Chapter 359

"Mr. LAN, can I help you?" Xie LAN pulled up a stiff smile and rubbed the sweat in her palms with her hands. "I'm so sorry, I've made an appointment with a friend --"

"since you've made an appointment with a friend, I won't disturb you." LAN Yue interrupted her, "I will directly ask the lawyer to terminate the contract. If the company delays you and causes losses, you will be fully responsible for it."

Xie Lan's expression twisted, take her money than take her life more painful!

"I still have to go back to the meeting. I'll send it to you when the contract is signed."

LAN Yue didn't want to talk to her any more. She went to the side of the road and stopped a taxi. She went back to the company and asked the lawyer to send the termination documents. She signed her name and sent it to Xie LAN at noon that day.

Just after five o'clock, the secretary told her that Sheran had signed the document and sent it back to the company.

"Sure enough, talking to her about money is the most effective." Guan Xiaoxiao was surprised. He leaned on the sofa and looked at LAN Yue, who was still sitting on the office chair, tidying up his things. "Xiaoyue'er, didn't you follow Qi Yanjun to the hotel to find Xu miaoyong this morning? Have you found it? "

"Found it."

Blue Yue put the mobile phone into the bag, quickly walked to the door, "I'll go and have a look."


Guan Xiaoxiao gets up unexpectedly, only to see LAN Yue open the door and leave, not in a hurry. She sighed and LAN Yue said that she didn't care about the child. In fact, it was a lie.

With her for so long, Guan Xiaoxiao can also be regarded as understanding her.

Because of the pain of miscarriage, LAN Yue especially likes children. Even if Rong Xiuyuan doesn't like her, she also teaches patiently. Xu miaoyong's child should not have come to this world, but she has been born, and no one has the right to kill this fragile life.

LAN Yue is so anxious. Most of them are worried that Qi Yanjun will not be able to accommodate this child

However, according to Xu Miaolong's character, she is more worried. Xu Miaolong will use this child to win Qi Yanjun's sympathy and drive LAN Yue away.

It's a pity that she is an outsider and can't control so much.

Guan Xiaoxiao sighed and took the document to the board of directors to announce Xie LAN. Next, the company is looking for another investor and has to be busy again.


Starting from the company, LAN Yue returned to the restaurant within half an hour.

The front desk clerk told her that the guest in Room 302 left in the afternoon.

Blue Yue looks at the gloomy sky outside the door. I'm afraid it's going to rain. With the damp cool wind, he blows his long hair on his shoulders, shivering with cold.

She rubbed her shoulders, and her heart gradually sank. She didn't know that she should continue to look for Xu miaoyong.

After all, the sage didn't hurt her when she fell into the sea. In the past five years, she has been unable to let go of this hatred. If Qi Yanjun really intends to dispose of the child, will it be equivalent to indirectly revenge her child

The nurse told her that she was pregnant with twins.

The baby girl died as soon as she was born, and the boy was rescued for some time before gradually recovering.

Who should be responsible for the death of her child?

"Miss, do you need an umbrella?"

A strange voice startled her.

Stunned, she turned to the waiter's puzzled eyes, and she found that it was raining heavily outside.

She didn't bring an umbrella, so she had to thank the waiter for his kindness and took the dark red umbrella with the hotel logo. Just out of the door, she inadvertently saw a woman huddled in the billboard in the bus stop not far away from the rain.

It's raining hard. I'm afraid she won't be able to go home until she's soaked through.

LAN Yue asked the waiter to bring an umbrella and walked to the bus stop. Walked in only to find that it was a pregnant woman! She used a thin gray coat to firmly protect her tummy, and a little girl in pink rain boots grabbed her clothes.

The little girl was wearing a small vest, and her white arms were soaked with rain.

The pregnant woman kept pushing her, "Qiqi, put on your clothes quickly. If you have a cold, you should have an injection."

"I don't want it. I want to keep my brother out of the rain." The little girl shakes off the rain on her hair and obstinately blocks in front of her.

Blue Yue froze, the girl's voice poked in the heart, she quietly forward, the umbrella passed, and pregnant women polite a few words, eyes from time to time stay in the little daughter's happy face.

Even a little girl knew to take care of her unborn brother. She was hesitating just now whether to let things go on and ignore Xu miaoyong, even her children.

Liu Zhou told her that it was just a child born for a month, and now it is only two months

"Thank you, aunt!" The little girl raised a smile to thank her. She took out a small bag from her schoolbag and carefully took out a little star. "Today, the kindergarten teacher taught us to fold the stars, saying that we should give the stars to our favorite. I have five stars, one for my aunt. "

Little stars are made of cheap plastic tubes, just as small as nails.The girl chose a pink star and put it in her hand carefully, so as not to let the rain get wet.

"This is my daughter's manual work today." Looking at LAN Yue's famous brand, the pregnant woman may feel embarrassed and smile at her embarrassment. This star is not worth money at all.

"Very nice."

LAN Yue swallowed the bitterness in her throat, rubbed the girl's head and talked with the pregnant woman.

It is said that Lan Yue also has a son. The pregnant woman becomes talkative.

When the bus came, LAN Yue helped her to get on the bus.

Waiting for the car to go far, she tried to control her chest will be out of control mood, quickly sat on the car, called Liu Zhou, asked about the address of Xu miaoyong's apartment.

She did not directly look for Qi Yanjun, is worried that there is no way to make things clear on the phone, must meet in person!

"It's in Beishan apartment. Do you want to go there now?" Liu Zhou doubts, "it's a little far over there. It's half an hour's drive. Now it's raining and there's traffic jams on the road."

"I see."

LAN Yue hung up the phone, opened the navigation, took a path in the past, by the way made a call to Qi Yanjun, but the signal is not good, call two or three times all can not, blue Yue had to give up.

She was delayed for a few minutes because of the heavy rain. When she arrived at Beishan apartment, it was completely dark.

"I'm sorry, miss. You can't go in."

As Liu Zhou said, the security of the apartment is very tight. As soon as she got to the gate, she was stopped by the security guard. The other side looked her up and down, "you are not a resident here. I haven't seen you."

In a word, she can't even pretend to be a resident.

If she is Xu miaoyong's friend, the security guard will ask her to call Xu miaoyong on the spot. This method simply doesn't work.

She frowned lightly. Considering that time was running out, she directly asked the security guard, "I want to find Miss Xu miaoreng. Is she there?"

"Miss Xu?"

The security guard's face changed slightly. He obviously knew Xu miaoyong.

He motioned a colleague to make a phone call, the colleague quickly shook his head, "nobody answers the phone, Miss Xu should not be at home."

"Then wait outside." The security guard was merciless.

In spite of the heavy rain, LAN Yue was not allowed to enter.

She couldn't force her, so she went back to the car and continued to call Qi Yanjun, but she didn't know what was wrong. She asked the security guard to know that the nearby telecommunication tower had been knocked down by lightning half an hour ago and was being repaired. It is estimated that there will be no signal before tomorrow.

That's the trouble.

Most of Xu Miaolong's children are still staying in the apartment. If she went to qiyanjun now, she might miss him and let him contact him first.

Because this topic is too sensitive, she never asked Qi Yanjun what attitude to the child.

I heard his voice in the hotel just now. I'm afraid he doesn't like the child at all.

So she can only stay here and make sure the children are safe.

Taking out the little star that the girl gave her from her pocket, LAN Yue's sight became blurred, and warm tears slid down her white cheek.

She was unconscious, staring straight at the star.

If the daughter didn't leave her, she should be the same age as the girl now. Maybe she will learn how to fold the stars in school and give them to her happily after returning home.

It's just that these things are too far away from her

Dong Dong Dong Dong.

The window next to me was knocked.

Blue Yue conditioned reflex to wipe off tears, turned to see a 20-year-old woman holding a crying baby anxiously looking at her. , the fastest update of the webnovel!