Chapter 324

Is Qi Yanjun hurt?

LAN Yue sees that he is still sleeping. She gently lifts up the quilt and wants to see clearly. But Qi Yanjun turns over at this time and opens his eyes and looks at her.

Because he was just sleeping, Qi Yanjun's eyes were covered with a layer of water light, slightly flashing.

"Little yue'er." His pajamas heavily holding her hand, hoarse, and like to get what treasure, curled lips, thin rubbing her palm.

Qi Yanjun's hands are warm and dry.

Two hands together, can feel the texture between his fingertips, inch by inch depicts her palm.

This feeling is very wonderful. LAN Yue can't even react. He doesn't push Qi Yanjun away for the first time.

Qi Yan Jun seems quite satisfied with this posture, move the body, rub in her side and then sleep.

The warm breath fell on her waist through her clothes.

I haven't seen such a Qi Yan Jun for a long time.

Her eyes suddenly, looking at the man leaning on her side, unprepared, her heart was in a mess. Maybe it was too tired today. Qi Yanjun was woken up by her, but he fell asleep again.

She tried to stand up, but Qi Yanjun gave out a discontented Snort and held her hand more tightly.

Can't bear to wake him up, blue Yue has to lie on the side of the bed.

Children's bed to squeeze under the two doors is too reluctant, so LAN Yue can only side body, face-to-face next to Qi Yanjun, two people's nose tip can almost touch.

As long as she breathes a little bit bigger, it will blow Qi Yanjun's bangs.

This distance makes her heart beat faster.

More than once, I want to run away in a hurry, but I can't get this heartless when I look at the sleeping appearance of the people in front of me.

She carefully adjusted her lying posture and tried to stay away from Qi Yanjun.

My eyes moved to the corner of my eyes and looked at the wall clock by the dim light. It was almost twelve o'clock. There were many things to deal with tomorrow Thinking, eyes more and more heavy, unconsciously sleep in the past.

Dazed, I don't know how long she slept. Someone put her arm around her shoulder, lifted her from the narrow children's bed and put her on another big soft bed.

LAN Yue turned over comfortably. The other side also helped her massage her legs which were almost numb. Her warm hands were pasted on her calf. She curled up her toes sensitively.

A man's smile came over his head.

She fell asleep again.

Soft long hair spread on the beige sheet, reflecting her white skin.

Because of the relationship between sleeping posture, lanyue's pajamas slide down, revealing a round and delicate shoulder, one side of the clavicle slightly raised. Further down you can see the view under her clothes.

There's nothing in it.

Qi Yanjun breathed heavily and swallowed the foam. He bowed his head to kiss her delicate lips. However, as soon as he lowered his head, a sharp tearing pain came from his waist, forcing him to stop and look at the bandage revealed on his waist with a bitter smile.

"Let you go for a while."

He pinched the woman's delicate little nose and got up to drink a glass of cold water outside.

When the children's eyes on the bedclothes are disordered.

He is to feel the wound pain, don't want to be found by blue Yue to go to blue Chen Hao's room will be one night, did not expect to wake up in the middle of the night, but see his heart of people bend long legs, accompany him to sleep there, two people covered with a quilt.

Qi Yanjun naturally saw him holding LAN Yue's hand.

But LAN Yue can push him away.

But LAN Yue not only did not do so, but also accompanied him to sleep half a night on a six meter child. LAN Yue is nearly 1688 in height. She can only bend her feet on this small bed.

He looked at it with heartache.

Back in the master bedroom, Qi Yanjun opens the quilt, carefully embraces LAN Yue into his arms, pinches the soft meat around her waist, and closes her eyes to sleep contentedly.

A sleep to 6:30 in the morning, was blue Yue's alarm clock wake up.

He opened his eyes to see that the man in his arms was about to wake up, and he deliberately closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.


LAN Yue turns to see Qi Yanjun sleeping beside her. She lifts her broken hair and looks at the familiar room. She is surprised. When did she come back from blue Chen Hao's room?

Looking at Qi Yanjun, she was a little surprised. She must have been brought back by Qi Yanjun when she fell asleep in the middle of the night, and this person was still lying on her bed by the way.

She got out of bed and changed her clothes. She was trying to prepare breakfast, but it was dark outside the window, and there was no light in the living room.

It's not like six in the morning.

She turned on the light, opened the curtain, and saw the thick dark clouds in the sky! I'm afraid it will rain soon!

Take out a mobile phone to surf the Internet, sure enough, all the people on the Internet are chatting about the sudden typhoon.

Originally it was just a heavy rain, but it suddenly escalated into a typhoon in the early hours of the morning.The whole city is on alert and all schools are closed.

LAN Yue rubbed her temples. There was a meeting to be held today. But looking at the weather outside the window, she was frightened and unwilling to take the risk.

I just called Guan Xiaoxiao and told him to hold a video conference at home today.

"That's fine." Guan Xiaoxiao said, vaguely heard the dull thunder, she was a little scared, "I just got up when I was scared, this is no different from the night! Anyway, the information of the meeting is ready. It's the same to hold a video conference at home. "

"I think so too."

Blue Yue stands in front of the glass wall with thunder flashing from time to time among the dark clouds.

Most of the company's business is handled by computer at home. There is no need to report to the company. What's more, in such bad weather, she has to be responsible for the staff's danger on the road.

There is no support from the lance family behind her. She should not only pay for the accident, but also seriously affect the company's reputation.

It's better to have a day off.

When she agreed, she called the personnel department again, so that the employees would not have started work.

The thing is good just relaxed breath, began to prepare breakfast, by the way, put on the earphone to call LAN Chen Hao, that he does not have to go to school today, told him not to play too many games, wait until the weather improves, go to find him.

But in the afternoon, the weather got worse.

The strong wind carrying the rainstorm slapped on the glass window, the window swayed violently, LAN Yue was shocked, and did not know whether the glass would be broken suddenly.


Qi Yanjun held her in his arms and looked at her pale face because of fear. He felt itchy. But - I glanced at the computer on the desktop, which also showed the information of lanyue company.

LAN Yue's ear, also wearing a headset, is holding a meeting with the staff, not allowing him to speak at all.

"Little yue'er." Qi Yanjun bad close to her, hoarse voice with heat in the sensitive ears, blue Yue side body away from him, in order to avoid the company colleagues heard his voice.

But this practice obviously does not work, there is Guan Xiaoxiao's light cough sound in the earphone, deliberately distracts the attention, "it's late, everyone first rest half an hour, and then continue the meeting."

"OK." Other people echoed one after another. After listening to their tone, they were embarrassed. They all heard Qi Yanjun's voice.

Qi Yanjun is next to her. It's easy to be misunderstood.

Blue Yue micro angry push aside the man around, "can you not talk?" Although the company does not stipulate that senior managers should not fall in love, she does not want employees to think that she is a woman who is addicted to love. She even has a boyfriend at the meeting.

Although she and Qi Yanjun are not this kind of relationship, in the eyes of others, their relationship is extremely ambiguous, which can not be explained clearly in a few words.

"It's three o'clock. Take a rest."

Qi Yanjun took off the pen in her hand, held her face and looked at the wall clock.

From the morning meeting to three o'clock in the afternoon, even the iron man has to rest.

"I'll prepare afternoon tea for you. You can have a rest. I'll go down and get it."

Qi Yanjun put on his coat and leaned on the porch to change his shoes.

Tall back looking, inexplicably some peace of mind.

Is this her concern? LAN Yue stroked her cheek and was pinched. Her eyes began to smile. Looking at the rainstorm outside the window, she was worried, trying to stop Qi Yanjun from letting him go.

But the door was opened and Qi Yanjun left. , the fastest update of the webnovel!