Chapter 247

The car went all the way to a humble restaurant nearby.

"Go in, Qi Shao will wait for you in there." Someone behind her gave her a push.

Xu miaolung subconsciously raised his hand to protect his abdomen, and suddenly realized that the action was too conspicuous, so he quickly put his hand down. Walking into the dining room, I found that there was no one in it. It was probably chartered.

The orange lights were all around her. Every step forward, she could hear the sound of "patter" footsteps coming from her feet, which made her heart strings tense.

Walking into the hall, you can see a white shirt in front of the bar, looking at a bottle of wine.

When Yu Guang glimpses her coming, he says nothing. The cold look in his eyes makes Xu miaolung more uneasy, and his lips tremble slightly. "Yan Jun, didn't you come with LAN Yue Why don't you stay with her? "

If she could, she would never mention LAN Yue! But only LAN Yue can distract you.

She can't let qiyanjun discover her secret before the rescue soldiers come here!

Unexpectedly, when you open your mouth, you will stab her to death! "What do you do in the hospital?"

Xu miaolung suddenly realized that someone had followed her just now! Looking back at the bodyguard standing outside, her thoughts flow quickly, trying to find an excuse to vague things in the past, "I I'm just doing some general physical tests

"It's a pregnancy test." Pray for the emperor to come to her.

"No, it's not!" Xu Miaolong was shocked and retreated. He didn't expect to know even these things! In case you let qiyanjun know what she has done -

no! Don't let him know! Xu miaoreng covers his stomach in a panic and keeps retreating, but there is no other expression on his face. The cup in his hand is placed on the table top.

He glanced at Xu miaoyong's action of covering his abdomen. His eyes were dim, and he handed over the prepared agreement, "signed the divorce agreement."

"You, you came here to get me to sign this?"

She can't help but feel relieved. She finds that she is more willing to divorce qiyanjun than to be found out that the child exists. Because she is very clear, the Lord of praying banquet won't allow this child to stay!

Divorce is just her delaying tactic!

"I sign it!"

Xu miaolung clenched his teeth and signed his name with a pen. The handwriting was very ugly.

After becoming a star, she practiced her signature countless times under the supervision of her agent. Even with her eyes closed, she could write a perfect signature, but all of these were defeated in front of the Lord praying for banquet.

She tried to hold up her neck, endure the sour eyes, maintain pride, "can I go now?"

"Of course." May I ask you to see the agreement in front of you.

Xu miaolung wiped away her tears and walked away from here. She was afraid that the LORD would suddenly repent and ask why she had to have a pregnancy test.

When she met with Xuanjun, she must have been photographed. She would rather pray that she thought she was cheating than that the child would be found at this time.

"Miss Xu, I'll take you back." The bodyguard came forward to ask.

"No more!" Xu miaolung refused mercilessly and stopped another taxi.

The bodyguard had followed her, and naturally she didn't like to expose her whereabouts in front of this person. After taking a taxi, Xu miaolung changed his hotel and arranged for the plane to leave early tomorrow morning. He didn't want to be discovered by Qi Yanjun.

"Qi Shao, Miss Xu left." The bodyguard walked into the dining room. "This is the information just taken back from the hospital. It shows that Miss Xu once had artificial pregnancy. Does this need to be checked out?"

Most of the hospital's information is confidential, without Qi Yanjun's order, he dare not to check.


Qi Yan Jun leaned against the bar, recalled Xu miaoyong's action of covering his stomach, and his eyes were cold and cold. "These things, for the time being, can't let anyone know."


When ordered, the bodyguard will act immediately.

But Xu miaolung's secrecy work is very strict, and she can't expose her secret in a short time. Qi Yanjun was not in a hurry. He went back to the hotel to have a rest.

At this time, LAN Yue is busy sorting out the materials needed for tomorrow's meeting in her room. Guan Mengmeng is sitting on the sofa and flipping through her mobile phone to avoid disturbing LAN Yue's work.


But as soon as she opened her microblog, she saw a picture of Xu miaolung. Not only that, but also she and LAN Yue were captured on the photo! Guan Mengmeng was surprised. "Sister LAN Yue, please come and have a look. How did this picture get to us?"


Before she could react, Guan Mengmeng approached her face with her mobile phone.

It's showing the microblog page, and a photo is opened at the end of the page. LAN Yue zooms in and finds that a netizen claims to have met Xu miaolung and her agent fighting at the airport.

"This is --" Lan Yue immediately recognized that this was the scene they saw at the airport. At that time, there were two passers-by excitedly saying that they wanted to put the photos on the Internet, but they didn't expect that things were really bigThe two passers-by uploaded a total of six photos, not even mosaic. In the front photos, you can see Xu miaolung and her agent standing in the corridor. Their faces are not very good-looking, and they are obviously fighting.

She and Guan Mengmeng can be seen in the last few pictures. She was wearing a black light gauze sunscreen shirt with a white vest inside. She was looking down at her mobile phone, while Guan Mengmeng was looking over there. She didn't find that she had been photographed secretly.

There are several netizens at the bottom asking who they are, and some even comment that Xu miaoyong is even better looking.

"Are these people going too far? Upload the photos without my permission, and some people say they want me to be flesh? " Guan Mengmeng gnaws her teeth.

LAN Yue flipped through the comments, and some of them were too much. She advised Guan Mengmeng not to be angry. She opened the chat window and contacted the blogger directly and asked him to delete the photo.

But before going to bed, the blogger has not replied.

"They didn't reply on purpose, did they?"

It's a double room. Guan Mengmeng sleeps on the big bed next to her. She shrinks in the bed and stares at her mobile phone. "In less than one night, the comments are over ten thousand. This blogger should be very beginning! It's so hateful to take other people's photos and earn heat! "

"I'll leave it to the lawyer tomorrow."

LAN Yue also doesn't like this kind of behavior, but she also knows that the bloggers deliberately ignore them and want to continue to earn popularity. In the face of these people, it's just a waste of time to tell them more truth. It's better to do some practical actions.

"Well, bear with them one more night!"

Guan Mengmeng turns off the lamp.

The room fell into darkness.

LAN Yue turns her back to Guan Mengmeng, takes out her mobile phone, and involuntarily turns to Qi Yanjun's number and wants to call him. After all, after leaving the airport, they did not contact and did not know what Qi Yanjun did.

But why did she call Qi Yanjun?

LAN Yue screwed off her eyebrows, put her mobile phone on the desk, and tried to brush off the absurd idea in her mind! She has nothing to do with Qi Yanjun. Why should she care about his itinerary? She should be more concerned about why Qi Yanjun just appeared, is it with her?

Confused thoughts make people dizzy, blue Yue unconsciously fell asleep in the past, on the desktop of the mobile phone ring up, do not know, it shows the "Qi Yan Jun" phone.

“……” A minute later, the call was automatically hung up and the woman in bed had fallen asleep.


In the room on the other side of the hotel, Qi Yanjun put his mobile phone aside and sipped a glass of red wine alone.

It was nearly ten o'clock when the door was knocked.

"Qi Shao, we found out." The bodyguard took the file and came seriously. "Miss Xu came to see the doctor about the sample a month ago, hoping that the doctor could help her with artificial pregnancy. She even lied that she was infertile. Besides, she also mentioned Qi Shao... "

"What did she say?" Qi Yanjun "Oh" sound, insipid shaking the wine in his hand, not surprised at all.

But this is what he looks like, but the bodyguard's face slightly changed. He carefully handed out the information, "she The excuse she told the doctor was that she wanted to give birth to a child by artificial insemination because she was at odds with Qi Shao's husband and wife , the fastest update of the webnovel!