Chapter 203

She did not know whether to tell Shen Xinyue, after all, this is not related to her alone.

Shen Xinyue sitting in the car, see blue Yue has been silent, holding gills staring at her, with a bit of curiosity.

"I will certainly help you, but why do you have to enter the blue sky club?"

He has some understanding of the blue sky club, but this place is also unusual, not ordinary people will come into contact with.

LAN Yue wants to enter the club, but she seems to be hiding from someone.

Slightly sit up straight body, blue Yue fingers scraping the bag on the leg, hesitated for a moment, or absolutely told the whole thing to Shen Xinyue.

She believes that Shen Xinyue is a person who can distinguish right from wrong, but he is arrogant and may not be willing to participate in this matter.

"I understand what you have said. It's not uncommon to have a nest of profiteers and corrupt officials in Haicheng. But you are neither the Anti-Corruption Bureau nor the Discipline Inspection Commission. Why do you want to fight against them?"

After listening to LAN Yue finish what sun Si did, Shen Xinyue did not agree with her intervention.

Because she alone wanted to find out the people who violated the rules of law in Haicheng.

But blue Yue clear bright eyes can not see the slightest fear color.

"At the beginning, it was because sun Si targeted Qi family and I wanted to help Yan Jun, but later, with my investigation, my original intention changed. The people I want to help most now are the oppressed ordinary people. The way that those hateful people make exorbitant profits is to sacrifice the interests of these people, which can never be tolerated... "

LAN Yue's words surprised Shen Xinyue, who was always indifferent. He didn't expect that Lan Yue was such a jealous person.

But such a character deserves to be his idol.

"If your purpose is to help the people in the city, then I think Cui Hao has a reason to help you."


"Of course, he belongs to the industrial and commercial bureau, which is an official department, and should have served the people."

"But you said on the phone that he was not willing to come to the blue sky club?"

Shen Xinyue pursed her lips and picked out her long and narrow eyes. She looked like a fox.

"Now I know what it is for, so I can't help him. You wait here. I'll try to get him out to see him."


Anyone who knows the existence of the blue sky club knows what kind of existence it is. Generally, no one will provoke him. Shen Xinyue naturally knows that.

He didn't tell LAN Yue how sure he was to persuade the man, but the dignified look on his beautiful face showed that it was not a simple thing.

After Shen Xinyue left, the carriage fell into a dead silence.

LAN Yue is nervously holding on to the mobile phone, taking photos and paying attention to the faces of people in and out of the clubhouse.

"New moon, what's up?"

After a look at the time, it is found that an hour has passed. Shen Xinyue, who drove to meet Cui Hao, has not come back.

She couldn't help calling Shen Xinyue.

"It's OK. Wait a moment. I'll be here soon."

Shen Xinyue lowered the voice, the micro tone is very soft, he does not want to let LAN Yue feel a trace of tension.

LAN Yue can only continue to wait in the car. I don't know if it's her illusion. The security guard there always seems to notice her direction. In order not to arouse the suspicion of the security guard, she changed the parking position.

"I wonder if the new moon can find it here?" After driving to the other side of the club, LAN Yue sat in the car and couldn't see the movement in front of the club and began to worry.

She hesitated to drive the car back for fear of causing more suspicion from the security guard, but soon she knew she was worried.


The door was opened and two people came in the back seat. Shen Xinyue really brought people here.

The man named Cui Hao is tall and thin, with white skin. His long curly hair covers his deep eyes. He is not outstanding, but he is also endurable.

However, it was obvious that he was reluctant to come over, and was forced into the car by Shen Xinyue, holding his arm, looking angry.

"Tell him what you want to do when you go in and see if he can come up with a way to cooperate with you." Shen Xinyue doesn't think so. She looks at LAN Yue with a smile.

"Wait a minute. I said chief editor Shen, are you kidding me? I was tied up by you. I know what you want to do, but I will never go to this muddy water."

Cui Hao's eyebrows are locked, and his eyes are mixed with some incomprehensible.

What the hell does this woman want? Doesn't she know what kind of backstage the blue sky will be like?

They want to pluck the tiger's ass, but why pull him.

"Mr. Cui, I'm sorry to trouble you this time. But for now, only you can help us. "

"What are you doing! Even if you want to investigate sun Si's violation of the law and discipline, you should also look for the procuratorial organ. What's the use of you looking for me? ""She wants to sneak into the club today to see what's going on inside. The blue sky club is heavily guarded and there is no exit except the front and back doors. There's nothing we can do but walk in and out

Shen Xinyue glances at Cui Hao with a dull tone.

"You are from the Bureau of industry and commerce. The blue sky club has been operating for such a long time, but there are some problems. You say there are consumer complaints, and then take the opportunity to take us in. "

"Shit, you are a fool to be sun Si!"

Cui Hao even shook his head, the whole body of cells are resisting Shen Xinyue's proposal.

Shen Xinyue is not in a hurry or slow state. She still looks like a light wind.

He put his hand on Cui Hao's shoulder, and his white face was a little soft under his long hair.

"It doesn't matter whether he is a fool or not. It's how you do it. As long as the name is right, he has to believe it if he doesn't believe it. "

Silence for a few seconds, Cui Hao leaning against the seat, carefully looked at Shen Xinyue and LAN Yue, seems to think of something.

"No, why should I help you? It has nothing to do with me whether you can go in or not. Well, I've heard enough of what you've said. I'm going to leave. "

Cui Hao said as he tried to open the door.

LAN Yue locked the door silently, her delicate eyebrows frowned, and her face was filled with disappointment and worry.

"What's the matter with you?"

Cui Hao pulled the car door hard and didn't open it. He was furious and yelled at LAN Yue.

"Cui Hao, you have enough."

Next to Shen Xinyue see Cui Hao attitude is not good, immediately cold face voice to stop.

Cui Hao was stunned and pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache.

"Ouch, let me go, chief editor Shen! I owe you the favor you gave my sister last time, and I'll give it back to you when I have a chance. But I can't help you today. "

If you want to say what the blue sky club is, Cui Hao can't be more clear.

The two leaders above him asked them to turn a blind eye to this place during routine inspection.

Sun Si naturally does not have this face, so it shows that there must be big people behind the blue sky club that they can't afford.

"And I advise you not to provoke this place."

Cui Hao a person said, blue Yue face complex emotions self-evident.

Her fingers on her knees tightened a little, and complex emotions surged in her heart.

"A few days ago, during a visit, I heard people say that officials and officials in Haicheng protect each other. There is no innocent good official from top to bottom. Now even you, a member of the industrial and commercial bureau, are helping sun Si, a rogue businessman. They are right. Haicheng has been in a bad state for a long time. There is no remedy for it. "

"Wait What do you mean by that

Blue Yue stuffy head, tone of complaint, which makes Cui Hao face slightly changed, embarrassed.

"What I mean is that you collude with unscrupulous businessmen like sun Si. Driven by interests, you betray the trust of the party and the state, and ignore the lives and lives of the people in Haicheng."

"Damn it! Who do you think is in collusion with the profiteer? "

After hearing LAN Yue's words, Cui Hao immediately turned red, angry and bent.

Blue Yue will Cui Hao's reaction to a panoramic view, we can see that he is not a mercenary person.

"Since you also admit that sun Si is a traitor, it proves that you have the ability to distinguish right from wrong. You can't help but know what sun Si has done in Haicheng these years. Do you really want to let him go on like this? "

"Our ability is limited. Even if we capture sun Si, we can't move the people behind him. Sooner or later, the second and third sun Si will come out. In the same way, whatever you do now is in vain... "

Cui Hao sighed for a long time. His young face was a bit steady.

Once he was upright and wanted to make a difference in officialdom, but over the years, he saw the darkness of officialdom, and his hot heart gradually cooled down.

So what LAN Yue wants to do in front of him is ridiculous.

"If we don't try, we can know whether it will succeed or not, and as long as we can enter the club today, everything we do will not be in vain."

LAN Yue's attitude is firm and she has already thought it over before she comes. Collecting evidence of sun Si's crime is the first step. If the first step of the plan is not done well, the next plan will not be easy.

Does this woman know what serious consequences are! Never seen so stubborn, Shen Xinyue unexpectedly follow her nonsense, also don't know this woman in the end what origin.

Cui Hao is speechless to LAN Yue. He takes out a paper towel and wipes his sweat. It seems that he can't get away without help.

"Forget it, forget it, it's bad luck for me this time. I'll try to take you in. But let's say it first. Don't make a fool of yourself after you go in. If you implicate me, you won't have a good time in Haicheng in the future. "

See Cui Hao loose a mouthful, blue Yue immediately happy eyebrows, repeatedly nodded.She has hidden both the recorder and the camera. She just goes in for a walk and doesn't make a fuss.

After three people get off the car, they go around the gate of the club and go straight to the back door of the blue sky club. There are four security guards guarding the back door of the club.

After the three of them were stopped, Cui Hao took his time and reported his identity.

It was learned that the people from the industrial and commercial bureau came to inspect, and the security guard informed the manager of the club to deal with it.

"Director Cui, why are you here today! There are many leaders in the club today, and we are always entertaining them in it. "

The manager knew Cui Hao and walked up to him. He lowered his voice. There was something incredible in his voice.

Since the opening of the blue sky club, Mr. Sun has been keeping in touch with each other on a regular basis. The Administration for Industry and Commerce has never bothered them. How could he make a sudden visit today.

"Of course, I know that, but the leaders have said that we should fulfill our duties and treat them equally, so we must do something."

"Well If this is the case, I will report to Mr. Sun. "

See the manager to find sun Si, blue Yue eyebrows jump, secretly worried, but in front of Cui Hao is not slow to stop the manager.

"Wait, you let me finish. However, we also know that Mr. Sun has always abided by his duty and the club has not violated the rules and regulations and evaded taxes. Therefore, we are just going through a formality today. "

"I see what you mean."

"I don't want to disturb the leaders inside. You don't have to tell Mr. Sun. You can take us through the back door and go through the stage."

The manager stood in a daze, looked up at Cui Hao, and noticed the two people behind him.

"Director Cui, who are these two?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!