Chapter 295

"Is it all right for you to leave the military area?"

LAN Yue gave up, broke his hand and looked out of the window. It was already dark, and only the lights were on in the military area command, and there were people patrolling nearby.

This is the safest place.

Once Qi Yanjun left, I don't know if there will be any trouble.

"It's OK." With a gentle smile, he held LAN Yue's hand more tightly and enjoyed her care very much.

It took nearly three hours to get from the military area to the urban area. LAN Yue wanted to rest on the car chair, but she fell asleep unconsciously. Before he went to bed, he was still thinking about Qi Yanjun and worried that he was in danger.

So she sleeps very uneasy, a little vibration can make her wriggle eyebrow, light whine to want to wake up.

Qi Yanjun stopped the car, took the pillow from the back seat and put it behind her. LAN Yue's face looked better.

Confirming that she won't wake up suddenly, Qi Yanjun goes outside the car with her mobile phone and calls Li Yiyao.

"Qi Shao, not yet." Li Yiyao didn't talk nonsense. "From the monitoring, I saw that young master and Xiuyuan master got into the taxi, but the driver said that they got off the bus in the middle of the way. He also told the driver that their mother was here. I guess they didn't want the driver to follow him. The mobile phones of young master and Xiuyuan master can't get through. There should be no electricity. "

"Keep looking."

Qi Yan Jun hung up the phone with a cold face and looked into the carriage.

There was dim light in the carriage, and LAN Yue leaned her head against the chair and fell asleep. The light depicts her soft facial features from the top to the bottom. Qi Yanjun's throat is slightly hot. She gets on the bus and leaves with agitation.

It took only two hours to rush back to the city. Seeing that Lan Yue didn't wake up, he bent down and carried her into the room with heartache. He also asked the servant to order some fragrance to help her sleep.

It must be very tiring to know that she has to take care of her children and be busy with her work.

"Second brother..."

Out of the room, Qi Yingying timidly hide in the stairway.

Qi Yanjun chuckled and looked at her. Her face was pale and she cried, "second brother, I was wrong! I won't talk any more. Don't drive me out

Qi Yanjun avoided the action that she wanted to rush over, and the smile on her face did not change. "Who told you about Qin Ming? If you confess to me, I'll think about forgiving you. "

Yes, sister-in-law

Qi Yingying blurted out.

She was not willing to betray Xu Miaoyuan, but Qi Yanjun's smile was too terrible. Although he is smiling, but Qi Yingying can feel that he is trying to suppress his anger, a little wrong words will make him completely angry.

It's not something she can afford.

Qi Yingying leans on the guardrail and tells Qi Yanjun about the original seal.

After hearing this, Qi Yanjun had no expression on her face and asked the servant to lock Qi Yingying in the room. There is no air conditioner in the room.

For the first time, she regretted believing Xu miaoyong.

"Qi Shao."

Li Yiyao came back and gave a photo to Qi Yanjun, "someone has seen a young master here."

This place is the only way to the military area command. It seems that Lan Chen Hao has remembered the route and intends to go to find LAN Yue.

"Get your car ready and inform Gu Xuan by the way."

"Good." Li Yiyao wrung his eyebrows. He didn't know why he wanted to find Gu Xuan. But looking at the chill on Qi Yanjun's face, he didn't dare to ask. Ganxi immediately prepared the car.

A group of people went to the place where the blue Chen Hao finally appeared, turned the surrounding area for a circle, and never found a person.

At this time, LAN Yue received a call.

She was sleepy, and in her dream she heard the ringing of her mobile phone. But her eyes were too heavy for her to wake up.

Open your eyes and see, in front of you is a dark room, not in the car at all!

She sat up in surprise and saw the familiar lamp on the table, and then recognized that it was Qi's family, which Qi Yanjun put here.

It should be that she fell asleep on the way. Qi Yanjun had to take her back to her room to rest.

Just relieved, I heard the phone ring again, and then I knew that I was not dreaming.

It's a caller ID!

Blue Yue twisted eyebrows, before blue Jun has not answered the phone, but now suddenly looking for her. She had a bad feeling.

"Miss LAN, is blue Chen Hao your son?" LAN Jun asked directly.

"What do you want to do?" LAN Yue's heartbeat stopped and did not answer directly, for fear that the other side would have another picture.

“……” There was a silence there.

After that came the fine sound, it seems that Lan Jun took the mobile phone away. Then, LAN Yue heard a crisp children's voice, "Mom."

"Hao Hao!" Blue Yue choked, "how do you --" just wanted to ask LAN Chen Hao how to run out, but suddenly realized the problem, "Hao Hao, how do you stay with brother LAN Jun?""Xiuyuan and I got lost. Our mobile phones ran out of power. This brother said that he knew you, so he took us to dinner." The voice of blue Chen Hao is steady and powerful, without any fluster.

Make sure that he is not in danger, LAN Yue asks for the address with LAN Jun, puts on clothes and goes out to face them.

Learning that Qi Yanjun has been looking outside for nearly two hours, she tolerated and did not call for the time being. She was afraid that Qi Yanjun would see LAN Jun.

After a taxi, she went to a noodle shop on the street after a ten minute journey.

The noodle shop is not big, but there is a hidden staircase leading to the second floor. If it is not a familiar guest, you don't know the secret at all.

Under the guidance of the boss, LAN Yue went up the stairs, and her sight suddenly opened up. The second floor is larger than the first floor, with several tables.

Because after dinner time, there are not many guests here, the others are eating supper below.

The young man in a black coat put one hand by the window, kneeling on a chair, and silently watching the two children opposite, studying how to charge their mobile phones. In front of them, there were some snacks that were similar to each other.

Blue Yue came over, blue Jun first found, then is blue Chen Hao.

"Mom!" He was surprised to drop the things in his hands and grabbed LAN Yue's legs.

Rong Xiuyuan also trots over, but he doesn't dare to hold LAN Yue directly, so he has to stand shyly beside him, with big black and white eyes quietly looking at LAN Jun.

See blue Jun look, he quickly lowered his head, small face slightly white shrink behind blue Yue, like a small action of shock.

Blue Yue is aware of, temporarily don't teach blue Chen Hao to run around, lead two children to blue Jun in front of, "trouble you to take care of them."

"It's OK."

LAN Jun stands up, but his thin figure gives people an invisible pressure. He looked at blue Chen Hao, "this is your child." He pointed to Rong Xiuyuan again, "this is not."

His tone was flat.

LAN Yue was slow to understand his meaning. That day, LAN Jun came to the military area command and just met her holding Rong Xiuyuan. He mistook Rong Xiuyuan as her child.

She was suspicious of LAN Jun at that time, and did not explain it to him directly, which was tantamount to cheating him.

“……” She frowned, until now, she did not fully believe in LAN Jun, do not want to explain too much.

LAN Jun's eyes changed slightly, without questioning. After checking out, they said goodbye at the door of the noodle shop.

"I won't ask you to believe me now, because I'm hiding something from you." Return a small toy to LAN Yue, LAN Jun said faintly, "but you must remember that you can't believe Qi family."

"What is your purpose?" LAN Yue observes her expression,

LAN Jun repeatedly reminds her not to trust Qi family, but never explains the reason to her. Even if she believes that Lan Jun is indeed her relative, she can hardly believe LAN Jun's dilemma.

"Deal with them."

LAN Jun put on his helmet and sat on the black motorcycle parked on the road. His helmet blocked his expression. He looked at LAN Yue's face with shock. "This is what your father wants to do. If you report to Qi family, you will betray your father."

"What kind of feud do you have with the Qi family?" She asked.

"You?" LAN Jun sneered, "this sentence" you "also includes you, you are also surnamed LAN. Don't think that if you stay with Qi family for a long time, you are really a member of Qi family. I should have told you what I really wanted to tell you, but -- "he stood at the door of the noodle shop through his helmet, with two curious children on his face. His face was even more sarcastic." your son's surname is Qi. I can't believe you. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!