Chapter 314

Pain spread from the lips, blue Yue eat pain squint eyes. The next second, Qi Yanjun let her go and ended the kiss.

No, it's not a kiss. It's just a bite. Blue Yue wipes off the warm feeling that remains on the lip, the person of tiny anger stares at in front of, "what do you do!"

"I asked you that question."

Qi Yan Jun one hand on the wall beside her head, bent down, gloomy sight and her level, "who brought you here."

LAN Yue was stunned.

This question is really crucial!

Qi Yanjun did not ask why she came, but directly asked her "who brought her here.".

It's at least six hours' drive from the resort in the neighboring city. With Qi Yanjun's orders, no one is willing to bring her here. She showed up.

If Qi Yanjun asked why she would come here, she could also question why he wanted to intervene in her affairs, and all of a sudden, the dominant power was taken away.

Fearfully aimed at the man's more and more gloomy face, she stepped back half step.

If we answer this question frankly, we will certainly expose LAN Jun and others. LAN Jun comes to help him without saying a word. She has no reason to betray each other But she also has no excuse to hide Qi Yanjun.

"Are you thinking about how to hide it from me?" Qi Yanjun came over again, and her forehead was against LAN Yue's forehead, which made her feel some pain and wanted to get rid of it.

But Qi Yanjun put his arm around her waist and confined her movements. He looked at LAN Yue in a flustered way. Obviously, he didn't want to answer his question.

Qi Yan Jun wrung his eyebrows and knew that forced questioning would not lead to results.

He took LAN Yue along the small corridor to a wing room with independent skylight, under which there was another miniature landscape. The skylight is square. The sunlight slants in and falls on the rockery and grass of the landscape.

It looks pretty.

"You wait for me here."

Qi Yanjun asked her to sit down.

LAN Yue stood up, "where are you going?"

"Deal with something." Qi Yanjun raised his eyes and looked at him. He put on his cynical smile again. "When I come back, you will give me the answer. Who on earth brought you here? "


For a moment, she blocked all her doubts.

LAN Yue watched him leave. He was very clear in his heart. Even if he had just asked about the exit, Qi Yanjun would not answer her. The man was determined to hide from her.

She was uneasy and did not know the identity of the people who followed her. Qi Yanjun suddenly led them out, and accidents would happen if they were not careful.

Take out his mobile phone and want to call LAN Jun, after all, he asked LAN Yue to investigate those people some time ago. He should have some information in his hand.

But LAN Yue remembers that it was she who asked LAN Jun to leave. At this time, she called LAN Jun back, which meant that he and Qi Yanjun could meet directly? Qi family and LAN family are feuds, and they are not suitable to meet.

Now, it's up to her.

Put the mobile phone back in his pocket, LAN Yue carefully pushed the door open, and unexpectedly saw a maid in a white shirt and a black hip skirt guarding the door.

Seeing her open the door, the waiter asked with a respectful smile, "Miss LAN, what do you need?"

LAN Yue is very clear that this person is arranged by Qi Yanjun. She also did not cover up at the moment, straightened out the wrinkles on her clothes.

Just after hiding in the warehouse with LAN Jun and others, they were stained with some dust, "can you take me to the bathroom? My clothes are dirty

Her dress is off White Chiffon shirt, easy to see in the position near the chest stained with a black.

"OK, you --" out of working habits, the waiter opened his mouth to promise, but when she thought of Qi Yanjun's orders, she showed a trace of panic on her face and apologized, "Miss, Mr. Qi just ordered that you should stay in the wing room until he comes back. I'll ask other colleagues to prepare water for you. Please wait a moment. "

She said that, took out the walkie talkie to explain good things.

LAN Yue doesn't need to step out half a step at all.

She was very upset, but not easy to embarrass the waiter, a silent smile on her face, "then I'll wait in the room."

Water was quickly brought over, along with a pot of tea and snacks.

She started on her way in the morning, and in the afternoon, she had nothing to eat. She was really hungry.

The rose cake here is very famous. It's salty and sweet. It's soluble in the mouth. There's a unique fragrance of roses in the aftertaste between the lips and teeth.

As she ate, she thought of a way to find Qi Yanjun.

If there is no wrong guess, Qi Yanjun should be meeting those people at the moment. The purpose of Qijun's banquet is to those people.

Although she believed that Qi Yanjun had enough strength to cope with it, those people were not good people. She pushed her directly to the motorcycle that day. In case of being forced into a hurry, they were likely to confront Qi Yanjun.

On the way, I called Qi Yanjun, but I didn't answer. I guess I'm busy.LAN Yue went to the window. The sky in the distance was already beginning to dim. It's more than six now, and it'll be dark in another hour.


Just want to go to the wing room, but suddenly saw several solemn looking men quickly out of the teahouse, they went outside, started a black car and stopped at the door, as if waiting for something.

Before long, several more people came out of the teahouse.

This time, Qi Yanjun is also among them!

Blue Yue is surprised to stare big eyes, helplessly watching Qi Yan Jun follow them to the car. It's not so much to follow as to be held!

Qi Yanjun walked in the middle of them, with his hands in his pockets and strolling in the court. The broken hair in front of her forehead was blown by the evening wind, and her face was still with a few wisps of smile.

On the contrary, the people around him are like facing a great enemy. They stare at Qi Yanjun closely and follow him to get on the bus. This is clearly the hijacking!

Her first reaction is to chase out, but see Qi Yan Jun's face and feel something wrong.

Qi Yanjun seems to be deliberately caught by them, there is no tension on his face.

She suddenly appears at this time, I'm afraid it will be bad.

But we can't watch Qi Yanjun be taken away by them.

Blue Yue anxiously thought of a way, so did not see in the car left for a long time, a few motorcycles rushed out of the bushes on one side, followed by, leaving only one person here to watch blue Yue.

The speed of the motorcycle is very fast. When LAN Yue looks out of the window again, he can't see anything different.

She opened the door and the waiter was still standing outside.

"Miss LAN, do you need anything?"

"I'm going to the bathroom."


The attendant did not doubt this time because there was no separate bathroom in the wing room. LAN Yue stayed inside for an afternoon, and naturally wanted to go outside.

After the lobby, she deliberately looked at the VIP area, did not see anything unusual.

There was a deep meaning in his eyes.

Go to the bathroom, the waiter said to wait for her outside.

LAN Yue is helpless. I'm afraid Qi Yanjun won't let her leave before the matter is solved, but she doesn't have such time to spend.

After thinking about it, she finally decided to ask LAN Jun for help. After all, he knew something about these things.

Flipping through the communication records, she suddenly saw an unexpected name, more suitable than LAN Jun.


Half an hour later, lanyue left the tea house under the guidance of the waiter and sat in the Rolls Royce at the gate.

The cold air from the air conditioner hit her face, and she wrapped up her coat. "Please help me. I owe you a favor."

"Where's the banquet king?"

Gu Xuan sat in the back seat. The darkness in the carriage made his face look a little dark. He looked up and down at LAN Yue, showing a little displeasure. "You asked me to come here so that you can leave here?"

LAN Yue did not deny it.

With Gu Xuan's influence in the business world, a word can make her leave without LAN Jun taking risks.

She raised her hand to check her watch. She frowned. "It's late for president Gu. I still have something to deal with. Please take me downtown."

Gu Xuan looked at her, his face more and more gloomy. But no matter how impatient, this is Qi Yanjun's person, had to help.

Qi Yanjun agreed to let him take Xu miaoyong to leave. He already owes Qi Yanjun a favor. Now he just returns the favor.

"Downtown." He didn't ask again, and he reclined in the chair and closed his eyes. Even so, the brow is still tightly wrinkled, there is a circle of shadow under the eye. , the fastest update of the webnovel!