Chapter 260

When netizens saw these photos, they all stood up to speak for Xu miaoyong. Even some black powder before that didn't mean they couldn't see it.

"What's going on here? Xu miaoyong is really pregnant?" Guan Xiaoxiao exclaimed, and suddenly he put his eyes on LAN Yue. "Xiaoyue'er, the ex-wife they mentioned, doesn't mean you? You just went out to meet Xu miaoyong, and she took these pictures? "

"That's too much!"

Before waiting for her to speak, Guan Xiaoxiao angrily patted the table, "these things must be arranged by Xu miaoyong. How can you scold her? What's more, she's pregnant and I don't know if it's true. Has Qi Yanjun touched her? "

She opened a comment and gave Xu miaolung a lot of bad comments, attracting a few netizens to watch.

Seeing Guan Xiaoxiao roll up his sleeves to quarrel with them, LAN Yue stops her, "Xiaoxiao, you don't have to worry about these things. Someone will deal with them."

"Who will deal with these things, Qi Yanjun?"

LAN Yue just wanted to say "no". The mobile phone on the side rings. She thought it was Xu Tong's phone, but she saw the caller ID of Yunfang. Glancing at the computer screen, LAN Yue is clear.

Sure enough, as soon as she got through to the phone, Yunfang asked angrily, "did you know Miao Rong was pregnant, so you were in a hurry to divorce her and Yan Jun? How can your mind be so vicious? It's the grandson of Qi family

LAN Yue couldn't help but take away her mobile phone. When Yunfang finished, she said calmly, "Mrs. Qi, this matter, she should ask Xu miaoyong."

"Good! I'll ask you face to face! You can come to me at once Yunfang angrily hung up the phone.

The sharp voice made her ears hurt a little. When she looked up, she saw Guan Xiaoxiao looking at her with heartache, "are the people of Qi family going to trouble you again?"

"It's OK. I'll come over."

With Xu Tong to the recorder, she packed things and was about to go out.

Guan Xiaoxiao followed him. Seeing that she was about to get on the bus, he couldn't help but stop for a moment, "Xiao yue'er, these things should be solved by Qi Yan Jun. you don't have to take all of them on your body. If Xu miaolung is really pregnant, it is also Qi Yanjun's child. It has nothing to do with you! "

"I know."

LAN Yue turned out her mobile phone and saw a dark in her eyes. She didn't want to see Qi Yanjun now. As long as you take the recording given by Xu Tong, you can solve the problem perfectly. Why wait for Qi Yanjun to help her?

In the past, she had been waiting for Qi Yanjun. When she was disappointed, she had to let go. This time, she really didn't want to rely on anyone.

But she also knew that Guan Xiaoxiao was worried about her. After giving a soothing look, she closed the car and went down the main road to Qijia villa.

As soon as I went in, I heard the woman's suppressed sobs. Xu miaolung was sitting on the sofa, wiping her tears. Yunfang was watching with heartache.

"Lan Yue, come here!"

See blue Yue standing at the door, cloud Fang black face, eyes no longer have a little pity, only left dislike.

It seems that Xu Miaolong has already talked with Yunfang.

"Mrs Qi, what can I do for you?"

LAN Yue did not sigh in her heart. She took out a recorder from her bag, but somehow she felt a chill in her palm. Maybe Guan Xiaoxiao's words played a role.

In Qi's family, Yunfang always dislikes her. Even Qi Yanjun's father and grandfather only reluctantly accept her for the sake of their children, let alone the attitude of Qi Hanmo and Qi Yingying.

All of a sudden, she didn't want to argue.

LAN Yue hesitated to release his hand and let the recorder fall back to the bottom of the bag. Perhaps, let Yunfang misunderstand her, this result is the best.

In this way, she can leave with Haohao and return the identity of Qi family's little milk to Xu Miaolong, and Xu miaolung has no excuse to fight LAN Chen Hao again

She screwed off her eyebrows and began to think about the feasibility of this approach.

Seeing her hesitation, Yunfang confirmed the previous idea and patted Xu miaoyong on the shoulder. She opened her mouth to scold LAN Yue.

But at this time, there was a very subtle and clear whistle on the second floor. LAN Yue's body trembled slightly. Looking back, she saw Qi Yanjun standing on the white European guardrail on the second floor, and gave her a light look.

She grasped her hand and stood up angrily to leave. She hated Qi Yanjun's behavior very much.

"Where do you want to go, little yue'er?"

Qi Yanjun strode downstairs, directly pulling her wrist, "don't you want to say something?"

"No Blue Yue deep endure anger, want to get rid of, but the other party's grasp is very strong, she has no chance to break free. Just thinking of asking Qi Yanjun what he meant, he saw Gu Xuan coming down from the study on the second floor.

He was also wearing a black suit, apparently coming directly from the company.

"Gu Xuan?"

Seeing Gu Xuan, Xu miaolung is more surprised than she is. Gu Xuan knows about artificial pregnancy. If Gu Xuan stands in lanyue, Yunfang iron will not believe her.

No! She must let her child be born aboveboard, LAN Yue must leave here."Gu Xuan, why are you here? Uncle Gu is looking for you. " Xu miaolungqiang pretended to be calm and went to the front and secretly pulled Gu Xuan's sleeve, implying that he would leave.

She has been with Gu Xuan for some time, and Gu Xuan will understand her meaning.

However, Gu Xuan just looked at her deeply. Without waiting for Xu Miao Rong to react, he held her in his arms. "Aunt Qi, don't disturb you. I'll go back with Miao Rong first."

"You, this is..."

Looking at Gu Xuan's hand affectionately placed on Xu miaoreng's waist, Yunfang was stunned. Her expression changed from surprise to suspicion. Finally, she examined Xu miaolung with a few shreds of anger.

Yunfang is not an old antique who never goes out of the house. When she sees the actions of Gu Xuan and Xu miaolung, she realizes that their relationship is not simple. But Xu miaoreng just told her that she is pregnant with Qi Yanjun's child, and in a twinkling of an eye, she hugs Gu Xuan again. Isn't this very suspicious?

"Auntie Yun, I and Gu Xuan --"

after Xu miaolung reacted, she immediately pushed the man away, even pinched the back of his hand with her fingernails, but Gu xuanmei did not move to tighten her strength, which made her unable to break free.

LAN Yue can also see something wrong with them. How can Gu Xuan suddenly make such an ambiguous move that Yunfang misunderstands Xu miaoyong?

At this time, her sensitive palm was scratched for a moment, and her reflexive head bumped into Qi Yanjun's deep smiling eyes, shaking her mind.

Until Qi Yan Jun bowed his head close, she was surprised to return to God, want to avoid.

"Don't you believe me?" His deep voice pressed to his ear and his warm breath came.

She froze and a blank flashed through her mind. But soon, she forced herself to come back to herself again, "Qi Shao thinks too much. I don't want to believe you, and there is no need to misunderstand you."

She took out the recorder from her bag and handed it to Yunfang. "Mrs. Qi, I have nothing to say about Miss Xu's affairs. There is only such a recording."

Put things down, she left over Qi Yanjun.

The wrist was caught

Blue Yue immediately left, not to see Qi Yan Jun eyes lonely. After stepping out of the gate, a fresh breeze blew. She was more sober. Recalling the act of handing in the recorder, she felt a little impulsive.

However, she did not want to entangle with Qi Yanjun any more

Quickly back to the car, touch the cheek to find that the tears have fallen. Perhaps, her heart is reluctant to give up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!