Chapter 361

At first, she had no choice but to take care of the child. After spending several hours with her, she found that the child was very cute and even reluctant to leave her.

The baby sitter's going to leave for a while is just in her mind.

The nanny will not be at ease, LAN Yue also took the initiative to take out the ID card, let the nanny take photos.

"That's - it's too much trouble for you, Miss LAN." Although the nanny is embarrassed, she is not her child after all. She only helps others to work. Naturally, she can't let the child have an accident.

It's raining hard outside. The child has to stay in the hospital for observation. She can't take her child back.

LAN Yue is not a resident of the apartment. She can't go in.

Can only leave the child in the hospital for LAN Yue to watch.

After taking the picture, the nanny left quickly.

Little baby in the arms of blue Yue Yiya waving small hands, a hold of blue Yue's hand, pinch in the heart of small hands, pink mouth a Nuo a Nuo sucking bottle.

After a while, let blue Yue give her another hand to continue to play.

After eating, LAN Yue picked her up and ran along her back. The baby soon belched and lay down on her shoulder looking at the heavy rain outside the window.

"My daughter is watching the rain?" Blue Yue came to the past, the baby with a smell of milk, skin soft and white, can not help rubbing with his nose.

But the child is looking out of the window attentively, not avoiding her action.

After watching it for about ten minutes, I yawned to sleep and kicked my crus wrapped in swaddling clothes.

LAN Yue put her on the bed.

Because the end of the bed is not enough, the baby is sleeping in an adult bed. LAN Yue must be watching by the side, so as not to fall down.

The child soon went to sleep, two white hands holding the fist, LAN Yue put her finger into her hands, the baby tooted his mouth, holding her hand, LAN Yue smile, face full of tenderness.

When blue Chen Hao was a child, she also liked to hold her hand when she was sleeping, but the child grew to be fast and seemed to learn to walk in a twinkling of an eye.

To now, blue Chen Hao already can oneself sleep a room, blue Yue also has not had this kind of feeling for a long time.

Gently touching her soft fetal hair, I feel a little uncomfortable in my heart. I don't know if the child can be loved by her parents when she goes back.

Just now I heard the nanny say that she was a premature baby. LAN Yue couldn't help but feel heartache. LAN Chen Hao was also a premature baby. He suffered a lot of crimes when he was a child. Even if Mr. Qi cured him and sent him to his side, LAN Chen Hao was not less ill. He took medicine almost all day, and felt uncomfortable looking at it.

It is not easy to grow up, the body gradually healthy.

But Nan Nan is not as lucky as LAN Chen Hao, and her parents don't like her.

Knowing that she was going to be hospitalized, the nanny called again, but the hostess still didn't answer the phone, so she couldn't help asking about the man.

The nanny's expression at that time was very strange. She looked at her several times with fear. It was probably because she was really thinking about her child that the nanny was relieved. "When Nannan was just born, I came to be her nanny. I never met her father, and the master never mentioned it."

"The people who live in Beishan apartment are special. I don't dare to ask her any more. I'm afraid my daughter's father doesn't want her." The nanny whispered, "I always thought I was the only one who preferred boys to girls in the countryside, so did the big cities."

Nanny thought she didn't hear this, sighed, turned to pour her a glass of water.

LAN Yue drinks the water, but feels like chewing gum.

But the child's guardian is not her, the only thing she can do is to accompany the child through the evening, if there is a chance to meet the parents of the child, can also persuade them a few words.


Just thinking, a cough startled her!

Looking down, it was the child coughing in his sleep!

LAN Yue is shocked and wants to ring the bell to find the doctor. She is afraid that she has a cold. But the action is too urgent, accidentally touched the water cup on the table top, wet the clothes.

She stood up in chagrin and reached out to touch the bell on the bed. Who knows someone beat her to ring the bell.

Warm and strong body holding her from the back, can feel the other side flat chest from the powerful heartbeat. He has a strong smell of Yang and a strong smell of rain.

In front of him was a smooth glass window, and it was dark outside.

The glass window just becomes a mirror. LAN Yue sees Qi Yanjun standing behind her, stretching out his arm and pressing on the bell at the head of the bed. The arm happened to pass over her shoulder, and at first glance it was like holding her in his arms.

“……” This feeling is very delicate. Looking at the reflection of two people on the window, LAN Yue has a warm feeling and wants to save this moment.

She didn't know what Qi Yanjun thought. He was lowering his head, staring at her from high to low, from full forehead to elegant bridge of nose, and finally landed on Peach Pink delicate lips.

With the subtle "guru" sound, Qi Yanjun swallowed the mouth foam, the atmosphere became hot.

LAN Yue heard the voice, his face burning like hot, want to side away from him.But at this time, the baby who had been sleeping on the bed coughed again and cried.

Blue Yue pushed Qi Yan Jun's hand in front of him and touched the child's forehead, "it's very hot!" She picked up the baby and went to the doctor on duty.

As soon as I went out, I ran into a doctor with several nurses. I learned that the child's temperature was abnormal. The doctor severely instructed the nurse to probe the temperature and found that the child was sick.

She had to be given an injection because she was too weak.

Looking at the silver needle pierced the child's tender skin, blue heart a burst of pain, remind the doctor to be gentle.

"With the doctor here, let's go out first."

Qi Yanjun hugs LAN Yue and feels her delicate body trembling. Her worried eyes all fall on the child. He frowned slightly and reexamined the baby surrounded by doctors and nurses.

She was wearing a white baby dress with small flowers printed on it. She kicked her short legs and cried. The nurse grabbed her hands and gave her injections. Where have children suffered so much? As soon as the needle went into it, she began to cry with a loud voice, and her little white face was red with tears.

LAN Yue didn't resist bending down to hold her small fist. "My baby is obedient, and it will be OK soon."

Qi Yan Jun pinched and pinched his suddenly empty palm. He looked at the blue Yue half kneeling on the ground. From the phone, we know that Lan Yue met a little baby on the way, but we didn't expect that Lan Yue was so attached to this baby.

He braved the heavy rain to come over, all wet, blue Yue did not care about him a word!

"Well, you two, go out first. I still need to do a comprehensive examination for the child." Said the doctor, taking off his mask.

LAN Yue looked at the baby comforted by the nurse in her arms. Her heart was floating and sinking. The doctor urged her to go outside and pay the medical expenses to the child by the way.

Just about to pay, Qi Yanjun preemptively handed the card to the staff.

She just remembered that there was a person behind her. Looking back, she was almost frightened by the resentment in Qi Yanjun's eyes, "you..." Licked the dry lip, "that child just two months, the body is not good, if sick will be serious."

"I see." Finally heard the explanation, Qi Yan Jun's lip angle slightly cocked up, but soon it can be under the board, "but I've been here for so long, you've been staring at her, ignoring me."

"How can you compare with her? She's just a child Voice export, LAN Yue suddenly found that their topic is too naive, even the staff can not look at it.

I really don't want to pull here. She lowers her head and leaves, and her long drooping hair blocks the blush on her face.

However, Qi Yanjun has been paying attention to her. Naturally, the first time she found that her ears hidden in the hair were flushed, and her eyes showed a spoiled smile. Qi Yanjun took over the bill to keep up with LAN Yue.

Now it was more than seven o'clock in the evening, and it was raining heavily outside. Most of the patients in the hospital had already left, and only three or two were sitting on the chairs in the corridor, talking in a low voice.

So quiet, LAN Yue can hear Qi Yan Jun's steady and powerful footsteps.

Just want to break the silence, the palm is suddenly wrapped by a warm strength.

Qi Yan Jun carefully rubbed her cool hand, "I didn't find the child."

Just one sentence successfully affected LAN Yue's mood, "..." She looked at the people beside her in surprise, and suddenly felt that, in fact, Qi Yanjun always knew her idea. , the fastest update of the webnovel!