Chapter 219

With sun Si's order, the former tattooed man rushed out of the woods behind him and caught LAN Yue in Zhang Wang's eyes!

LAN Yue can't guard against it. She doesn't know she's been cheated until her arms hurt.

Those people didn't leave. They were always behind them.

"Bring Miss LAN here. Don't be rude." Sun Si clapped the vacant seat beside him with hypocrisy.

Xu miaoreng's face turned white, and he looked at Qi Yanjun in panic. He squinted slightly, and the small wine cup was against the thin lips of the scarlet color, paying attention to LAN Yue for a moment.

Seeing her expression of pain, Qi Yanjun sank his face, "it seems that Mr. Sun is not trying to cooperate with me."

"Ha ha, Qi Shao, where is this? We are all businessmen. In business, the most important thing is to be safe. If I don't prepare a road more, and if Qi Shao repents, I'll lose all my money. " Sun Si laughed shamelessly.

Blue Yue was a chair, tattooed man standing behind, not allowed to escape.

"Come on, I'd like to propose a toast to miss LAN. I've offended you last time." Sun Si poured a glass of white wine and gave the tattooed man a look.

The tattooed man immediately poured a glass of wine to her.

"I'll do it myself."

LAN Yue avoided, looked up to drink the wine, spicy feeling let her overflow tears. Yu Guang sees Xu miaolung staring at her nervously.

Looking around, she suddenly felt familiar with the scene.

Sun Si brought her and Xu Miaolong here, but he wanted Qi Yanjun to make a choice. In the end, he wanted his wife to stay or his lover to stay.

When she and Qi Yanjun had not divorced, Xu Miaolong arranged such a play. At the beginning, Qi Yanjun chose Xu Miaolong.

I didn't expect it would happen again.

Delicate lips arouse a self mocking smile. LAN Yue is trying to persuade sun si not to waste his mind. Even once again, Qi Yanjun's attention will not be on her.

But at this time, Qi Yanjun stood up with a smile, and poured the drink that sun Si had just handed him, and poured it on the ground. "Sun Si, don't push your luck in front of me."

Sun Si's face muscles trembled, subconsciously picked up a knife against Xu miaoyong's neck, "Qi Yanjun, let's not talk in secret, give me back the bill on your hand, and I'll release the woman immediately!"

"The wise don't speak in secret?" Qi Yan Jun sneered, "isn't Mr. Sun arranged to cheat me over again and again?" He patted his pocket.

Sun Si turned blue.

Although they did not speak clearly, LAN Yue understood. It seems that Qi Yanjun has long known that his mobile phone has been stolen, and sun Si has deliberately cheated him to this place.

"Don't mess around. Don't you think about the life of this woman?" Sun Si quickly gave the tattoo man a look, "and your little lover, you don't want to make a big deal, do you?"

The tattoo man quickly pinches LAN Yue's back neck.

But the tattooed man's hands have been shaking, obviously feel afraid, so LAN Yue doesn't feel pain, just coldly looks at Qi Yanjun to see how he chooses.

One side of Xu miaoyong scared red eyes, a pair of beautiful eyes sadly staring at the man in front of him, "Yan Jun..."

But Qi Yan Jun did not pay attention to her, "Mr. Sun's words count?"

"Of course Sun Si was so excited that he almost stood up. "As long as you are willing to pay the bills stolen from me during this period of time, I promise to deliver them to you perfectly!"

"Mr. Sun, those bills are not stolen back."

Qi Yanjun smiles, and his eyes sweep over LAN Yue.

Seeing that she was not hurt, her tight brow loosened a little. Let Sun Si's men hand over a mobile phone, he wants to call.

"Who are you looking for?" Sun Sili stopped for fear that Qi Yanjun was cheating him.

He has investigated Qi Yanjun's affairs, and naturally knows that Qi Yanjun is not only skilled, but also has a Li Yiyao around him! It was because he was afraid of these people that he deliberately set a lot of traps to lure Qi Yan Jun into the trap.

"Do you think I'll take the bill with me?" Qi Yanjun asked.

Sun si then hissed and secretly asked several hands to go down to the door to guard. Anyone who came in and out of the room had to be searched.

Taking advantage of their agreement on the layout, LAN Yue looks around and finds that there are only guests at their table and a few thugs with knives. It seems that they were hired by sun Si, and this farmhouse should also be sun Si's territory.

On the contrary, Qi Yanjun is the only one She could not help but worry about her delicate eyebrows.

Qi Yan Jun noticed her line of sight, the cold thin lips opened and closed, made a mouth type, "I'm ok."

This kind of ambiguous small action makes LAN Yue's mind slightly confused, but she doesn't want to think about it. She looks down at her eyes and pretends not to see it.

One side of Xu miaoreng all this in the eye, fingernails pinched palm, almost cut skin! She hit sun Si fiercely with her elbow.Sun Si was a little unhappy, but when he saw Xu miaoyong's hate expression, he felt a chill in his heart. Then he put his eyes on LAN Yue and realized that there was something wrong between her and Qi Yanjun.

He suddenly showed a successful smile. He seemed to have a knife against LAN Yue's neck. "Qi Shaogang just said he wanted to take Mrs. Qi away, so this woman had to stay."

"Artest, let go

The tattooed man standing behind LAN Yue listens and pulls Xu miaoyong up and pushes him to Qi Yanjun.

For a sudden situation, Artest glared at Qi Yanjun.

He should be a local ruffian with strong muscles on his body. He can see a terrible scar on his wrist. Even his eyes are full of murderous spirit.

In contrast, Qi Yanjun's momentum is slightly weaker. But he didn't care. He glanced at Artest casually, and a joke flashed in his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Ron Artest is scared. Step back!

Qi Yan Jun increased his smile and looked at Sun Si. "In ten minutes, Mr. Sun can get what you want."

"I believe in Qi Shao."

Sun Si endured the shaking in his hand and continued to hold LAN Yue with a knife.

He originally thought that Qi Yanjun's most concerned woman should be Xu miaoyong. Until Xu miaoyong got out of control and pushed him, he found that Qi Yanjun's eyes were always on LAN Yue's body.

He looked curiously at the woman beside her. There was hardly any flaw in her white face. Even if he was held by a knife, his face did not change.

Sun Si secretly on the heart, increase the strength of holding the knife, dare not let LAN Yue escape.

This is his most important piece!

After waiting for about ten minutes, there came the sound of tire crushing sand at the gate.

Sun Si's men and horses went up to check, from the driver's seat under a pair of glasses, hands do not have the strength to bind a chicken.

"Qi Shao, this is..." The man came over with a black briefcase in his hand.

Qi Yanjun poured out the information in the briefcase. There were only a few documents in it, all of which were data.

"How could there be so many!" Sun is surrounded by no one. Here are almost all his bills. If the information falls into the hands of others

Sun Si didn't dare to think much about it. "Put these things away for me."

Artest and others quickly do things, sun Si angrily gasps for breath, and suddenly gets aimed at LAN Yue, "Qi Yanjun, how many people have you arranged around me?"


Qi Yan Jun dangerously pushed Xu miaoyong back, "I don't want this woman. If I want to know the answer, I'll take her for it."

"Banquet king!" Xu Miaolong was shocked on the spot!

Sun Si frowned in embarrassment, looked at the information on the table top, and then looked at Xu miaoyong. He suddenly clenched his teeth and pulled LAN Yue up, "OK, I promise you! Come on, how many people have you arranged? "

Qi Yanjun made a look.

The man with glasses braved the panic and brought LAN Yue back.

"You should know all these people." Qi Yanjun wrote a note and handed it to him.

Sun Si quickly checked.

Qi Yanjun hugs LAN Yue and leaves, completely ignoring Xu miaoyong, whose face is as dead as ashes.

LAN Yue looked at some feelings, but when she got on the bus, she still pushed Qi Yanjun's hand, "do you hand in the information on your head so easily?"

"Quiet." Qi Yanjun put his slender index finger between his lips and motioned the people in front of him to drive.

When he left the farmhouse, he put one hand on the window and said, "xiaoyue'er, do you know the printer?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!