Chapter 330

"Cousin?" Guan Xiaoxiao did not hear clearly, frown thought for a while to understand the meaning of LAN Yue, but it was even more strange, "do you still have a cousin?"

Before that, she and LAN Yue searched for LAN Gang's relics and found that LAN Gangzi came to the Qi family as a security guard alone, not to mention relatives, not to mention friends. Where does LAN Yue come from?

Worried about LAN Yue being cheated, she quickly asked the matter clearly, after all, the money was not small.

LAN Yue didn't intend to hide it, but there were some things that were not suitable for Guan Xiaoxiao. She deliberately picked out some details to save LAN Jun from sneaking into the military area command.

Fortunately, Guan Xiaoxiao didn't ask much, but his face was more worried, "that is to say, your relatives used to have a lot of money, but now they are living a bad life. Are you going to help them?"

"That's almost what it means."

LAN Yue picked up the tablet computer, contacted LAN Jun and asked him to meet.

Guan Xiaoxiao saw her movements are not much to say, these are LAN Yue's private affairs, others are inconvenient to intervene, "you need to remember to ask me for help." Before leaving, she did not rest assured to account for a few words, afraid that blue Yue will be ill behaved.

"I see." LAN Yue nodded and her smile softened.

When Guan Xiaoxiao left, there was a reply from the computer. LAN Jun said it was not convenient to meet her.

"Not for a while?"

"Qi family is investigating us." LAN Jun's reply is very simple, but LAN Yue is shocked. I didn't expect Qi's action so quickly! Then she wants to meet LAN Jun even more!

"Give me your address. I'll come to you and I'll tell you something."


LAN Jun there was silence for a moment, then "en" voice, gave her an address.

The location of the address is a bit remote, located in the old city. There are a lot of old houses over there, and the alleys are complicated. If you don't have a clear address, it's easy to get lost.

LAN Yue quickly remembers the address wrongly. After confirming that there is no error, LAN Yue deleted the chat record on the computer and checked today's itinerary. Seeing that the itinerary was not very busy, she picked up the bag and planned to go to the bank to withdraw the money and give it to LAN Jun immediately so that they could leave temporarily, so as not to be found by Qi family.

"Miss LAN, Mr. Qi came to see you."

Just about to go out, the secretary came in suddenly.

When LAN Yue heard the name, she was shocked. She just wanted to ask when Qi Yanjun came here. A steady and powerful footstep came from the other side of the corridor. She recognized Qi Yanjun!

Blue Yue flustered, quickly put the address into the pocket, looked up to see Qi Yanjun come in, narrow peach eyes light squint, saw the action on her hand.

Blue Yue heart a tight, worried about being found, Qi Yan Jun but continue to smile, "small Yue son, how to wait for me to come back first?"

Seeing that he didn't mention anything about himself, LAN Yue sighed with relief, "I just came back from the customer's meeting just now. I met Li Yiyao at the door of the restaurant, but he didn't tell me that you were there."

The doubt on her face was just right, and she didn't want to admit that she had met Qi Yanjun in the restaurant.

Qi Yan Jun picked a eyebrow and added a smile. He did not mention it again. He sat on the sofa and looked at her with his chin. "I'll wait for you to get off work here."


Although LAN Yue was full of rejection, it was not good, too obvious, so she had to suppress her emotions and let her secretary bring the documents in, thinking that she would go to see LAN Jun again tomorrow.

During this period, Qi Yanjun went out for a trip.

Soon she came back, holding a cup of just made coffee in her hand, and put it on her desk

LAN Yue looks up, bumps into the soft in his eyes, the movement is slightly stiff, the taste is like chewing wax to hold up the cup.

When she finally got off work, she was in a tense state. Every time she approached Qi Yanjun, she couldn't help thinking of LAN Zhen's words.

It happened when she was just born. At that time, Qi Yanjun was only a child of five or six years old. Naturally, he could not know about the arrangement of her elders.

However, his surname is Qi

Her slightly warped eyelashes drooped to cover up the gloom in her eyes.

After packing up the things and returning home, Qi Yanjun didn't go upstairs with him because he claimed to be tired. He just stood under the apartment building and gazed at LAN Yue's back. It seemed that there was still a faint fragrance in the air.

"Is Qi Shao going back?" Li Yiyao came from behind.

Qi Yanjun narrowed his eyes, and his expression was tinged with coldness. He knows that Lan Yue has something to hide from him, but this time is not suitable for questioning.

"Go back."

Qi Yanjun's voice was hoarse. He looked at the lighted apartment and turned away.

Li Yiyao wanted to stop, but finally he just sighed. He knew that Lan Yue could not be forced to do so at this time.


The next morning, LAN Yue asked for a half day's leave, went to the bank to withdraw all the funds, and took the check to LAN Jun's address.

It's on the edge of the old town, juxtaposed with a row of older villas. The exterior design is full of the flavor of the 1980s. The green vines grow on the blue exterior wall, extending all the way to the roof.There is still some moss in the corner.

There is a spacious Lane between the houses. According to the address given by LAN Jun, LAN Yue wanders in the lane for half a circle and finally finds the corresponding address.

As it had been said, she was promised as soon as she rang the doorbell.

"Sister Yue, you're here." The person who opened the door was a young man in his twenties. LAN Yue recognized the man who took his two children away in the holiday resort that day. He seemed to be called Hezi.

"Ah Jun and uncle LAN are waiting for you upstairs."

He Zi led her in.

Entering the door, you can see a small square yard with some water jars placed by the owner. They didn't move these things at all.

Entering the hall, there is a breath of primitive simplicity.

As the lights were not turned on, the hall was a little dark, winding up a staircase against the wall, and soon reached the second floor. LAN Zhen and LAN Jun are sitting by the window of the hall on the second floor, looking at some information.

LAN Yue faintly saw several newspapers.

"Little yue'er is coming."

Not yet read clearly, LAN Zhen closed the newspaper and warmly welcomed him, "come here, sit down first." LAN Zhen took her to a set of old mahogany benches, poured a cup of tea, and looked at it with a smile, "Xiaojun said you have something to tell me, what do you say?"

LAN Zhen's attitude is very kind.

However, LAN Jun didn't look at it. From her entrance, she didn't lift her head. She put away the newspaper on the desk with a cold face.

By the light, LAN Yue saw the yellow picture printed on the newspaper, which should be the old newspaper many years ago.

LAN Zhen should want to find out the news about Qi family and LAN family.

At that time, the blue family was also a big family. Suddenly, a scandal was exposed, and then it went down. If such a big thing happened, the reporters would report it crazily, and the newspaper would certainly leave traces.

LAN Zhen was just a teenager at that time. He didn't have the ability to revenge at that time, so he can only wait until now.

LAN Yue took out the check that had been prepared from the bag and put it on the desk, "Uncle LAN, can you leave here temporarily?"

"What do you mean?"

LAN Zhen still has a smile on his face, but a chill in his eyes.

Even he Zi, who was standing on one side and intended to help, was surprised to look over. He didn't know what he thought. Anger rushed to his face. He opened his mouth to interrogate LAN Yue, but he was stopped by LAN Zhen with a sharp eye. He stood beside him with a black face.

From the beginning to the end, only LAN Jun did not show any sign. He folded the newspaper and put it into the cardboard box at his feet.

Feeling that the atmosphere on the second floor has changed, LAN Yue calmly looks at LAN Zhen and says, "you told me before that Qi family is investigating you. To avoid them finding out, you'd better leave first. " Then he pushed the check out again.

Although there is no clear explanation, LAN Zhen is also an old man in the world. When he looks at the check, he knows that it is the "escape fund" prepared by LAN Yue for them.

To avoid the Qi family for a while? It's like running away for him! LAN Zhen's smile was more cold, "no need, we will naturally find a way to deal with Qi's family. You can take the money back."

LAN Zhen finished and got up to leave. She didn't mean to talk more. She was more stubborn than she imagined.

Blue Yue then stood up, "blue uncle, my father is not in, I don't want you to have an accident."

Referring to LAN Gang, LAN Zhen's expression just slightly returned to mild, "xiaoyue'er, you don't need to mention these things. We are back for Qi family this time. We will not leave before we deal with the matter well." , the fastest update of the webnovel!