Chapter 357

Blue Yue excitedly lifted the quilt, did not care to wear shoes, ran to the door to see blue Chen Hao wearing a new red spider pajamas, looking up at Qi Yanjun.

, Qi Qi Jun, still wore a bathrobe last night. He leaned sideways against the doorframe and stretched out his hand to erase the white froth of blue Chen's mouth. "Even the teeth didn't brush well and ran over."

"I just washed my face!" Blue Chen Hao tiny red small face, brush face with sleeve.

Qi Yanjun doesn't agree, and takes his little hand to the children's room.

Blue Chen Hao struggled to get rid of him, but Qi Yan Jun put the slender index finger on his lips, made a hiss action, and pointed to the bedroom side, "little yue'er is still sleeping, do you want to wake her up now?"

"I don't have it!"

Blue Chen Hao raised neck retort, but the voice obviously laughed very little.

Blue Yue is standing in the room, they did not see her, but she clearly saw in Qi Yan Jun holding his hand, blue Chen Hao's ear red.

The child has been cutting a short hair, plus the skin is raised very white, easy to see these small changes.

She froze and wanted to move forward. She thought Qi Yanjun was bullying the children again. But now it seems that she doesn't understand the way they get along with each other. Although LAN Chen Hao doesn't like Qi Yanjun's contact on the surface, she is happy in her heart.

The scene in the dream should not happen

Raise hand to cover the heart of faint pain, blue Yue purses pale lip. If she is the only one, she doesn't mind being driven away by the Qi family, but she doesn't want her children to suffer from the pain.

If Qi Yanjun finally chooses Xu miaoyong's child, she will leave this place with blue Chen Hao, and will never forgive Qi Yanjun.

In a trance, she went to the bathroom, turned on the faucet and washed her face with cold water. LAN Yue felt much fresher. After a wipe on her neck, it was full of sweat.

Seeing it was still early, she took a bath.

Warm water from the shower head, washed away the fear in the dream. She took the bath ball and rubbed out bubbles all over her body. She was absent-minded and recalled the pain in her dream.

As the saying goes, thinking every day and dreaming at night is probably due to discussing Xu miaoyong with Guan Xiaoxiao before going to bed, which leads to such a strange dream.

It's just that the pain in the dream is so real that she can't stop for a moment.

After breakfast, LAN Yue sent LAN Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan to learn piano, but Qi Yanjun suddenly came over and led her from the driver's seat to the co driver's seat. He bent down to help her tidy up her seat belt. His peach blossom eyes blinked, "I have an accident today, just to send you back to the company."

“……” LAN Yue opens her mouth and wants to ask him where he is going.

However, as soon as he spoke, he remembered Qi Yanjun's phone call yesterday. If he didn't guess wrong, he should be looking for Xu miaoyong today.

Blue Yue sat quietly, watching Qi Yanjun send the two children to piano school, turned the wheel and drove in the direction of the company.

"I'll pick you up in the afternoon."

Qi Yanjun put down the window, and her affectionate eyes fell on her. LAN Yue remembered the scene of last night. She coughed up unnaturally to cover up the heat in her throat. She looked at the black car driving to the road.

It's true that the car doesn't suddenly turn back. She raises her hand and stops a taxi, "follow the Maybach in front of her."


The driver then started the car.

LAN Yue called Guan Xiaoxiao in the back seat. He could not return to the company until the afternoon. By the way, did Xie LAN come here today.

"I'll ask."

When Guan Xiaoxiao puts down her mobile phone, LAN Yue can hear her dialing the phone and seems to be asking the secretary. "No, she didn't come to the company today, and she didn't explain when she would come back. I don't know what friends she went to see!"

Guan Xiaoxiao was indignant. "Maybe she is lying. She has no friends to visit her. She just wants to avoid us!"

"Don't worry. I'm going out today to see if I can meet Xu miaoyong."

"You go to her?" Guan Xiaoxiao was surprised. "Xu miaoyong has not heard from her for several months. I took a special look at her black powder group last night. Fans in the group guessed that she might be hiding, even the paparazzi couldn't find it."

"Take a chance."

"Miss, the car stopped."

Just thinking of explaining with Guan Xiaoxiao, the driver suddenly reminds her. LAN Yue looks up and finds that the black Maybach is parked at the gate of a Chinese hotel.

The driver's door was pushed open, Qi Yanjun walked into the hotel, the attendant helped to park the car.

"Get off here."

LAN Yue paid the money and ran after him to get out of the car. At the same time, he said to Guan Xiaoxiao, "I heard Qi Yanjun mention Xu miaorong a few days ago. He should know where Xu miaorong is. Now I'm following him to see if I can find him."

"That's OK. Be careful."

"I see."

"But why didn't Qi Yanjun tell you since he found Xu miaoyong?"Before hanging up the phone, he suddenly heard Guan Xiaoxiao's doubts. LAN Yue shook his hand and pressed the lock screen directly. In the hotel lobby, the cold air from the air conditioning made his arm numb. LAN Yue couldn't help rubbing. He never thought about this problem.

She just thought that Qi Yanjun was inconvenient to tell her, so she didn't ask.

But why couldn't Qi Yanjun tell her?

For a while, the nightmare of last night reappeared in my mind. Qi Yanjun and Xu Miaolong had no communication in the dream, but Qi Yanjun liked the baby baby very much. If Xu Miaolong used the child to win sympathy -

realizing that there was such a possibility, LAN Yue felt a pain in her heart and quickly brushed off this groundless illusion.

"Hello, miss. Do you have an appointment?"

Stand aside and watch the waiter come forward in time.

"Has Mr. Qi Yanjun made an appointment?"

"Just a moment, miss. I'll take a look for you."

The waiter had a good attitude and let her sit on the sofa. She also brought tea. She went to the front desk to help her inquire. Soon she came back and said with a smile, "excuse me, miss. Mr. Qi Yanjun has no reservation. Do you need any help?"

"No? What about Miss Xu miaoyong? Or miss sherland? "

Hearing the name of Xu miaoyong, the waiter's face changed slightly, but soon showed a professional smile, "OK, please wait a moment."

Even after such a long time, Xu Miaolong is still a "famous person". Even ordinary netizens also know what Xu miaoyong has done. Most men will feel numb when they hear the name.

Everyone knows that the Qi family has power and power. Xu Miaolong takes great pains to give birth to the child. He just wants the child to get the Qi family's inheritance right.

Such a woman is extremely vicious!

The waiter came back soon with a note in his hand. "I'm sorry, miss. I've just checked it for you. There were no names of Miss Xu miaolung and Miss Xie LAN among the guests. However, at about 8:00 in the morning, the security guard once saw a lady who was somewhat similar to Miss Xu miaoyong and went to the wing room on the third floor of the hotel. "

LAN Yue took the note from the waiter and said thank you.

She believed that Xu miaolung was in the hotel, but she entrusted someone else to help her because it was not convenient for her to book a wing room.

According to the number on the note, she took the elevator to the door of 302 wing room. She bent her fingers and knocked on the door. No one inside responded to her.

The waitress who passed by volunteered to help, saying that she wanted to bring the key to help her open the door.

LAN Yue didn't want to disturb the people inside. He looked at the wing rooms on both sides and asked, "can you see 302 in the 303 wing?"

"Yes." The waiter nodded, "302 and 303 have a balcony, standing on the balcony can see the situation inside, miss, do you need to reserve Room 303?"

"Yes, prepare it for me now."

LAN Yue hands her the bank card.

The waiter looked at her strangely and didn't understand why she didn't go in directly, but wanted to peep into the side room. But as a waiter, you can't ask too much about the privacy of the guests, so he quickly helped LAN Yue prepare Room 303.

Push open the door, bright sunshine from the terrace, gauze on the floor.

The decoration of the whole wing room is in a hurry with classical charm. The guardrail of the balcony is carved with mahogany. Standing in front of the guardrail, you can clearly hear the situation of 302.

But it's quiet there. It's weird. , the fastest update of the webnovel!