Chapter 291

At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, LAN Yue will return to the company.

"Miss LAN, there is a miss Qi Yingying who wants to see you downstairs."

Just sat down and called the day before yesterday.

"Qi Yingying?" LAN Yue was suspicious and soon calmed down. "Tell her I don't have time in the morning. If she wants to, she can wait in the company."

In the morning, she has no time to meet Qi Yingying. Just, why does Qi Yingying want to see her? They don't seem to have a common topic.

"I see." The voice of the front desk was sweet.

LAN Yue asked the Secretary to bring the information.

Guan Xiaoxiao happened to return to the company and directly took Guan Mengmeng to her office. As soon as he entered the door, Guan Xiaoxiao showed dissatisfaction, "xiaoyue'er, how did I see Qi Yingying in the lobby? Did you ask her to come over? Her eyes are fierce

"Yes." Guan Mengmeng nods with fear, and her delicate face turns white. She is obviously frightened.

As a big lady like Qi Yingying, if LAN Yue didn't ask her to come over, she would certainly not like to come to their small company. So Guan Xiaoxiao subconsciously thought that Lan Yue let Qi Yingying come over.

"She's looking for me."

LAN Yue said softly, and took out a document and handed it to Guan Mengmeng. "Mengmeng, this is the information of the new product. At that time, you need to cooperate to take a group of photos. You can have a look first."

"Well, I've been waiting for this information for a long time." Guan Mengmeng sat down with great interest. His soft black hair was tied into a high horse's tail. When he lowered his head, he showed his long white neck.

She wears a black swan necklace on her neck, which perfectly sets off her white skin.

She's only eager to accept the first-line training in the domestic model company after every appearance.

LAN Yue will try to arrange for her.

While Guan Mengmeng is reading materials, Guan Xiaoxiao quietly pulls her over, "xiaoyueer, tell me honestly, is Qi Yingying here to make trouble? The more I think about it, the less I believe that she will have something to look for you, and her eyes are so fierce that she would have stood up and scolded me if she hadn't been watched by so many people in the lobby

Guan Xiaoxiao disdains the tut sound, looks down on such a rich girl as Qi Yingying. If it wasn't for the face of Qi family, who would take care of her?

"I don't know what she's doing here."

Since she was seen through by her friends, LAN Yue didn't need to cover it up. She hugged her shoulders with a headache. "A few days ago, Mrs. Qi also looked for me. I guess the reason why they came to me is the same."

"Do you want you to leave Qi Yanjun?" Guan Xiaoxiao was even more disgusted. "Their Qi family is really funny. It is clear that Qi Yanjun has been pestering you. Why don't they lock up Qi Yanjun and come to find you. Persimmon or to find soft pinch

LAN Yue looks at Guan Mengmeng and stops the topic in time. She doesn't want to involve Guan Mengmeng.

Guan Xiaoxiao also knew this in the end, sighed and told her to pay attention to it. If she couldn't, she asked the security guard to drive Qi Yingying out. She did not believe that Qi Yingying could make trouble in public.

"I'll take care of it."

LAN Yue's heart is warm, and she is responsible for her work. It's nearly noon. Guan Mengmeng is excited to take her and Guan Xiaoxiao to dinner, but remembering that Qi Yingying is still downstairs, LAN Yue refuses.

Guan Mengmeng says "OK" and leaves with Guan Xiaoxiao.

After confirming that they had left the company, LAN Yue packed up and went to the restaurant nearby. According to the front desk, Qi Yingying is waiting for her on the second floor here.

Following the direction of the waiter, she came to the second floor and saw Qi Yingying sitting by the window, drinking coffee and looking out of the window. She didn't seem to hear LAN Yue's footsteps. Until a figure came to the opposite side, she suddenly threw the warm coffee in her hand. "Lan Yue, you and Qin Ming know each other, right?"

It happened so suddenly that Lan Yue jumped into the reflection to avoid it, but the white shirt was still affected, and a large amount of coffee stains appeared on the waist.

The skin was painfully hot.

"Miss Qi, do you have any misunderstanding?" LAN Yue pulled away the paper towel and tried to wipe off the coffee stains. She clearly heard Qi Yingying mention Qin Ming. "I really know Qin Ming, but I don't know what Miss Qi means?"

She threw the paper towel stained with coffee on the table top, with a chill in her beautiful curved eyes.

Qi Yingying has never seen LAN Yue speak to her with this expression, but she is scared to retreat subconsciously. After her reaction, her small face was dark, "you helped Qin Ming humiliate me, and said that this matter has nothing to do with me? My mom is right. You just come back to collect the debt! You hurt me first, and now you want to harm my second brother. Do you think I will let you succeed? "

She said, and want to pour coffee to LAN Yue, LAN Yue reached out to stop her, who knows but was preempted one step! Guan Mengmeng walked quickly, picked up the cup and threw it directly on Qi Yingying. "I asked sister LAN Yue to help Qin Ming. You can tell me about these things."

"You, dare you throw me?"Qi Yingying looks at the dirty coffee stains on her clothes and stares at her eyes in disbelief.

Because she was unprepared, she was splashed, the hot feeling spread in her chest. She also added milk powder to her coffee, which made her goose bumps and disgusting.

"You dare to throw me!" Qi Yingying grits her teeth and grabs the water cup to pour it back.

However, Guan Mengmeng had already been prepared and pulled LAN Yue back. "You threw us first!"

"Can you afford to pay for the damage you have done to my clothes?" Qi Yingying was so angry that her voice became sharp. She had never received such treatment.

Guan Mengmeng is stunned, and then she looks at Qi Yingying's clothes.

This is a black short skirt with lady style. Although I can't see what brand it is, Qi Yingying's clothes must be very expensive. She frowned. Before she did it, she would not dare to go so far. But now, Guan Mengmeng takes out the card and puts it on the desk. "Do you think I can't afford it?"

Qi Yingying more angry, "just a small model, I can let you in this circle at any time can not go on!"

"Miss Qi."

Seeing Qi Yingying take out her mobile phone, LAN Yue pulls Guan Mengmeng behind her with a more chilly look on her face. "Since you know that Mengmeng is a new model, I think you also know that many model companies want to sign a contract with her recently, and many media are paying attention to it. Every day, there will be a reporter nearby. If you want to make headlines, I can help you. "

LAN Yue reaches into the bag.

Qi Yingying suddenly changed her face, want to scold and dare not too much, for fear of being seen by the reporter. For Guan Mengmeng, she learned about it on Weibo and knew that Lan Yue didn't cheat her.

She managed to get rid of the reporter's entanglement, but she didn't want to repeat the same mistake, "I will not let you go of Qin Ming's affair!" She gouged out her eyes to LAN Yue and left quickly.

Almost ran into Guan Xiaoxiao who just came over.

"Sister, are you ok?" Guan Mengmeng quickly supports her.

She gasped for breath, saw the coffee on the ground, and looked at the back of Qi Yingying who was out of breath. She couldn't help crying or laughing, "no wonder you suddenly came back. You know Qi Yingying is here."

"What happened?" Blue Yue also feel confused, she is to see Guan Xiaoxiao two sisters leave, just meet with Qi Yingying.

"I was told by the security guard downstairs."

Guan Mengmeng spits out the tip of her tongue and takes out her mobile phone. There is a call record on it. Because of Guan Mengmeng's warm-hearted personality, he gets along with the company.

Seeing that Lan Yue is looking for Qi Yingying, the security guard on duty tells Guan Mengmeng about it. Guan Mengmeng realizes that something is wrong and runs back quickly. Guan Xiaoxiao is scared to chase after her.

"How could Qi Yingying know about Qin Ming? Qi Dashao told her? "

The three simply have lunch in the restaurant. Guan Xiaoxiao is chatting and confused.

"It shouldn't be. Qi doesn't like to chew his tongue behind his back."

LAN Yue knows this.

Qi Hanmo was born in the army and disdained to gossip like a woman. He suspected LAN Yue last time, which was also a fair and aboveboard suspicion.

What's more, LAN Yue just accepted Qin Ming. After learning about the relationship between Qin Ming and Qi Yingying, she didn't intervene, but gave it to Qi Yanjun.

But listen to Qi Yingying tone, she became a villain, deliberately help Qin Ming frame Qi Yingying.

Someone must have maliciously smeared her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!