Chapter 298

LAN Yue heard what they said and looked back to see Qi Yanjun standing in the shade of a tree, wearing a set of black sportswear, one hand in the waist, you can see his strong waist.

Hearing Li Yiyao's question, he made a gesture. Because of the sunglasses on her face, LAN Yue couldn't see his expression at all. She saw Li Yiyao with a look of awe, showing a little impatience. "Qi Shao, the third miss has already told her about Miss LAN and Qin Ming. She had a good relationship with Miss Xu and was hostile to Qin Ming. Miss Xu deliberately guided a few words, and she completely believed it. "

"Stupidity comes at a price." Qi Yanjun's voice was cold.

LAN Yue stood in the sun and shivered. Afraid that Qi Yanjun knows her eavesdropping, she lowers her head and pretends to be playing with her mobile phone.

"But -" Li Yiyao seems to want to help Qi Yingying plead.

Qi Yan Jun waved his hand and was not interested in chatting again. He was impatient.

When the two children finished the task, Qi Yanjun took them to the small woods near the military area command to let them move freely.

The two children grew up in the city, rarely had the opportunity to come to these places to play, and became active again, completely forgetting the tiredness of just carrying sandbags.

Let them play for a day, that night is staying in the military area.

The next morning, they returned to Qi's home, and the children still had to go to school.

LAN Yue also returned to the company and asked the Secretary to help investigate Xu miaoyong's itinerary. Knowing that Xu Miaolong has been raising a baby in her apartment these days, she asked for leave in the afternoon and went to find Xu miaolung.

But just came to the door, but unexpectedly found that the door was open, inside came Qi Yingying's anger.

"Sister in law, I believe you so much, why do you cheat me? You told me that Lan Yue knew Qin Ming. In fact, you wanted to use me to help you deal with LAN Yue, right? It is because of you, I nearly get rid of blue Chen Hao and Xiuyuan, I think you are a friend, but you let me have these things! If they really disappear, do you want me to really account to my second brother? "

"Yingying, listen to me..."

Xu miaolung holds a tiny bulge of the abdomen, trying to stop Qi Yingying, but is pushed away by her, chest undulating staring at her abdomen. As she was at home, Xu Miaolong was wearing loose clothes, and at first glance there was no difference. But if you pay close attention, you will find clues.

Before she came, Li Yiyao had told her everything. From beginning to end, she was used by Xu miaoyong like a fool. Thanks to her heart and lungs, I believe this woman!

It's a fact that she doesn't like LAN Yue. She doesn't like LAN Chen Hao, but he's just a child. She can't kill this child. What's more, Rong Xiuyuan was there at that time.

Rong Yan is equal to half of her brother. If Rong Xiuyuan has an accident, she will forgive herself all her life without waiting for Yunfang to blame her. Xu miaolung knows these things, but he still plans to deal with LAN Yue. He regards her as a butcher's knife!

Qi Yingying couldn't come, "you go to the hospital with me! My second brother will not admit your child. You are divorced and married to Gu Xuan with my second brother's child. What do you think of our Qi family? "

"Yingying, let go first."

Xu miaolung's face changed greatly, trying to get rid of the shackles. But she these several are in raise a fetus, in addition to walking, there is no movement, where is Qi Yingying's other side.

Seeing the two people pulling and bickering, Xu Miaolong nearly ran into the tea table. LAN Yue is in a hurry and wants to stop them. But the hourly worker in the kitchen first reacts and is surprised to separate Qi YingYing and Qi Yingying.

Qi Yingying was obviously unconvinced. She wiped away her tears and glared at her, "Xu miaoreng, I won't believe you any more! I'd like to see if Gu Xuan will help you after the baby is born. Even if Gu Xuan helps you, his family can't accommodate you! "

Xu miaoreng's face turned white, and his facial features were distorted. He was obviously annoyed.

But Qi Yingying now do not want to say a word with her, if not for the two children can come back safely, she may have become the culprit of Qi family.

She believes so much in Xu miaoyong, but she thinks she is a fool!

Disdain and Xu miaoyongduo said that she strode away, when she saw LAN Yue at the door, her face was shocked and embarrassed, and she crossed her with a straight face.

Although she misunderstood LAN Yue, she still didn't like LAN Yue. After all, the other side was a bodyguard's daughter. How could she admit such a sister-in-law.

"Are you all right, ma'am?"

From the room came the cry of the hour laborer.

LAN Yue looks inside. Xu miaoyong squats with his stomach covered with pale face. His face is full of cold sweat. It is estimated that he has moved his vital energy. The hourly worker rushed to contact the doctor. Xu miaolung also saw LAN Yue standing outside the door at this time. Her face was even more ugly, and she did not know whether she had come to the well to kill the stone.

"Since Miss Xu is not convenient, let's talk about it tomorrow." LAN Yue did not dodge. She took out a card and put it on the desk. "This is my secretary's phone number. She will contact Miss Xu when she arrives." She looked at Xu miaolung's posture of almost kneeling on the ground because of abdominal pain. Her eyes were calm, "I hope Miss Xu is free.""Lan Yue!"

It is a very common sentence, but Xu Miaolong heard the meaning of sarcasm. However, her abdomen is too painful. She can only allow LAN Yue to examine her with the indifferent bystander's sight. This kind of sight makes her more angry, which makes her more miserable.

Remembering that the doctor had admonished her to be calm and calm, Xu miaolung steadied her emotions and raised her tendons in her hands on the sofa. Finally, don't look at that woman.

She really didn't expect Qi Yingying to be so useless. She had already helped her pave the way. Qi Yingying just insisted that Lan Yue was conspiring with Qin ming to frame Qi's family. At that time, Yunfang would surely feel heartache for her own daughter. Are you afraid that Lan Yue can't be driven away?

She even handed that photo to Qi Yingying, who knows she is useless at all!

"Calm down, ma'am!" The servant quickly came to help her, "the doctor will come soon, and Mr. Gu will also leave to rush back."

"Who said he wanted to see Gu Xuan?" Xu miaoreng hissed and roared. She coughed violently. She felt a burst of pain in her lower abdomen. She bit her lip and felt dizzy.

The servant tried to help her up, but Xu miaoyong is still pregnant with a baby and has gained a lot of weight. The servant was just an aunt in her fifties. She tried her best to help her up. She was too anxious to do anything about it.

LAN Yue finally did not have the heart to help Xu miaolung into the room. At this time, she was already in a state of utterance of pain. Her hands desperately wanted to grasp something. Fortunately, LAN Yue avoided in time, otherwise she would surely be scratched.

"I'll go back first."

She was so well settled that she didn't intend to stay any longer. She didn't want to end up with a crime of not saving her life. She didn't care whether Xu miaoyong could keep the child.

What's more, she heard something interesting just now.

LAN Yue turns around and looks at Xu miaoyong's painful appearance, remembers Qi Yingying just said, because Xu miaoyong, blue Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan will run out privately.

But Qi Yanjun told her that the two children were just playing.

She squinted and didn't ask.

On the way out, they ran into the room with the medicine box on their back and chatted with their mobile phones. "The patient is a pregnant woman, the situation is very urgent, and has bleeding. Please prepare the operating room first."

She sidled to make way for them, got in the car and went back to work after a cup of warm coffee.

In the afternoon, I had nothing to do with my mobile phone. I happened to see that the entertainment news revealed that Xu miaoyong was sent to the hospital because of abortion at noon. The paparazzi claimed that she and her new husband were at odds. They never lived together after marriage. A quarrel this morning made Xu miaoyong miscarried.

There are a lot of fans at the bottom denouncing the irresponsibility of paparazzi reports and praying for the safety of Xu miaoyong's children.

But in the evening, the situation there seems to be not optimistic. Paparazzi simply squat in the hospital, 24 hours follow-up.

LAN Yue lifts the broken hair in front of her forehead. It seems that she has no chance to meet Xu miaoyong tomorrow.

Sure enough, by the next day, the paparazzi on the front line still didn't see Xu miaoyong. The Internet was guessing whether her child could not be saved. On the fourth day, he learned that Xu Miaolong was transferred to another hospital in the middle of the night, and the child was hugged. Now he is cultivating himself in a private hospital, and dogs can't get close to it.

But then revealed that Gu Xuan left the hospital with a black face and was just met by the paparazzi. These paparazzi like to scribble the most. They claim that the child is not Gu Xuan's at all. Gu Xuan wants to kill the child, but Xu miaoyong refuses. The couple quarrel again in the hospital. They say that the nurse on duty in the hospital also saw it.

For a while, there were different opinions, and Xu miaoyong's fans began to waver, and even the entertainment companies couldn't keep her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!