Chapter 320

Couldn't he sleep well last night?

Blue Yue doubts, but see him sleep so heavy, did not wake him up. Wearing shoes, quietly go to wake up blue Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan.

The servant had already prepared breakfast, and Yunfang also came back this morning and was sitting in the dining room enjoying breakfast.

See blue Yue down, her face darkened, and then smile at the two children, "Haohao, Xiuyuan came to grandma's side, do you see what gift grandma bought you?"

She took out two models of transformers from her bag, which are the most popular models nowadays.


Rong Xiu was young, and when he saw the toy, he rushed over and held it in his arms carefully.

Blue Chen Hao still remembers that Yunfang said bad things about his mother, and he didn't want to go there with a small face. Blue Yue secretly gave him a look, he just reluctantly took over the toy.

LAN Yue doesn't want his relationship with Qi family to be too bad.

After breakfast, LAN Yue took them to school.

Back to see Qi Yan Jun has been dressed neatly in breakfast, see her back, peach blossom eyes show tenderness, come forward to hold her hand, "little yue'er, the car is ready."

"Yan Jun, are you going out?"

Yunfang showed her displeasure. She just came back and wanted to have a good chat with her son. Who knows when LAN Yue comes back, he is going to leave. She doesn't pay much attention to her mother!

"I have something to do."

Qi Yanjun pulled the collar, deep eyes fell on Yunfang, "Yiyao afternoon will pick up Haohao them, mom, you don't have to worry about it."

"What's wrong with me? You don't want me to hold my grandson now! "

Yunfang stood up excitedly, her face flushed with anger.

Qi Yan Jun's slight arrogance comes over. The indifference in his eyes makes Yunfang shake. He sits back on the sofa with timidity, and dare not continue to argue.

She had known for a long time that Qi Yanjun would investigate her last bad talk with Qi Yingying about LAN Yue, which led to the two children running away from home. However, she didn't expect Qi Yanjun to be so direct, or even let her touch the two children.

Yun Fang was not willing to, but when she thought that the children had run away from home because of her, she did not dare to refute. She sat on the sofa with a black face and watched TV without watching LAN Yue.

LAN Yue couldn't get it. She simply picked up some things in her room and set out with Qi Yanjun.

This time, without the laughter of the two children, the car seemed very quiet. LAN Yue could even hear Qi Yanjun's breathing. She looked cautiously at the past, and Qi Yanjun sat by and rested with her eyes closed.

I don't know if I didn't have a good rest last night. Qi Yanjun's face looks pale.

She opened her mouth, but didn't dare to ask. She simply rested on the car chair.

The whole journey lasted more than three hours, and she and Qi Yanjun did not say a word.

The car stopped in front of the familiar villa door, not far from the beach came the children's laughter. Perhaps it is near the weekend, the number of people who come to the beach for a visit has increased a lot.

LAN Yue took a few eyes and followed Qi Yanjun to the house. As soon as she took off her shoes, she put her arm around her waist and forced her to raise her head. Her back hit the wall. She watched Qi Yanjun lean on her body and caress her sensitive neck.

"Little yue'er, we are left here." His voice was hoarse, which made people listen to reverie.

Blue Yue frowned at the living room, accidentally found a dark inside, a closer look to know that the curtain in front of the glass wall was pulled by the hourly workers.

In this kind of atmosphere, it is really suitable to do something.

"What do you want?" She pretended to be unable to understand Qi Yanjun, with sporadic anger in her eyes.

If Qi Yanjun brought her here to do these things, she would leave without hesitation.

"I thought --" his fingertips slid along the soft gooseneck to her beautiful clavicle, slowly lowered his head, and his thin lips pressed against her cheek, "you can forgive me."

This sentence is very slow, Qi Yanjun carefully pay attention to LAN Yue's expression.

She lowered her head slightly, and the broken hair beside her ears fell on her cheek, blocking her expression. Her eyes trembled slightly. She pushed Qi Yanjun's hand away. "I went to pack up my luggage. Hao Hao Hao's books are still in the room." There was an obvious estrangement in the words.

That day blue Chen Hao they also follow her to come over, all things put in the villa did not take away.

Qi Yanjun retreats and looks at her walking to the second floor. There is residual temperature in the palm. Thinking of LAN Yue's cold words, he showed a bitter smile, it seems not so easy to get forgiveness.

He followed up the stairs and helped to put things away.

Hour workers come at noon to get lunch ready. After they finish eating, Qi Yanjun takes LAN Yue to the beach.

Different from the tourist area, the resort is very quiet because of the security guard.

Lanyue let Qi Yanjun take her hand and walk aimlessly on the beach. The cool sea water rolls to her feet with the waves, and the tiny sand is on the instep of her feet.

Yu Guang glanced at Qi Yanjun's side face and looked at his black T-shirt.She had never seen this dress before, and Qi Yanjun didn't like black clothes? She looked at Qi Yanjun's face, but could not see anything different, so she had to withdraw her sight.

After walking for nearly half an hour, they came to a beach full of rocks.

Qi Yanjun proposes to have a rest. LAN Yue sits on the big stone according to his intention. Who knows Qi Yanjun has to hold her to sit on her thigh. LAN Yue struggles for a while, but her arms around her waist are tightened. Qi Yanjun teases, "are you shy?"

"I'm just not used to it." LAN Yue stands up and wants to adjust his sitting posture.

The people behind him take a breath.

"I hurt you?" She turned back, on Qi Yan Jun's calm face, can't help but doubt that she just heard wrong. But there are rocks all around here. She has too much movement. If she falls down carelessly, she will be injured.

It happened to be sunset at this time. Looking at the sea, I saw the huge orange sun wheel slowly sinking into the sea.

Looking at this scene, LAN Yue's mood calms down and doesn't pay attention to the people behind her. What's more, she doesn't see Qi Yanjun's hand against her waist, blocking the wound, and she doesn't want to be seen by LAN Yue.

They sat on the beach until more than seven o'clock, and it was completely dark.

Seeing it was late, they returned to the villa.

At this time, in the roadside barbecue shop in the tourist area not far from the villa, several young people of about 20 years old sit together and barbecue together. Wearing dark blue short sleeves, Xiao Wu quickly steps back and says to LAN Jun, "they are still in the villa."

Said, took out the mobile phone, there are pictures of LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun.

He looked at the other people slowly, but they didn't look at the other people.

Finally, Xiao Wu asked, "ah Jun, what should I do now? We've lost a lot of time. Sooner or later, Qi's family will find out about us. "

Xiaowu is specially responsible for the investigation, and he is very sensitive to this aspect.

They have stayed here for a long time. Last time, LAN Jun sneaked into the military area command and was almost found. Fortunately, they had a friend to meet him in the military region, which made LAN Jun escape successfully.

But the people of Qi family are not stupid. They will realize the problem when they are late.

"Do you want to confess to sister Yue?" Sitting on one side of the youth suddenly out of voice, but the voice is not loud, obviously there is fear.

Others immediately hit him on the head with chopsticks, "just you talk too much!" He looked at LAN Jun in his eyes. Seeing that the other side didn't mean to stop him, he sighed with relief, pointed to the photo and continued, "don't you see that Yuejie has a good relationship with Qi Yanjun? We told her all of a sudden. If we scared her, we would only let Qi family see the clue. "

"But Uncle gang was killed by the Qi family after all. Does she even care about her father's death?" This time, the young man was a little resentful. His white face tightened down. He was only about 18 years old.

The people sitting next to him had to knock his head with chopsticks, but was stopped by the people around him, indicating that they should not make any more noise, and their eyes returned to LAN Jun again.

LAN Jun stared at those photos for a long time, and finally sent the photos to LAN Zhen, "go back and discuss with blue uncle."

"No more staring at them?" Small five points to the villa.

LAN Jun shook his head and began to pack up.

They were also relieved. After leaving the tea house, they followed Qi Yan Jun for more than 40 hours, and finally they could have a rest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!