Chapter 302

"Miss LAN, if there are no other questions, we will go out first."

The high-level did not find her shaking God, see things are almost handled, two people packed up the documents to leave.

Blue Yue Zheng Zheng Zheng, "OK, you go out first."

Pick up the phone, just that push has disappeared.

She opened the microblog search, and suddenly pop up a lot of news about Qi Yanjun and Xu miaoyong.

LAN Yue has a rough look and finds that Qi Yanjun went to the hospital to find Xu miaoyong in the afternoon, because all the reporters were stopped outside, and they didn't know what was going on inside.

Some people began to speculate that Qi Yanjun wanted to reunite with Xu miaoreng after learning that Xu miaoreng had been artificially conceived. Some people said that Qi Yanjun wanted to get rid of the child. After all, no man could stand this kind of treatment.

After reading a few articles, she felt bored and focused on her work.

When she got off work at 5:00 in the evening, she went to the driver's hospital door unconsciously. When she reacted, she stepped on the gas pedal and wanted to leave immediately, so as not to be found by reporters who were crouching around her.

But it rained at noon and the reporters left for the time being.

It's very quiet around the hospital. A black Rolls Royce comes slowly from the back door. It seems that he doesn't want to attract other people's attention. But LAN Yue's car stopped at the intersection, two cars head-on.

A woman sitting in the back seat with a pale face in the windshield.

The woman's long hair is scattered, and she can't see her face clearly. But when Gu Xuan talks to her, the woman is bored and avoids contact with him at all.

LAN Yue looks curiously and remembers the relationship between Gu Xuan and Xu Miaolong. She suspects that the person in the car is Xu Miaolong.

She couldn't help getting out of the car and blocking the Rolls Royce, "Mr. Gu."

Because of the slow speed, she could easily reach out and tap on the window.

The window is pasted with a black protective film. You can only see the person inside moving for a while, but you don't immediately respond to her. LAN Yue even sees the woman leaning against Gu Xuanhuai and stares over.

Her eyes are so strong that she can almost feel the hatred!

She wrung off her eyebrows and instantly affirmed that the woman in the car was Xu miaoyong!

But why did Xu miaoyong leave the hospital? Under Liu Zhou's intentional operation, Xu miaolung's reputation went bankrupt, let alone fans. Even passers-by didn't like her. In this case, Xu miaolung left the hospital to find scolding.

The other side of the door was pushed open, Gu Xuan cold face looked, "I have something to do?"

"Nothing." Blue Yue convergence good mood, raised a professional smile, "just passed this side, recognized Mr. Gu's car, took the liberty to say hello."

There was no flaw in her words.

Gu Xuan twisted his eyebrows. Although he was not happy, he was not suitable for questioning LAN Yue in public. He had to endure his anger and said, "it's OK. I'll go first."


LAN Yue stepped back and watched the car leave.

Liu eyebrow light Cu, and feel that something is wrong, to Liu Zhou made a phone call, asked Xu miaoyong's recent situation.

"Xu miaolung has been scolded recently and dare not leave the hospital at all." Liu Zhou said, "the emotions of fans are the most easily affected. What's more, Xu miaoyong has so many black materials that any one of them can make fans curse for several days. Even if there is Xu family to support her, she can't stop this long-time crowd. "

"Don't worry. It's absolutely impossible for her to return to the entertainment industry. Besides, I have her other black materials on hand. I send one every month, which is enough for fans to scold her for years."

Liu Zhou tut called it, the voice of searching documents came from the phone.

Perhaps for fear that she would not believe it, Liu Zhou casually turned over a few pieces of information and read it out.

Xu Miaolong herself is the first lady of the Xu family. Her long-term status has made her proud. Especially after she was red, she couldn't tolerate the mistakes of her assistant. She often criticized new people with airs on the set, and even quarreled with old artists.

If put in the Xu family, Xu Miaolong's personality is reasonable, others may say that she has a good hand, but she will only be criticized in the entertainment industry.

Many people secretly said that Xu miaoyong played big cards and was arrogant, causing a lot of dissatisfaction.

But because of the relationship between the Xu family, no one dares to confront Xu miaolung. Seeing Xu miaoyong in trouble, those assistants and newcomers who had been angry couldn't help but take the initiative to sell news to Liu Zhou.

There are also some people who are not used to Xu miaoyong and make up a lot of false information to sell to Liu Zhou. Liu Zhou is under all, anyway, netizens will not care whether these news is true or false, in any case wonderful can.

True or false, add up to a total of 100.

Liu Zhou put out one every month, and Xu miaolung had to be scolded for years at least.

"Please Mr. Liu. I'll give you the balance as soon as possible."

LAN Yue knows the reason to stop when you are good. If you continue to make a move, sooner or later, you will be found by the Xu family.

Xu miaoreng is now infamous, and she dare not appear in front of people, and it is impossible to incite Qi Yingying.However, there were rumors outside. Why did Gu Xuan leave with Xu miaoyong?

She couldn't think of it, and there was no reason to chase Gu Xuan.

Although Gu Xuan didn't say anything, she also felt that the other party didn't like her, and even got bored. If she caught up, she would only insult herself.

After thinking for a while, LAN Yue is sure to contact a more familiar reporter and tell him Xu miaoyong's whereabouts.

Ten minutes later, she received a reporter's message, "Miss LAN, your message is too timely! I just ran over and found that the Rolls Royce you mentioned was heading for the airport. Now I suspect that Xu miaolung wants to leave here and stay away from the limelight. "

Airport? LAN Yue frowned and politely said a few words to him and continued to drive.

Just came to the next red light, the reporter called again, this time the tone was very excited, "Miss LAN, thank you for your news! This time, I found a big news that Xu Miaolong is going to go abroad, and I heard her quarrel with Gu Xuan just now and talked about abortion. I don't think Xu miaoyong looks very good-looking. I think she should have just had a miscarriage! "

"Miss LAN, I told this news to my boss. My boss is going to buy out the news, so please Miss lan..." He said this, embarrassed smile.

LAN Yue understood what he meant. "I won't tell anyone else."

"I'll trouble Miss LAN. I'll give you the information fee." The reporter hung up excitedly.

LAN Yue had some reversion, but she didn't expect that Xu miaoyong would flow?

No! She suddenly raised her eyebrows and felt that things were not so simple. If Xu miaolung had a miscarriage, according to Gu Xuan's love for her, she would certainly tell her to have a good rest in the hospital instead of taking her abroad at this juncture.

It's very wrong! LAN Yue quickly contacted Liu Zhou.

Originally did not want to disturb Liu Zhou, because Liu Zhou's means are too insidious, it is easy to make things big and attract the attention of the Xu family. This is not what she wants. But I didn't expect Gu Xuan to take Xu miaoyong abroad. What happened?

If Xu miaoyong leaves successfully, I don't know what will happen after she comes back.

"Don't worry, miss. I'm sure I'll get things done after I've collected your money." Liu Zhou is very happy. After all, he has business.

"Don't make a big deal this time. Just stop Xu miaoyong from leaving."

"This All right Liu Zhou hesitated, and if he didn't make a big deal of it, he would make a lot less. But the employer has already said it, and he is not good at following suit.

Blue Yue hung up the phone and went to pick up blue Chen Hao at Qi's home.

Passing through the hall from the garage, I heard Yun Fang's voice. Looking at the past curiously, I saw Yun Fang holding Qi Yanjun talking, as if asking him about the origin of Xu Miaolong's child.

Qi Yanjun put his hands into the bag to listen, frowned, some impatient, turned around to go.

Yunfang quickly stopped him.

"Yan Jun, tell me clearly. Is Xu Miaolong the same as what he said on the Internet? That's your own child! When she is born, let the Xu family give the child to us. "

Hear here, blue Yue some disgust, quicken the pace to go to small study, take blue Chen Hao away.

It is estimated that in Yunfang's mind, only descendants are the most important. She doesn't care about the origin of the children. , the fastest update of the webnovel!