Chapter 249

"If nothing happens, I'll go first."

Do not want to bear the sight of others, LAN Yue directly picked up the bag and left. Qi Yanjun quickly caught up with him and held him in his arms. "I have something to do recently, and I may not be able to accompany you. Don't get angry. "

He pastes it very close, and LAN Yue can feel her warm lips sticking to her ears, which makes her very uncomfortable. But when hearing those words with a few silks of soft "don't be angry", LAN Yue stopped trying to push away his action, bursts of numbness flooded into my heart.

Qi Yanjun wants her to be soft. It's really It's hard to see.

Although the relationship between the two in the past was not bad, it was never harmonious. She had hoped for countless times to be like ordinary husband and wife with Qi Yanjun, even if they were respectful to each other. However, in the end, Qi Yanjun let her thoroughly taste the taste of despair.

Five years later, the arrogant and wanton man was submissive.

The shock in her heart made her unable to react. Until Qi Yanjun suddenly took her hand and took her to the outside of the restaurant, LAN Yue suddenly flicked his hand away. "I think you misunderstood me. I come to a meeting, not to play. You don't need to bother Qi Shao to accompany me."

She looked at her watch and said, "I have to go back to the hotel. Don't disturb me." LAN Yue walks very fast. She takes out a wet paper towel from her bag and tries to erase Qi Yanjun's touch in her palm. However, she can't smooth the ripples in her heart.

Headache of the paper towel rolled into a ball into the garbage can, blue Yue sat on the car, do not look at the people standing on the side of the road.

Qi Yan Jun seems not to mind blue Yue's move, but also very interested to see her leave.

The bodyguard then came over and said, "Qi Shao, Miss Xu has returned to the hotel. Shall we go there?"

"It's too late. It'll be over tomorrow. Give this flower a blue delight

Qi Yanjun hands over the red rose.

"OK, Qi Shao." Although the bodyguard had doubts, he didn't ask much.

After sending Qi Yanjun back to the hotel, he went to LAN Yue's room in person. On the surface, he handed over the flowers with water drops in his hands.

LAN Yue is chatting with LAN Chen Hao on the phone. Confused, she takes the rose and is just seen by Guan Mengmeng.

"Sister LAN Yue, what does he mean by sending you this flower?" Guan Mengmeng lies on the sofa curiously and looks at the rose. He doesn't see any special place.

LAN Yue makes a "wait a moment" gesture with her, and continues to listen to LAN Chenhao reporting today's homework on the other end of the mobile phone. From time to time, Rong Xiuyuan can be heard urging him to hurry up. It seems that the two children are going to play games again.

Lift an eye to see the pointer on the watch, only eight o'clock, the time is not too late, plus blue Chen Hao has finished the homework, LAN Yue also don't want to be too strict with him, put forward to hang up the phone, "Haohao, you and Xiuyuan don't play too late."

"I see, mom! I'll talk to Xiuyuan. " Blue Chen Hao cheered and hung up the phone.

LAN Yue couldn't laugh or cry. When she put down her mobile phone, she saw that red rose was inserted into a delicate glass bottle. It should be Guan Mengmeng's. When she looks back, Guan Mengmeng is already in bed, wearing headphones and watching the video.

LAN Yue doesn't want to disturb her, so she moves the vase to the hall. She stares for a long time. She doesn't know what Qi Yanjun wants to do, and Xu miaoyong is also very strange.

Suddenly came to look for her, and suddenly said some strange things.

I really can't figure out what they mean. She went to take a bath and go to bed. There will be a meeting early tomorrow morning. Since she had her own company, she has found that many things can be ignored.

The meeting lasted eight days, longer than expected for a week.

LAN Yue is busy preparing materials every day. Although Guan Mengmeng is willing to help, she is not too familiar with the business in the company and dare not help casually. She has to buy coffee for lanyue and tell her to have a rest early.

Blue Yue also advised her a few words, she finally willing to take the initiative to call back, to her parents explain the itinerary.

"Sister LAN Yue, is that Qi Yanjun's car?"

On the day they left, the clients came to see them off. Suddenly, he pulled her sleeve and motioned to her.

LAN Yue looked at it and saw a black car parked on the road opposite to the hotel door. The painted black body reflected the dazzling light under the sunlight. She squinted a little and found that the driver's window was open and the bodyguard she had seen was leaning against the driver's seat.

Maybe she noticed her sight, and the bodyguard pushed the door and got out of the car. "Miss LAN, Qi Shao said that she would take you to the airport. May I help you with your luggage first? "

"We called didi..."

Guan Mengmeng is trying to get her luggage back, but a thin white arm stops her. LAN Yue gave a stop look, "Meng Meng, let him move. You call to cancel the car. "

"But..." Guan Mengmeng is still dissatisfied and doesn't want to ride in the same car with Qi Yanjun.

But LAN Yue's eyes showed a sense of dignity, so that she could not refute, so she had to slant her mouth, let the bodyguard move the luggage, and then called the driver to cancel the trip."Meng Meng, let's go."

Let the customers go back first. LAN Yue takes Guan Mengmeng to the car, but he is just halfway there. The door of the back seat was opened first. Qi Yanjun gazed at her with a smile, "get on the bus."

I haven't seen you for a few days. This expression still makes her feel nervous! Blue Yue holding the bag, blind to the co driver's seat, "I can sit in front of you, please Qishao."

"Sister LAN Yue, you'd better go back!" Guan Mengmeng nervously pushes her away. She gets into the front passenger seat and makes a gesture of asking for help. Then she looks at Qi Yanjun in fear.

I hate him, but I'm afraid of him! If LAN Yue sat in front of her, she would not dare to sit with Qi Yanjun!

So I had to sacrifice LAN Yue. Guan Mengmeng quietly made a mouth shape, indicating that she would be invited to dinner when she went back.

LAN Yue had no choice but to take a detour to the back seat.

Qi Yanjun's smile increased, and she held her hands on the door. But LAN Yue didn't want to see him more. If she would promise the bodyguard, she just wanted to find out what Qi Yanjun and Xu miaoyong were doing. It was not good to be kept in the dark.

They book their tickets at noon and there are not many cars on the road. After two hours' drive, they arrived at the airport smoothly. The bodyguard helped them to register. LAN Yue saw Qi Yanjun take out the ticket and seemed to go back with them.

"Sister LAN Yue, please accompany me to the bathroom."

Guan Mengmeng really doesn't like to be with Qi Yanjun. She carefully takes LAN Yue's hand. With her poor eyes, LAN Yue can't bear to refuse her. After a deep look at Qi Yanjun, she goes to the bathroom, but she doesn't find Qi Yanjun staring at her with a smile behind her.

He saw through that Lan Yue was testing him, but he didn't intend to refuse For a long time, LAN Yue did not take the initiative to approach him.

"Qi Shao, the procedures have been completed." The bodyguard came back with the ticket. "I asked just now. Miss Xu's ticket is also today, just as we planned."

"After you get on the plane, take good care of Xu miaoyong. At the same time, arrange the car to go directly to the hospital. " His eyes were gloomy.

The bodyguard's face changed slightly, and then he responded. Naturally, he knew that Qi Yanjun would never let Xu miaoyong go. After all, Xu Miaolong made a big mistake this time!

Originally, Xu miaoyong planned to leave quietly a few days ago, but Qi Yanjun kept her ticket under pressure. Until today, the airport informed her that she could leave.

Xu miaorong will never miss this opportunity.

"That person, very much like Xu miaoyong?"

Coming out of the bathroom, Guan Mengmeng sees a woman with a silk scarf on her neck and sunglasses on her face as she walks towards the airport. She was also wearing a loose long T-shirt and tight trousers on her lower body, outlining the long legged shape. He was wrapped up all over.

However, the figure of this person is too much like Xu miaoyong. Guan Mengmeng can't help looking at it more. But she has no evidence, and she can't stop people rashly.

Just at this time, blue Yue came out of the bathroom, she had to withdraw her sight, frown suspiciously.

"Meng Meng, what's the matter?" LAN Yue is aware of something strange. , the fastest update of the webnovel!