Chapter 256

"Yes, why are you suddenly interested in this?" Guan Xiaoxiao is very strange.

"It's OK. You can ask for leave tomorrow. I have something to do."

"Well Well, call me if you need anything. "

Guan Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment to agree, worried that Lan Yue would have an accident, but after thinking about it, LAN Yue is already an adult, and he is not suitable to follow her all day.

After hanging up the phone, LAN Yue took a bath and went to bed.

The next day, I went out early in the morning and spent the whole day. I came back in the evening.

Wait until the weekend, she sent the blue Chen Hao to the Qi family there, let Yunfang carefully watch, don't take two children out to play.

Yunfang was very dissatisfied with it, "don't take them out to play, let them play games at home all day? I'm short-sighted when I play

"Mrs. Qi, I don't mean that."

LAN Yue takes her to one side and confirms that the two children can't hear, and then tells Yunfang what Guan Mengmeng saw before. But she didn't directly say that Xu Miaolong was behind the scenes, saying only that someone had targeted the two children of the Qi family.

"Really?" Yun Fang lost color on her face.

"Yes, Qi Shao also knows these things."

LAN Yue nodded solemnly without saying too much.

Yunfang was born into a powerful family. In recent years, she has seen many kidnappings of powerful families. She usually extorts money and even tears tickets! Think of two children may be in danger, she did not care to question blue Yue, quickly to find Li Yiyao request to strengthen security..

It is better to believe in its existence than to believe in nothing!

LAN Yue is also relieved. After confirming that the two children are safe, she plans to go to Xu miaoyong.

She can tolerate Xu miaoyong's provocation to her, but she can't tolerate Xu miaoyong's repeated hitting on her children's attention!

Halfway through the car, I got a call from Guan Mengmeng.

"Sister LAN Yue, I see Xu miaoyong again." Guan Mengmeng's voice is a little noisy. It sounds like there are many people. "The man who went to the hospital to pick up Xu miaoyong was also there."

"Gu Xuan?" Now, where are you frowning

"Entertainment companies."

Guan Mengmeng gave her an address.

There are several famous entertainment companies in the city. Guan Mengmeng's company is just suitable for Xu miaolung to sign an appointment. It's not surprising to meet Xu miaolung here.

LAN Yue rushed to the gate, but saw a group of people holding a sign with Xu miaoyong's name on it. They seemed to be fans.

"Sister LAN Yue, are you here so soon?"

Guan Mengmeng runs out of the side door with his backpack on his back. His long hair is tied into a cool ponytail, full of vitality. She also saw those fans, curled her mouth and showed displeasure. She took LAN Yue into the entertainment company, and volunteered to explain today's itinerary.

"Is this entertainment company interested in signing up with you?"

LAN Yue got the point.

"Yes, sister LAN Yue, you feel strange, too." Guan Mengmeng took out her mobile phone and showed her the chat records of senior executives of the entertainment company. "They said they saw the photos of Xu miaoyong and me on the airport, and they thought I had great potential. They called me several times last night, and I came to have a look."

"But I intend to refuse them." She snorted, "although they didn't tell me clearly, I also know that they just thought Xu miaoyong was about to resign, so they asked me to come over. I don't want to be a substitute for Hsu Miu Yung. "

"Mengmeng, if you like acting, you can try it."

LAN Yue gazed at her side face, saw several silk dejected. Guan Mengmeng hasn't been particularly fond of things, so it's good to make some new attempts. Maybe Guan Mengmeng will like this career.

But she didn't intend to interfere too much with Guan Mengmeng's affairs. She mainly asked about Xu miaoyong's whereabouts.

"They're just over the lounge, I saw it, but I didn't let them see me." Guan Mengmeng points to the front of the corridor and asks suspiciously, "sister LAN Yue, do you want to find Xu miaoyong for something?"


LAN Yue doesn't intend to involve Guan Mengmeng and goes to the rest room alone. The door was hidden. She knocked on the door gently. She heard a slight sound coming from inside. She pushed the door open and saw Xu miaoreng looking over her abdomen.

After seeing who the visitor was, Xu miaolung blackened, "who allowed you to come in?"

"I've come here to tell you something."

LAN Yue closes the door and there are only two of them in the lounge. Even the window screen in front of the window was pulled up, and the afternoon sun was shining through, so that the light would not be too dim.

There are two cups on the tea table, which are combined with Guan Mengmeng's words. One of the cups should be Gu Xuan's, but Gu Xuan went out.

Just for her to make it clear.

LAN Yue put the photos taken before on the desktop, "these photos, I think Miss Xu will have an impression."


Xu miaolung shows disgust on the body, determined that blue Yue is to come to make trouble. But when she saw the picture clearly, her face suddenly changed! "Where did you find these pictures?"Say, want to snatch mobile phone.

But LAN Yue's speed was faster than her. She took her mobile phone back, "is Miss Xu afraid?"

"You You're talking nonsense Xu miaolung blushed, but she didn't dare to mess around. She didn't expect that Lan Yue could find the picture of her trading with a man and took it.

A glance at the picture recognized that it was the restaurant where the transaction took place. But the content of the photo is a little fuzzy. Xu miaolung can only vaguely see it, but she can recognize the restaurant at a glance.

The restaurant was specially selected by her, and she invited Gu Xuan to have dinner with her that day, just to prove her own proof. If Qi Yanjun finds out about this, she can also excuse that she only went to dinner that day and Gu Xuan helped her as a witness.

But how did LAN Yue get this picture?

"Give me your picture. Why do you take a picture of me without my permission?" Xu miaolung holds her breath.

LAN Yue did not pay attention to her, smoothed the wrinkles on her skirt and sat on the sofa, "then I have to ask, what is Miss Xu doing that day?" This sentence inquires to listen to seem to be mediocre without strange, however, blue Yue sharp eye actually stares at on the body.

Xu miaolung retreats, reaches into his pocket secretly and dials Gu Xuan's phone. Now we can only ask Gu Xuan to help her.

After feeling the phone call through, Xu miaolung adjusted her mood and went to the door, "I don't know what you're talking about. I need a rest now. Please go out!"

"Miss Xu explains things clearly, and I will go out naturally." LAN Yue stood up and stopped her, "Xu miaolung, if you really want to give birth to the child, I can't stop you. But if you have other thoughts, I can't stand it. "

"What do you mean by that?"

The other party's cold eyes are she has never seen, Xu miaolung subconsciously covers her abdomen and retreats. Now that she is still pregnant with a child, she does not dare to touch LAN Yue.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." Blue Yue shakes mobile phone, "are you going to let this person take Haohao away?"

"You're talking nonsense!"

Xu miaolung screamed and hung up the phone, afraid that Gu Xuan would know about these things. Although Gu Xuan protects her, Gu Xuan is not stupid, and he is also interested in LAN Chen Hao.

"Is that nonsense? Miss Xu would like to go with me to verify it?" LAN Yue comes forward to take her away.

Xu miaolung retreats in horror and accidentally bumps into the vase on the table top. The vase fell to the ground with a bang, which startled Xu miaolung. However, seeing LAN Yue continue to approach, she kicked those glass fragments to LAN Yue's side, trying to stop LAN Yue. "You don't want to come here!"

While LAN Yue's pace is blocked, she quickly runs to the door, trying to find Gu Xuan.

Who knows the door was suddenly pushed open at this time, almost hit Xu miaolung. After a series of emotional shocks, Xu Miaolong began to feel the pain in his lower abdomen and raised his head with difficulty. Originally, he thought he would see Gu Xuan standing at the door, but the one who saw it was Guan Mengmeng, who was nervous and puzzled.

"What happened to sister LAN Yue? I also heard the noise outside Why is there so much glass? " Guan Mengmeng is frightened by the broken glass on the ground. When she turns around, she sees Xu miaolung covering her abdomen with a pale face.

"This What's going on here? " Guan Mengmeng knows that Xu Miaolong is pregnant There are only LAN Yue and Xu miaoyong in the room. This , the fastest update of the webnovel!