Chapter 276

"Wait a minute."

before LAN Yue finished her words, her lips were kissed, and the other party pried her lips with some forbearance and waited patiently for her response.

With the deepening of the kiss, LAN Yue softened down and whispered to climb Qi Yanjun's shoulder. Her head was blank. She felt that there was a burning heat in her abdomen, and she was eager to put out the flame.

She couldn't help rubbing Qi Yanjun with her long legs. Her thigh root accidentally ran into a place, and she was scared to shrink away. But Qi Yanjun grabs her feet and climbs on her waist. They are in close and seamless contact.

"Qi Yanjun, don't, get up..."

But at the door, LAN Yue hummed and refused, afraid that if she compromised tonight, she would be more inseparable from Qi Yanjun in the future.

"Little yue'er, I feel bad."

Qi Yanjun's hands were on both sides of her head, and her forehead was full of sweat and suffered a lot.

Down the line of sight, you can see his well-organized chest, and every inch of his muscles are emitting an attractive breath. LAN Yue saw a new scar on the side of her body, which had been extending ferociously to her back.

This scar was left by him to save her on the day of the accident.

In this moment of shaking God, Qi Yanjun kisses her lips again, but there is no next step. She is waiting for LAN Yue's response.

What he wants is not coercion, but her sincere acceptance.

"Don't do this..." LAN Yue avoids his kiss, and tears remain in her eyes.

"Don't think about it?" Qi Yanjun's breath was burning hot, and he tried his best to tease her.

But the woman under the body is not willing to see him, a trace of loss in the heart, Qi Yanjun stood up, put the quilt on her body, "sleep first. I'll take a shower. "

It's hard to hide the loneliness in his voice.

LAN Yue curled up and wrapped up the quilt. She is not unwilling to accept Qi Yanjun, is afraid that she will sink, will lose That kind of blind giving made her afraid.

Taking advantage of Qi Yanjun did not come back, she closed her eyes and pretended to sleep, so as not to be entangled by Qi Yanjun for a while.

Today, she had been busy all day for the press conference. She really went to sleep. Even the door of the bathroom was pushed open, and there was still scarlet on her white face.

Qi Yanjun walked to the bedside and kissed her carefully, but she did not dare to linger for too long for fear of waking her up and being rejected again.

Tonight, he was too anxious to give LAN Yue enough time to adapt.

With a mobile phone, Qi Yanjun quietly went to the balcony, sat on the chair and lit a cigarette. Half open bathrobe can see his strong chest, there are still residual water droplets, sexy and lazy.

Nearly 12 o'clock, Li Yiyao called and said, "Qi Shao, the boy is gone. This time, just like last time, someone met him outside the hotel. It seems that they were prepared for it

"Why do they want to approach xiaoyue'er?"

"It's not clear yet." Li Yiyao said solemnly, "the only thing that can be sure is that they have no malice towards Miss LAN. When the last accident happened, they helped to call the police. But they didn't seem to want to show up. The police left as soon as they came."

"Call the police and find them."

"OK." Li Yiyao understood the meaning of Qi Yan Jun.

There are so many police officers that if they are wanted all over the city, their plans can be disrupted, and it will be easier to investigate them.

"Hang up." Qi Yanjun didn't want to talk more. He put down his mobile phone and saw his cigarette burned out before returning to his room.

LAN Yue has fallen into a deep sleep, can hear her steady breathing sound.

Qi Yanjun lightly hugged her and caressed her cheek with a slightly thick finger back. No matter who it was, he could not take LAN Yue away from him!


When she wakes up, LAN Yue doesn't notice anything after sleeping.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she felt an arm wrapped around her waist, and her scalp felt numb. She was very clear about whose it was. She carefully controlled the strength and left from Qi Yanjun's arms, changed her clothes and left.

But do not know, just closed the door, the man on the bed opened his eyes, lost looking at the empty arms.

But he didn't force LAN Yue too hard this time, nor did he follow her back to the company, so that she could have a buffer time.

Blue Yue back to the company, immediately by colleagues spray a head of ribbon.

"Xiaoyue'er, our press conference last night was a great success! You see, the Internet is full of relevant reports and photos of Meng Meng! " Guan Xiaoxiao took her shoulder and handed the tablet over.

Because of Ellie's presence, the conference ended completely. More than half of the reporters on the scene came for Ellie, but they were keen to capture Guan Mengmeng, who was not afraid of stage.

The bright and white color of the dress makes it look beautiful and beautiful.

As soon as the photo was put on the Internet, hundreds of thousands of netizens immediately attracted their attention. They all wanted to know who Guan Mengmeng was.

However, LAN Yue didn't disclose Guan Mengmeng's name, mainly because she didn't want Guan Mengmeng to get too much attention and worried that she would not be able to bear it."Let the PR department keep this hot."

"I see. I've just explained it." Guan Xiaoxiao giggled and took her to celebrate. "It's not easy to finish the press conference. I should have a good rest today, and don't think about work any more."


Lanyue drinks wine to cover up her fatigue. Last night, Qi Yanjun almost went wrong. No matter how determined she was, she couldn't concentrate on her work today.

Fortunately, colleagues saw that the press conference was over and spontaneously held a celebration in the office. LAN Yue also allowed them not to work today and could go home to have a rest in the afternoon.

At the celebration, Guan Mengmeng and Aili were invited as great meritorious officials.

Guan Mengmeng is gentle and soon gets along with her colleagues. However, Aili is not good at Chinese and her eyes are so sharp that others dare not talk to her any more. She drinks a few drinks alone and then leaves.

"This girl cooperated with us all the time. It seems that I misunderstood her." Guan Xiaoxiao watched Aili leave, and then felt strange, "but I really don't understand why Xu miaoyong suddenly helped us? Without Ellie, I'm afraid that Meng Meng alone would not have caused such a big stir. "

“……” LAN Yue also doubts this, "don't rush to find out, see how Xu miaoyong will deal with it."

"Good." Guan Xiaoxiao nodded a little thoughtfully. She still understood the reason why she could not move me. Besides, even if she really doubted them, she could not do it easily, lest she would be bitten and ungrateful.

The celebration lasted until noon, and colleagues were in high spirits and ordered a pile of takeout to continue the celebration. LAN Yue reimbursed them for their meal expenses, and everyone cheered.

All colleagues are celebrating in the office, but Ellie goes to the door of LAN Yue's office with light steps. After confirming that there is no one, she opens the door carefully and wants to find information related to Yang Jun.

She noticed at the press conference last night that Lan Yue didn't see the teenager all night. Maybe the relevant information will be put in the office.

There are a lot of documents on the desk, she flipped through a few pages, all in Chinese, she did not understand. Just a little frustrated, I wonder if Xu miaolung is looking for the wrong target. He happens to see a piece of scribble next to the mouse.

In addition to some sketches of cosmetics, the Chinese name "Yang Jun" is written on the paper, which is just what she can understand. Besides, there are several question marks beside it. It is estimated that Lan Yue is also thinking about who this person is.

Thinking of Xu miaoreng's set of jewelry, she took the draft paper with her patience and excitement. However, as soon as she got out of the door, she was held in her mouth from behind and dragged it to the inconspicuous stairwell.

Ellie was frightened to think of the news that countless models were in distress abroad. She was scared and called out, but she didn't see it on the corridor!

She was pressed down on the wall in despair. The boy with a mask pressed her rebellious hands. "Hand over the things in your hand. Who sent you here?"

Most of the other side's face was covered, only a pair of narrow eyes were exposed, the voice was low and full of danger.

Ellie was stunned, until a dagger against the white neck, she was in a hurry to beg for mercy in English.

The boy wrung off his eyebrows and opened his voice again, but he spoke pure English. Obviously, he had learned, "who sent you here?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!