Chapter 307

Looking at his skillful action to deal with the matter, blue Yue suddenly, can't help but ask the exit, "you don't ask me who that person is?"

Since Qi Yanjun knew that someone had come to her house, she might have seen it with her own eyes. Since you have seen it with your own eyes, why not ask her who the man is?

"Yes?" Qi Yan Jun did not seem to hear clearly, raised his chin and pointed to the vegetable basket not far away, "take the basket."

LAN Yue doesn't understand what he means and doubts it.

Just put the basket in place, Qi Yanjun suddenly lowered his head on her lips and asked, "I don't want the answer, I just want you to believe me."

His voice is not big, crisp numb fall into the ear.

Out of the kitchen, LAN Yue's cheek was burning.

On the way to dinner, he deliberately avoided Qi Yanjun's scorching smile. He couldn't help being annoyed. He couldn't resist the intimate contact.

Fortunately, after dinner, Yunfang called to see her two grandchildren. Rong Xiuyuan was just tired, so Qi Yanjun had to send him back.

Before leaving, taking advantage of the two children did not pay attention, holding her to the side of the tree shade, pry open the lips and drive straight in.

"Oh LAN Yue didn't react at all and wanted to push him away, but Qi Yanjun pressed the back of her head so that she couldn't avoid it. Her flexible tongue was teasing wantonly in her mouth.

Her body gradually numb, can not help but soft fall in Qi Yan Jun's arms. His kiss was not gentle, but a predatory sucking.

Blue Yue was kisses legs soft, crooning rub in Qi Yan Jun body, only feel a heat flow in the body.

But at this time, Qi Yanjun released her, "not yet."

He holds the tip of a woman's reddening nose with a soft heart.

It's still outside the apartment building. He doesn't want to be in such a place. But LAN Yue's catering just now makes him feel happy, "Xiao yue'er, you miss me."

The hoarse voice Road exit, blue Yue excites the spirit to return to God, quickly tidies up slightly disorderly clothes. Looking back on the scene just now, I feel annoyed and can't resist the instinct of the body.

"When I come back."

Hearing the two children shouting at the other side of the car, his eyes became more gentle, and arranged the broken hair in LAN Yue's ear, indicating her to come back.

LAN Yue doesn't want to stay for fear of accidents.

After she left, Li Yiyao came from the car. His face was puzzled, "Qi Shao, don't you really need to investigate?"

"No Qi Yanjun chuckled and wiped off the lipprint.

Standing downstairs and waiting for a while, the light in LAN Yue's room dispels the darkness around and looks warm in my heart.

He stopped and gazed. "There's no need to follow them."

"Qi Shao, that group of people suddenly appear, and deliberately contact Miss LAN, it is likely that they have something to do with the people who attacked you last time!" Although Li Yiyao didn't say so, his dark face showed that he didn't agree with Qi Yanjun's practice. It was too risky!

"Yiyao, she is my wife, not my prisoner."

Qi Yanjun broke off the new shoots on the tree trunk. Li Yiyao couldn't question his understatement.

He opened his mouth and finally had to obey, "I know how to arrange it."


Qi Yanjun walked to the car.

LAN Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan are impatient to wait. LAN Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan get off the bus with Rong Xiuyuan. Two small Peas stand by the side of the road hand in hand, looking at the endless flow of cars, trying to find out a car as handsome as a motorcycle.

Whenever they see a similar car passing by, the two children will be excited to shout, but also want to rush past.

Qi Yanjun took one hand and took them back to the car and took them back to Qi's house.

Qi Yingying has been driven back, so big hall only left Yunfang sitting on the sofa watching TV, from time to time and servants to say a few words. Qi Lin is busy in the study.

As soon as the two children came back, Yunfang's face showed a smile. She quickly asked the servant to prepare snacks for them and asked them where they had gone to play today.

Knowing that the children were tired, the servant took them upstairs.

"Yan Jun, do you know where Miao Rong is now?"

Qi Yanjun was about to leave when he was stopped. Yunfang sat on the sofa and thought hard, "her child should be nearly four months old. Before watching the news, he said that Mr. Gu didn't like her. She moved out, and now I don't know where it is."

Yun Fang sighed. After all, it was Qi's child.

"It's OK. I'll go back first."

Qi Yan Jun did not intend to answer such a question at all, ignoring Yun Fang's displeasure and returning to the room. On his desk was a stack of materials, all about Xu miaoyong.

He looked at it casually and found that Xu Miaolong had moved away from his former residence, and his lips were filled with scornful smile. He wanted to know how long Xu Miaolong could hide.


At more than 3 o'clock in the middle of the night, a heavy rain suddenly falls, and the huge dull thunder wakes LAN Yue from her sleep.There was a burning pain on the wrist.

Turn on the desk lamp to see, the wrists more and more terrifying.

She went to the kitchen to get the ice pack, simply dealt with it, and then went to sleep.

The next day I took time to see a doctor and get my wrists dealt with. Because there was no wound, the doctor gave her medicine to bandage her and told her not to lift heavy objects these days.

"I see."

LAN Yue took the medical record and took some ointment from the pharmacy after checking out.

Outside is still under the patter of light rain, blue Yue drive toward the direction of the company. Half way through the rearview mirror to see a black car far behind.

She turns and the other party follows.

She felt suspicious and deliberately stopped in front of the supermarket on the roadside. The car behind her seemed to have not seen it, and drove by directly. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with it.

Maybe it's too sensitive.

LAN Yueshu opens her eyebrows and restarts the car.

But after a while, the feeling of being followed came back to me. Looking behind the car, I didn't see anything suspicious.

When she returned to the company, she looked back, and there was no difference. But the feeling lingered in her mind and made people feel uneasy.

"Miss LAN, someone has just been looking for you and is waiting in the conference room." Said the security guard.

"Who wants me?" LAN Yue was surprised that she didn't meet any clients today.

"It's a young man surnamed Yang. He registered his information." The security guard then brought the information.

LAN Yue saw the name of "Yang Jun" and immediately thought of LAN Jun. It seems that he doesn't want to be known that his surname is LAN.

Remembering that Lan Jun helped her last time and brought her two children back, she should go and have a look.

According to the security, she came to the meeting room on the first floor of the company.

One of the walls was frosted glass, and a dark shadow could be seen sitting next to the conference table.

Push open the door to see LAN Jun low head playing with the mobile phone, wearing a pure black motorcycle coat. The design of the coat is a little tight, you can see his strong body.

Blue Yue politely with him a few words, just opened a voice to ask, "what do you want to see me for?"

"Those people are still following you."

LAN Jun takes out his mobile phone, which shows pictures of several cars.

LAN Yue recognized her car at a glance. Isn't this the route she just came back from the hospital? Surprised to see the teenager in front of her, the other party motioned to her to continue to look, blue Yue endure surprise, soon found a black car from her left the hospital has been following behind.

On the way, she found out and left, but then changed into a dark blue car. The other side follows her from far to near, and occasionally drives to her in front.

If LAN Jun hadn't told her, she couldn't see that the car was following her!

Is there a sense of uneasiness just now.

"What is their purpose?" LAN Yue asked.

"I don't know yet. But they've been following you, and sooner or later they'll do it. " Blue Jun put away the mobile phone, face expression light, "I come to you this time, is to solve this matter."

"Are you going to help me?" Blue Yue shallow drink's look at him, "why?"

This group of people are obviously malicious and well prepared. No matter how mature LAN Jun is, he is only a 17-8-year-old boy.

Moreover, the two people are just relatives. They have never seen each other since they were young, so he doesn't need to do this.

"I have no one else but you." LAN Jun lowered his eyes.

LAN Yue is stunned and sad from his calm tone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!