Chapter 199

"Now you have to take care of it. If you don't care, who can take care of it?"

LAN Yue put his hand on Qi Yanjun's shoulder and looked at him with a smile.

"Yes! Originally, I just wanted you to check on Sun Si, but now you want to turn Haicheng upside down. "

"What is earth shaking? You don't know the situation. You don't know what the ordinary citizens of Haicheng are being bullied into. Yiyao did not go, even he was very angry

"I didn't say no, it's just that things are much more serious now than I thought, so I don't want you to get involved."

"No, I'm a victim, too."

LAN Yue shook his head and glared at Qi Yanjun.

"Didn't you say that I could help you?"

Seeing the indignation on LAN Yue's face, Qi Yanjun is a little bit out of laughter. He reaches out and pulls her into his arms and kisses her on the cheek.

"I have nothing to do with you now. Do what you want! But if you hurt yourself a little bit, I'll never let you get involved in these things

"I just want to help you share some, you have to believe me. When I was in the United States, I helped Muning solve a lot of things about the lance family... "

Suddenly mentioned Muning, LAN Yue subconsciously looks at Qi Yanjun. This time, Qi Yanjun is not as irritable as before. He looks at her peacefully, and the radian of his mouth is also very soft.

More unusual is, this time, Qi Yanjun actually took the initiative to mention Muning with LAN Yue.

His fingers curled in her hair and his voice was dead.

"When it comes to Munin, you don't have to worry about him. He has now gained a lot of support and will soon be able to return to power and hit Beiming hard. "

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know where he is now, but he must be with Yalan."

"If Munin decides to return to the U.S. now, it means he is sure."

LAN Yue is very pleased to raise the corners of her mouth, and finally there is a thing to let her breathe.

"I guess he won't come back when he goes back to America."

"Yes! There is no need for him to come back

"Xiaoyue'er, if he doesn't come back, will you go to him?"

Qi Yan Jun means to stare at blue Yue, ice like eyes can not see joy and anger.

LAN Yue shook his head, "Yalan is his fiancee. After he went back to America, the first thing he did was to marry Yalan! After they get married, I have no reason to associate with him any more. "

Qi Yanjun always dislikes to hear Muning's name from her mouth, but this time, he mentioned Muning on his own initiative, which surprised LAN Yue.

In the short silence, LAN Yue feels that Qi Yanjun has something to hide from her.

However, Qi Yanjun is lazy, but LAN Yue knows that it is more difficult to get words out of his mouth than to ascend to heaven.

Know not to ask what, blue Yue also gave up, is ready to get up, waist upload a strong force, but let her move.

Qi Yanjun does not let her leave, and confines her in his arms, pulling between the two people's breathing crisscross, the atmosphere does not feel ambiguous.

"What are you doing?" LAN Yue is forced to sit half on Qi Yanjun's body. Don't open your eyes and don't look at him.

Qi Yanjun's face is romantic, and his eyes are a little dark. His expression makes him charming.

LAN Yue pretends to be calm. Qi Yanjun will have a good view of him and has a little more fun on his face.

He reached her ear and whispered.

"I haven't finished my question. If Muning loves you, what will you do?"

"What do you think I should do?"

Blue Yue is to stare big eye first, and then the face is expressionless to ask Qi Yanjun.

Qi Yanjun pinched her chin, drooped his eyelids, and his eyes were deep.

"You can only have me here."

One of his hands hit her heart.

"Xiaoyue'er, if you leave me one day, I don't know what I will do."

Qi Yanjun's serious eyes made LAN Yue froze, and a trace of uneasiness spread in her heart.

Since returning home, Qi Yanjun has been very moved by all kinds of things she has done for her. Now, for various reasons, she can only stay by his side.

But her heart is very clear, her feelings for him is very complex, she still loves him, but this love is not as pure as it was.

But his overbearing possessiveness made her feel afraid and worried.

"Go upstairs and go to bed! We've been tired these two days. "


LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun go upstairs and sleep in the same bed. Their relationship has been tacit, and they only need to be made public.

In the past, Qi Yanjun always harassed LAN Yue before he went to sleep, but today he is very peaceful.Maybe I was really tired and went to bed as soon as I went to bed.

His eyes were blue and his eyes were warm.

In her bewilderment, she seemed to be back four years ago, and the incident turned into a nightmare and repeated in her mind.

"Yue'er, I'm sorry, but my people are still a little late. The woman took her child and burned charcoal at home to commit suicide. When she was sent to the hospital, neither of them was breathing..."

In the house of Lansi's magnificent palace, Muning comes in and tells LAN Yue who is looking at LAN Chen Hao crawling around.

"How could that happen?"

LAN Yue was shocked and her face was full of fear.

Muning saw this, put his hand on her shoulder and gently shook his head.

"They're pushing too hard, and the woman just got cancer the other day, so she's not happy for a while."

"And the child? The child is innocent LAN Yue fell into a deep remorse, and her face full of despair and hatred appeared in her mind.

At that time, the lance family worked with another chaebol in the United States to develop a project, and they acquired the land of a slum. After signing the agreement and getting the compensation, most of them moved out of the slums, but some of them were reluctant to leave.

Because at that time, the LANs family had already given more than 100 million compensation. LAN Yue, who helped Mu Ning to take charge of the project, regarded these people who were stuck in the street as rogues.

She asked the co-operative chaebols to find a way to drive away those who were still stuck. As for the method, she did not ask at that time.

It was not until news broke out that their project caused a demonstration that Lan Yue began to attach importance to.

"I don't know that the money is not enough for the citizens to settle down in other places. The people from the chaebol e told me that the money was enough, so I agreed that they would expel those people to leave..."

After learning about the situation, LAN Yue visited the residents of the slum, but she went there, and the people who met her swore and spit.

At the same time, the e-chaebol cooperated with the Lansi family was still in the process of expulsion, regardless of her prevention, so that such a tragedy happened.

"Yue'er, you don't have to blame yourself. Project development is like this. You always have to sacrifice the interests of a small number of people to fulfill the interests of most people."

Muning at that time understated, advised her not to put this matter in mind.

However, for her, these are two lives. This incident has been deeply buried in her heart and breeds her guilt. She thought it would happen in the United States, but she did not expect to encounter such a thing again after returning home.

"Mom, I don't want to die..."

Lanyue in the dream seems to see in a closed room, a skinny woman holding a young child, with the increasingly thick smoke, they opened their eyes, breathing a little bit was stripped.

The child was crying, the dark eyes suddenly looked at her direction


Suddenly open his eyes, blue Yue only feel a burst of cold back.

When she sat up and saw Qi Yanjun, who was still in the same position beside her, her pupils shrank a little bit to return to normal.

"I had that dream again!"

LAN Yue talks to herself. Originally, this matter has been kept in her heart. However, what sun Si has done recently reminds her of what happened in America, so she starts to have this nightmare again and again.

Four years ago, she was powerless and indirectly killed two people. Now she has the same thing. She will never let the tragedy happen again.

So this is why LAN Yue insists on seeking justice for the people of Haicheng.

It was a chance to atone for herself!

Outside the window, it was dark, the breeze was blowing, and the velvet curtains were rolled up. All of a sudden, the whirling shadows of trees swayed, and strange shadows were reflected in the room.

"Banquet king!"

Blue Yue has no reason for some fear, she sat alone on the big bed, hesitated for a moment, or called a sleeping man beside.

Just a cry, Qi Yanjun woke up. His eyes were a little cold, mixed with a bit of confusion. When his eyes fell on lanyue, his eyes were shimmering.

He sat up, raised his hand and touched the back of LAN Yue's head. His voice was a bit lazy and hoarse.

"What's the matter? Sitting here in the middle of the night scared me

"I had a nightmare."

Blue Yue opened a pair of crystal eyes, wronged to look at Qi Yanjun, a little white rabbit like the expression of love, let him some laugh.

"It's not a child. It's just over two o'clock."

Qi Yanjun looked at the watch at the head of the bed and narrowed his long eyes.

"But we can do something else if you don't want to sleep."

Pushing aside Qi Yan Jun's strong and tall body, LAN Yue frowned."Don't Yan Jun, I have something to tell you. "

"What's the matter?" Being rejected directly, Qi Yanjun feels that Lan Yue is different. He resists the impulse and asks patiently according to his temperament.

"It's about what happened to me in the United States in the past five years. Aren't you curious?"

"Of course I'm curious. I've had a lot of investigations before. I can't believe my little yue'er is the founder of O & L. I'm mad to know that you married Muning and became the young lady of lance family... "

"Yes, they are all seen by others, but do you know, Yan Jun? In the past five years, the most real me is not as bright as others. I have done a lot of things that I have never thought about. It is the things that lanyue would never approve of, let alone do. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!