Chapter 206

"Ask for help? It's burning. Who can help us

Cui Hao sneered, angry and anxious. He regretted how he wanted to go through the muddy water.

"Cui Hao, calm down first. Things are not as serious as you think."

Shen Xinyue glances at Cui Hao with a bad tone. He holds his mobile phone in his slender hand. The map on the mobile phone screen has shown their current positioning.

They are now either going south or North.

If you want to go north, you need to take the national road. The traffic flow of the national road is orderly, and they are likely to be overtaken. But if you go south, there will be a lot of traffic and go through the downtown area. Then they can get rid of the cars behind.

It's just a crossroad to the south, and sun Si's people are likely to be waiting for them at this intersection. This is the most difficult place to do now.

Shen Xinyue has probably figured out what LAN Yue wants to do.

"Of course you can calm down. Now if we are caught, I'm the one who's in trouble! If the blue sky Club accuses me of abusing my private rights today, it doesn't know what punishment it will give me. "

Cui Hao was hysterical and wanted to grab the other two people in the car and beat him up.

He managed to climb to his present position. What's the matter now?

"I had no idea at that time. I knew where it was, and I promised to help you."

LAN Yue is a woman, he can't move, Shen Xinyue this man he also can't provoke, Cui Hao clenched his fist, finally only dare to beat his leg.

Cui Hao is very emotional. LAN Yue and Shen Xinyue can understand his mood, so they are silent and let him complain.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

Blue Yue dials out the telephone to no one to answer, she nervously bit a lip, praying in the heart.

When Qi Yanjun received the call from LAN Yue, he was talking with Gu Xuan at home.

Gu's family has been in business for several generations, and their foundation is very stable. However, Gu Xuan's parents died a decade ago. At present, only Gu Xuan and his son live in the Gu family.

The reason why Qi Yanjun came to care for his family this time was that the Qi family really met with trouble.

As several big families of Haicheng, their relationship has always been good. Although there is no agreement, they have formed an alliance.

Qi Yanjun's visit to Gu Xuan this time is to let Gu's family come forward and win over the entrepreneurs in Haicheng who are wavering between Qi's family and sun Si.

He is not sure enough. LAN Yue can find evidence of sun Si's collusion with corrupt officials in a short period of time. Just in case, he has long thought of meeting Gu Xuan.

On the terrace of gujia villa, the golden sunshine fell on the smooth marble slab.

A row of green roses wrapped around the stake, through the sparse gap between the green leaves, you can see two men opposite the fence.

Among them, Qi Yanjun is wearing a gray shirt, while Gu Xuan is wearing black short sleeves. His beautiful face and tall figure are like two noble sons in the soft light.

Gu's servant brought the best Ceylon black tea. Gu Xuan took the cup and broke the quiet atmosphere first.

"I heard that after you divorce Miao Rong, you can return to LAN Yue. It's also a wish. But how do you think of me now

"I came to you today for business."

Qi Yanjun glanced at Gu Xuan and didn't know what he meant.

Gu Xuan's voice was cold. He lowered his head and looked gloomy.

"What happened to you and Miao Rong is not serious?"

"Gu Xuan, what's wrong with you today?"

"I'm not so much. I just regret why I introduced her to you."

Gu Xuan raised his head, and his eyes fell on Qi Yanjun's face, but his eyes seemed to be looking at something else through his face.

Gu Xuan, whose parents died long ago, is used to being alone. From childhood to adulthood, he is paranoid and irritable. He loves racing, he loves boxing, he likes to deal with everything roughly.

He didn't know love, and he couldn't love, but he met Xu miaoyong, who was gentle and gentle.

For such a gentle and generous girl like a princess, he was at a loss, so that he finally pushed her to other people's side.

But for a long time, he thought that if Xu miaoyong married Qi Yanjun, then he would be willing to be a silent guard knight.

But he didn't expect that the brother he admired most in front of him let him down on this point.

"Since some things have happened, there is no need to pursue any responsibility. I told her from the beginning that my heart has always been on xiaoyue'er. "

Qi Yanjun is indifferent. Gu Xuan doesn't know many things Xu Miaolong has done, and he never intends to tell Gu Xuan.

Even if Gu Xuan misunderstands him, he only hopes that the past things will pass as soon as possible, and the emotional things can start again.

Gu Xuan stares at Qi Yanjun and sneers scornfully. His cold face is even colder because of this ironic smile.Qi Yanjun slowly stood up and walked to the terrace. From Gu's side, you can see the coast in the distance, while in front of him is a sparkling sea, which is a bit dazzling under the sunlight.

After watching the sea for a long time, Qi Yanjun turned to face Gu Xuan. He opened his thin eyelids and revealed a pair of long, narrow and black eyes.

"I used to bet with Rong Yan that you would get married within a few years. In the blink of an eye, five years later, you are still not married. You are never short of women, so I'm curious why you don't get married. Until LAN Yue came back, you frequently for the wonderful appearance, I gradually understand. It turns out that she is the one you like... "

By Qi Yan Jun's words, Gu Xuan did not deny.

His eyes fixed on his ring finger, and then leisurely said, "give up her, you will regret one day."

Qi Yanjun didn't say anything. If he knew Gu Xuan liked Xu miaoyong, he would never give Xu miaoreng any chance. Now he is Xu miaoyong's ex husband, which makes it difficult for him to speak.

But after waiting for Xu miaolung for so many years, where does Xu Miao Rong place Gu Xuan in his heart?

The sea breeze was blowing in my ears, and the smell of salt and wet on the beach came. The conversation between Qi Yanjun and Gu Xuan continued.

"If you still think we are brothers, you come here today to give me an answer."

"I know what you're looking for me for. Even if it's not brotherhood, I'll be on your side this time. We are all businessmen, each for the benefit, I also have my consideration

Gu Xuan had a dignified look and clasped his hands.

"The situation in Haicheng is complex now, but not everyone can take a share. Sun Si's group of people can't help themselves. After they plan to overthrow Qi family, the next step is to look after the family. Even if I don't help you, in order to care for my family, I should join you. We should go ahead before they do it. "

The Qi family and Gu family have supported each other for many years in Haicheng. Although they have a grudge against Qi Yanjun, Gu Xuan still considers the overall situation of the family.

But it is not sun Si who is hard to deal with now, but his uncle.

The Haicheng gang are now surrounded by sun Si, and they are totally dependent on the relationship between his uncle and Haicheng. Moreover, it is said that the relationship between the new governor and his uncle is extraordinary.

Seeing that Gu Xuan had already seen the situation clearly, Qi Yanjun frowned slightly and relaxed.

"The current situation is very clear. If we want to deal with sun Si, we are fighting against a group of people who are in great power. We can imagine the interests."

Because of this, Qi Yanjun did not act rashly, but came to consult Gu Xuan.

Gu Xuan was holding his arm and his eyes were calm. He pursed his thin lips and looked at Qi Yanjun, "what does your father say?"

"Qi's business matters, our father has never been involved, and the past two years grandfather's health is not good, this matter we did not tell him."

What's more, Mr. Qi's character is straightforward, and I'm sure he won't use personal connections for personal affairs.

Gu xuanruo nodded thoughtfully, and his frown was a little more melancholy. "My grandfather talked to me about some things the day before yesterday. There used to be four well-known masters in Haicheng, but now it's not as good as before. Because of the difficulty in transformation, Zhao's enterprises chose to be acquired and went abroad for development. Since the death of their father and Rong Yan, Rongjia has been unable to make great achievements. Now Haicheng is really left with Qi family and Gu family... "

"I have been in charge of the Rong family's industry behind the scenes. I have the heart to cultivate Rong Xiuyuan and hope that he will be able to revive Rong family when he grows up."

Gu Xuan knew that Qi Yanjun was always aloof and aloof, but he also knew that Qi Yanjun was the most affectionate and righteous man among them.

So it's not surprising to learn that he helped the Rong family manage the industry.

When it comes to Rong Yan, it is inevitable that Qi Yanjun and Gu Xuan have a feeling of being lost.

"In the past, you had the best relationship with Rong Yan. If Rong Yan hadn't passed away, today you must have gone to him instead of me."

"The Rong family has been unable to withstand any wind and rain, so in any case, I do not want the Rong family to be involved in this dispute." Qi Yanjun raised his eyebrows and eyes, and his face was serious. "Rong Yan is our brother. We have the responsibility to guard Rong's family for him."

"I understand what you mean, and I agree with it."

Even if Qi's and Gu's are gone, they will try their best to save Rong's family.

In the golden afterglow, two people's beautiful faces appear complex look.

No matter how much estrangement they have, their young friendship is indestructible. In this case, they should fight side by side.

In recent years, Haicheng enterprises headed by Qi have established a business alliance, sharing resources, win-win cooperation and maintaining the market order.

However, because sun Si and others made trouble from it, the situation of the commercial alliance was in chaos. Many enterprises wavered and intended to benefit themselves at the expense of others and carve up the market together with sun Si.

"The urgent task now is to distinguish the situation and find out who is willing to stand on the side of the Qi family and who has completely betrayed the Qi family."Qi Yanjun is on his legs, elegant in posture, and his whole body exudes precious breath in the backlight.

"That's why I came to see you today."

Gu Xuan moved his thick eyebrows and pursed his lips to continue.

"Since the Gu family has decided to stand by the Qi family, you can use the intermediary's identity to help me to find out those who have completely betrayed the Haicheng commercial alliance." , the fastest update of the webnovel!