Chapter 316

The rustling sound of footsteps is getting closer. Qi Yanjun puts his hands on the tree trunk and holds LAN Yue firmly in his arms.

Lower head, chin touched her soft hair, eyes look more gentle, "little Yue son, when things are done, I will take you back to the seaside." Dry palms around LAN Yue's waist, he couldn't help but increase his strength, trying to hold people directly in his arms.

But considering that the venue is not suitable, Qi Yanjun resisted emotion and hoarse voice, "this is what I owe you."

The distance between them is very close. LAN Yue can clearly feel the warm breath and the intimate brush on her face. She wanted to avoid it unnaturally, but she couldn't move with her waist around her.

Those wearing masks searched nearby. Although Qi Yanjun didn't say so, she also knew that these people came to find Qi Yanjun.

She lowered her head and didn't speak, but her hands on her side clenched into fists, and forced her heart to be controlled. She wanted Qi Yanjun's words to be washed out of her memory.

She can't accept this apology!

Even hate Qi Yanjun's apology!

If you don't apologize to her when you get married, you don't dare to apologize when you ignore her. But you have to please her at this time, but now she doesn't need it any more!

How much you like it at the beginning, how much you resist now.

Aware that the mood began to get out of control, LAN Yue didn't want to be emotional.

But her undulating chest betrayed her.

Qi Yan Jun is secretive and stares at her tight side face. She sighs and hugs people in her arms to block the sight of the outside world. What he can do now is to gradually resolve LAN Yue's misunderstanding of him.

Never give up until you are forgiven.

"Catch them!"

Seeing the people wearing masks coming, several off-road vehicles were driving on the road again, and the soldiers on the vehicles quickly surrounded them and caught them all!

Blue Yue gaped at, until the top of the head came the man's teasing smile, she just pushed people away with a slight red cheek, "you deliberately lead them over?"

Qi Yan Jun raised his eyebrows and showed his innocence.

But it's obviously about him!

LAN Yue watched the soldiers with guns running out from all directions. It took less than a minute to catch all the people wearing masks and yelled at them squatting on the ground and taking all the weapons.

These people's eyes showed surprise, most of them did not expect to be ambushed here.

In their eyes, Qi Yanjun was forced by them not to deal with the reverse, just in a hurry to escape back, hiding in this small park. They didn't bring much equipment because they thought it was easy to get.

Until they were caught, they didn't even have time to shoot.

"Qi Shao, the villa has been cleaned up."

Li Yiyao, dressed in a loose black sportswear, glanced at LAN Yue's face without much attention. Instead, he glared at the masked man squatting on the ground. "They are all Li Yue's people."

"A lot of lists."

Qi Yanjun sneered.

This Li Yue was once defeated by him, an international drug lord. Before he retired from the army, he caught the man himself. In the scuffle, Qi Yanjun accidentally hit Li Yue in the arm. Li Yue fled for four days because the wound was not treated in time. When he was caught, the whole arm was scrapped.

Li Yue hated Qi Yanjun from then on and secretly asked his men to deal with all the criminal evidence. The military had no way but to give Li Yue a ten-year sentence.

Now the ten-year sentence is coming to an end. Li Yue doesn't know where to hear that Qi Yanjun has retired from the army. He wants to take advantage of this opportunity to revenge, so he contacts the old department and plans the attack.

Li Yiyao has found out all these materials.

"Give him a few more years and spend the rest of his life in it until he retires." Throw the information to Li Yiyao. Qi Yanjun walks to the car with LAN Yue in his arms.

There are still a lot of people watching.

Blue Yue wants to push him away, but the people beside him are lying on their arms with a poor face. "Little yue'er, you can let me lean on for a while. I didn't sleep all night last night, and I'm very tired now."

"You --" Lan Yue wanted to refuse, but remembering what happened yesterday, she forced to endure, "then you can rely on a while."

Pretending not to see Qi Yan Jun's successful bad smile, she pinched the sweat in her palms and covered up the confusion in her heart.

It was LAN Jun who brought her here last night. When Qi Yanjun had a good rest, she would certainly be asked.

Blue Yue some chagrin, yesterday that Qi Yanjun to deal with the matter alone, the whole person panic gain and loss of understanding. Now I think, she really shouldn't contact LAN Jun.

But things have happened, she can only find a way to solve, do not let Qi Yan Jun ask.


Because they didn't want to be known by Yunfang, they didn't go back to the villa directly, but went to Qi Yanjun's private apartment in the urban area.

Blue Chen Hao midway made a phone call to come over, pursue where she went.

"Mom, we agreed last night that you would send me to school, but you went out early in the morning! Hum At the end, the child snorted heavily.Although she was very happy, she was shocked.

Looking at the wall clock, it's more than ten o'clock.

Blue Yue secretly annoyed, this morning received a call from Qi Yanjun, she directly ran out, it was too much! Hearing that her son was still angry, she gently comforted, "Haohao, don't be angry. This morning, my mother is wrong. My mother will come to pick you up from school tonight and take you to eat ice cream."

"Really?" Blue Chen Hao surprise, "can I take Xiuyuan together? He leaves school at four o'clock, too. "


LAN Yue chuckles. The relationship between the two children is getting better and better.

And blue Chen Hao agreed good time, he ran to class.

Put down the mobile phone and look at the strange room in front of you. There are several modern oil paintings hanging on the gray and white walls. The lines are simple and full of cold breath.

She lowered her head and the man who had been tired all night was sleeping on her lap, with long eyelashes on her skin. LAN Yue felt itchily.

Qi Yanjun gently frowned, scared her hand back quickly, afraid to wake him up.

The man had to pull her to sleep with her, and she refused, so he put a rascal pillow on her thigh and would not let her go.

It seems that they haven't been so peaceful together for a long time.

The sunlight outside the window falls into the room through the slit of the curtain. LAN Yue looks down at Qi Yanjun's sleeping face and gently pushes aside the bangs on his forehead. The soft feeling flows away between his fingers.

Microsoft in mind.

She gently adjusted her sitting posture, and suddenly hoped that time could stay at this moment.

But it's impossible.

I don't know when I went to sleep. I heard the sound of the alarm clock.

She woke up with a start and thought of going to pick up LAN Chen Hao from school!

Take a look at the mobile phone, fortunately set the alarm clock to three o'clock.

There's an hour left.

Blue Yue quickly got up, went to the bathroom to have a wash, came out to see a tall and straight figure standing on the balcony. He leaned against the door and was talking on the phone.

Hearing the sound behind him, Qi Yanjun looked back.

Seeing off the moment, his eyes softened down, blue Yue see scalp numb, think of two people's sleeping position.

"I'll pick up Haohao from school."

Without waiting for Qi Yanjun to speak, she put on her shoes and went out, her cheeks flushed with pink.

Qi Yanjun chuckled, and did not stop him.

Li Yiyao's voice came from the mobile phone, "Qi Shao, Li Yue has already dealt with it. Today, I just learned that when Miss LAN left the resort, several people on motorcycles came to look for her. They should have sent Miss LAN there. "

"I see."

Qi Yanjun's tone is calm.

Li Yi Yao did not intend to say more. They had investigated the details of these people before, but what they could not find, and their relationship with blue Yue seemed to be very good. Qi Ying Jun did not want to pull it away, so that he could not breathe in the middle.

These people have no illegal intention at present, and they can still turn a blind eye.


Soon after night, lanyue took her two children to Haagen Dazs' exclusive store and let them order some ice-cream balls.

as soon as she sat down, LAN Yue received wechat.

It's LAN Jun's.

"Man found it?" It's just a simple sentence.

But LAN Yue knew he was referring to Qi Yanjun.

Yesterday, when the incident was urgent, she simply told LAN Jun about it. Unexpectedly, LAN Jun kept it in mind and asked about the progress.

"Found it." Due to the relationship between Qi family and LAN family, she didn't say much. , the fastest update of the webnovel!