Chapter 311

LAN Yue feels Qi Yanjun's body is burning hot. She dare not move. She can only hold the bed and endure the sucking between her lips and tongue. Until the mouth numb, pressure on the body of the person also did not intend to let her go.

The hot hands swam to her waist, trying to get into her clothes.

"Oh LAN Yue pressed his hand in revolt.

Qi Yan Jun seems to regret the light sigh, mercilessly plunder her mouth sweet.

When he finally released his hand, LAN Yue was out of breath.

Before he could see Qi Yan Jun's face clearly, the people on his body stood up and strode into the bathroom and closed the door. The sound of the running water came quickly.

LAN Yue is relieved and doesn't want to have a relationship with Qi Yanjun at this time.

The two children are in the next room. Once Qi Yanjun is in a good mood, she will not be let off in the morning. There is only one hour work in the villa. I'm afraid I can't see the two children. If there is an accident, I can't take care of them at all.

Looking at the traces on her body, LAN Yue patted her cheek and quickly changed her clothes.

Looking at her red face in the mirror, she was annoyed to find that she was more and more used to Qi Yanjun's kisses. If it had not been for the consideration of her two children, she would have promised him.

It's a bad feeling.

Quickly finishing good appearance, she wanted to leave Qi Yan Jun far away, but the room was opened at this time.

The man with a towel all over his body walked quickly with a calm face. Without saying a word, he hugged LAN Yue and kissed him down. LAN Yue wants to break free, but feels Qi Yanjun pastes it.

After all, what is the blue of the adult's body.

Qi Jun bit her lips for nearly 20 minutes. After a while, LAN Yue felt his tight body slowly relaxed, forced to resist the impulse, his face even more ugly.

No man likes patience three or four times.

She pushed Qi Yanjun away.

"When I can't help it, I won't let you go again."

Qi Yanjun bit her earlobe and turned back to the bathroom. Her back was full of depression.

LAN Yue didn't dare to make trouble at this time. She changed a new suit of clothes. I don't know why Qi Yanjun has to press her to relieve her. Is it not on her that he can only hold back?

The question was too sensitive for her to ask.

After changing clothes and going downstairs, I saw that the two children were sitting on the dining chair and eating breakfast. Their cheeks were bulging and they were trying to chew things in their mouths. A pair of big eyes looked at the blue Chen Hao sitting beside them.

If at ordinary times, blue Chen Hao certainly can say a few words with him, but now, blue Chen Hao is a face hostile waiting for the man who sits opposite elegant meal.

See the other side does not pay attention to him, he chews the things in the mouth.

Hearing the sound coming from the stairs, he immediately jumped out of the chair and ran to pull LAN Yue's clothes. "Mom, you said you wanted to accompany me and Xiuyuan out to play. Why is this villain here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a ball of paper towel accurately hit his head.

"I'm your father." Qi Yanjun calmly wiped his hands clean, ignored the angry eyes of LAN Chen Hao, and led LAN Yue to eat breakfast, "I'll take you out for a while."

He changed his clothes, with the fragrance of shower gel, and could not see the madness in the room.

LAN Yue carefully avoided his breath, and could still feel the slight pain in his lip.


Today's weather is not too good, the sky from time to time to float a dark cloud to block the sun, just suitable for playing in the seaside.

Blue Yue changed into a short sleeve shorts, simple wear drag, convenient to take care of children. Qi Yanjun also changed the shorts, the long and powerful legs bulging muscles, always provoked her to see more.

Just arrived at the seaside, LAN Chen Hao forgot the gratitude and resentment between Qi Yan Jun and took Rong Xiuyuan with a small bucket and shovel to run to the beach to play with the sand, and also caught a few small crabs in captivity, laughing and laughing.

"What did you bring me to the beach for?"

LAN Yue sits on a stone and looks up to the man standing beside him.

Qi Yan Jun picked a brow and sat down directly to his ear, "what do you want to do with me? By the sea? " He pointed to the boulder not far away, where there was a hidden corner.

Blue Yue second understand his words, sink face.

"Don't think about it. I just want to take you out to play."

Waiting for her to speak, Qi Yanjun gently touched her head.

This action is full of doting, so that Lan Yue basically reacts.

When she regained consciousness, she heard Rong Xiuyuan standing on the beach waving to Qi Yanjun. Looking closer, they found a crab about the size of a palm on the beach. The pincers were about half the size of the body and looked very dangerous.

The two children did not dare to grasp with their bare hands, so they called Qi Yanjun to come over.

Although blue Chen Hao a face is dissatisfied, but also did not say much, after all, he also won't let blue Yue go to help him catch these things.After a group of people playing on the beach for a whole morning, LAN Yue is not at ease. She always feels that Qi Yanjun is busy with her. But he has been with the children, did not see any difference.

In the afternoon, the hourly workers prepared the afternoon tea. They went to the back garden to enjoy the sea breeze. LAN Chenhao also brought a kitten from the hourly worker and squatted on the ground to let Xiuyuan play with the kitten.

Hourly workers are nearby residents. It is said that many people here have cats, and some cats will follow the sea.

The two children were amazed.

"I'll get a coat."

Qi Yanjun saw LAN Yue rubbing his arms to keep warm from time to time, his face slightly heavy, and strode to the villa.

Blue Yue also did not care, just want to let the children not run too far, originally was blue Chen Hao in the arms of the kitten suddenly "meow" a jump to the ground, quickly into the grass, disappeared.

"Ah! The kitten is gone Let Xiuyuan react to come over, and blue Chen Hao run in the past together.

But the kitten's movements were flexible and disappeared.

Seeing that they were so anxious, LAN Yue had to get up to look for them.

The garden is not very big, but many small corners, it is very difficult to find.

LAN Yue circled around the garden and heard the cat's chirping faintly. Looking at the fence, a small orange hair ball was pitifully shrunk on the cross bar under the guardrail, and I didn't know how it got there.

It's empty under the crossbar. If you're not careful, you'll fall on the beach.

The kitten was only a few months old, so she didn't dare to jump down and curled up there shivering.

Hearing the footstep, the kitten raised her head with tears, and cried to lanyue "meow meow", and her voice was shaking.

Blue Yue see heartache, dare not delay, immediately took a small basket from the house, tied with a rope, put the basket down, trying to lure the kitten into the basket.

Behind her is a lush grass, on both sides are planted with a few trees, God should be down to block her.

"Qi Shao, things have been arranged."

Li Yiyao's voice suddenly came from behind.

LAN Yue wants to get up to check, but Li Yiyao's next sentence makes her freeze. "I've released news from last night. Miss LAN will be on a business trip today. The specific time and place have been set. Those people rush in at eight o'clock in the morning, and they don't have any doubts. "

Li Yiyao took out the tablet to Qi Yanjun and said, "Qi Shao, do you want to pass now?"

"Wait a minute."

Qi Yanjun held a thin brown scarf in his hand.

LAN Yue recognized that this was her thing, which Qi Yanjun should have given her to keep warm. But what does he mean by what he said to Li Yiyao?

Why publish fake news?

She is clearly in the resort. Why say she is on a business trip?

And who are those people?

Before thinking about it clearly, Qi Yanjun motioned Li Yiyao to go out first. He took a scarf and walked back to the garden.

Just at this moment, the rope in my hand was pulled.

LAN Yue looks down quickly. The kitten is stretching out her claws and tentatively touching the basket. Seeing no accident, it just rises. Her hairy little butt jumps in and meows twice, probably to know who is saving it.

LAN Yue pulled up the small hair ball, touched its head, got up and went to the garden.

But Qi Yanjun was not there. There was a scarf on her chair.

"Hao Hao, where's uncle Qi?" LAN Yue squatted down and asked her son.

"Uncle just left." The answer to her is Rong Xiuyuan's milky voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!