about him? If you don't care about him, why have you never seen other women around you for so many years? She's the only one you care about. "

LAN Yue thinks that she is an outsider. She can see a lot of things clearly. There are also some words she has held in her heart for a long time. She seldom gets along with Li Yiyao alone. She simply asks.

One is his sister, the other is his brother. She is not meddling in his business, she only cares about the people he cares about.

Li Yiyao is that kind of sullen character. He doesn't say anything on weekdays. When he encounters key problems, his words are even less.

Seeing his silence, LAN Yue shook her head slightly.

"If you have been unable to confirm or hesitated, when you really regret, there is really no room for recovery. "

LAN Yue thinks that if Qi Yingying had been with Li Yiyao from the beginning, she would not have gone astray, and there would not have been so many people who had the opportunity to hurt her.

However, Li Yiyao always guarded her in silence.

"I just thought he was a sister. "

after a short silence, Li Yiyao said coldly, which made LAN Yue sigh at the bottom of her heart.

He still bit this sentence and refused to let go. Did he really regard her as a sister?

The car has been driving to the city center. Li Yiyao first opened his mouth, breaking the slightly awkward atmosphere.

Do you have any clues? What are you going to do today? "Sun Si often goes to a high-end club, and according to my investigation, it is likely that this club was invested by sun's group. Moreover, the club is very hidden, and there are often mysterious people going in and out. It can be seen that this club is very suspicious. I intend to start from the club named Lantian. "

LAN Yue was stunned, her eyebrows were locked and her expression was dignified.

Another point is that sun Si's development of real estate in Haicheng has been very smooth recently. If it had not been for the help of ZF officials, how could he have won the projects so easily, and many projects are very unfavorable to ordinary people in Haicheng. Then it shows that sun Si is likely to bribe before he won the project. "

" your analysis is very reasonable, and Qi Shao also mentioned this point to me. "Li Yiyao nodded," because sun Si got many big projects in Haicheng, and when he carried out the projects, he did not consider the interests of ordinary people and forced demolition and construction. As a result, most people in Haicheng lost their trust in ZF. "

" this sun Si is really evil. "

LAN Yue is sitting on the co pilot, holding the iPad in his hand and looking at the information on the screen.

She added a group, which was a petition group of Haicheng people. Many of the projects protested by the people in the group were under sun Si's command.

The people were extremely angry at sun Siqiang's buying, demolishing and bullying, but they had nothing to do.

"Qi Shao also felt that he couldn't go on like this, so he specially told me that as long as we found out anything this time, we must not let go, we must thoroughly investigate. In the end, no matter what happens, Qi Shao will protect you, and Qi Shao said that in the end, all the responsibilities are borne by him. In fact, I am determined to check on Sun Si this time, because sun Si has done something shameful to me a long time ago. At that time, I didn't understand the situation. It was only these two days that I found that sun Si's character was so despicable. "

three months ago, someone from the cemetery suddenly called LAN Yue.

Is this miss LAN Yue? "

" yes, you are? "

" Hello, Miss LAN. I'm the person in charge of the cemetery in the eastern suburb. I have to inform you of something "

at that time, LAN Yue was in poor health and was in hospital. When she received a call from the cemetery, she was surprised and worried.

Her father was buried in the cemetery in the eastern suburb. She went to see her father as soon as she returned home. However, the person in charge of the cemetery suddenly called her for what reason.

It turns out that the construction of ZF project needs to use the land of this cemetery, so we need to allocate a part of the cemetery to ZF's project.

The contractor of the project promises to give a certain subsidy.

At that time, I knew it was ZF project, so I was willing to cooperate. Because I've been in hospital and can't deal with it, I asked Guan Xiaoxiao to deal with it. "LAN Yue asks Guan Xiaoxiao to have a look at the cemetery and finally gets a certain amount of compensation.

However, the cemetery in the eastern suburbs was purchased by legal means. A few years ago, with the development of scenic spots around the destination and the construction of railways, the price of land around the cemetery has increased dozens of times in just one month.

In addition to the cemetery, the land around the scenic spot has been robbed by developers, because the cemetery has been sold to residents of Haicheng, and many developers are interested in this land. However, due to the social sophistication, ZF is also worried about the dissatisfaction of Haicheng citizens, so the cemetery has been kept.

Until someone bought the land three months ago.

"At that time, I asked my friend to help me deal with this matter. After receiving the compensation, I asked my friend to help me find a better cemetery. In the end, I didn't pay attention to this matter. "

LAN Yue blinked her long eyelashes, and her bright eyes swept over the dark color.

However, in retrospect, the developer of the project was Sun Si. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!