Chapter 369

She thought that five years ago, LAN Yue had been completely desperate, but today she knows that Lan Yue still has a glimmer of hope for what happened five years ago, so she will collapse when she learns that the child looks like Qi Yan Jun.

For a while, Guan Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth and quietly accompanied LAN Yue to help her block the cold wind blowing from the side.

After about ten minutes of stupidity, LAN Yue finally comes to her senses. She sees Guan Xiaoxiao put her hand into his pocket in order not to disturb her. She curls up and plays with her mobile phone with one hand.

Her heart slightly warm, "Xiaoxiao, I'm ok, just thinking about some problems."

"Have you thought about it? I'm a little hungry. Should the Qi family be having dinner at this time? " She decided not to mention it any more, so that Lan Yue would not continue to support herself in front of her. "Why don't we go to the restaurant nearby? I just have some questions to ask you. It's not convenient for Qi's family."

“……” Blue Yue originally wanted to refuse, but thought that the baby was still in the villa, so he nodded and agreed.

In fact, she also felt that Guan Xiaoxiao did not want her to go back.

She always thought that she met her because of the fate of the baby. She took care of her conscientiously, listening to LAN Chen Hao's "sister" cry, and even took the baby as his daughter.

Maybe it's because I look too much, so I know the truth when I have a feeling of tearing heart and lung. The pain was like taking her heart out and tearing it on both sides.

The pain is too slow.

Two people did not go too far, in the nearby hot pot to eat hot pot, spicy taste in the mouth collision.

Guan Xiaoxiao soon burst into tears.

LAN Yue just wiped the sweat and continued to eat. In fact, she was not good at spicy food, but her eyes were dry and couldn't shed tears. She had been thinking about little baby and Qi Yanjun.

If you let Qi Yanjun know about this child - no! Qi Yanjun may have known for a long time, otherwise, he would not look at a child just two months old.


The hot sauce choked into her throat, and LAN Yue coughed violently. Tears gushed out with the pain of tearing heart and lung, and soon wet the eyelashes.

Guan Xiaoxiao quickly handed her a paper towel and a cow. LAN Yue took a big drink. The heavy tingling was relieved temporarily, but the pain in her heart lingered.

Looking at the similar ingredients in front of her, she was at a loss. After checking out, she would return to Qi's home. Could she still face the baby calmly?

"Xiao yue'er, don't think so much. Is there any evidence to prove that the child is Xu miaoyong. Maybe it's just a coincidence that she looks like king Qi Yan! " Xiaoxiao's eyes are full of pain.

"I know."

LAN Yue licked her red and swollen lips. She could still feel a pain in her throat when swallowing.

She has promised to take care of the child and will not leave the child behind.

If, like the nanny said, the child's mother is not in China, does that mean that Xu miaoyong is not in China? She screwed off her eyebrows. There's no evidence yet.

After dinner, she and Guan Xiaoxia took a walk nearby. After 9:00, Guan Xiaoxiao stopped a taxi to go back first.

LAN Yue returned to the villa has been nearly 10 o'clock, the baby has already returned to the room to sleep in the past, she secretly sent a breath, in Yunfang dissatisfied attention to walk to the second floor.

"Wait a minute!"

Yunfang suddenly stood up and scanned with sharp eyes.

When LAN Yue doubts what she wants to do, Yunfang's eyes soften a little, "how long are you going to keep your baby here?"

"When her parents come back, I'll send her away."

When he said this, LAN Yue felt that he couldn't do what he wanted. In terms of blood relationship, Yunfang is the child's grandmother. Now Yunfang likes little baby so much. It is estimated that even if she knows that the baby is Xu miaoreng's, she will leave her child and gradually accept her.

Monogamy and two wives are not absent in a wealthy family.

Even if Qi Yanjun doesn't like it, Yunfang has to be polite to Xu miaoreng for the sake of the baby. According to Xu's personality, she will seize this opportunity and become the Qi family's wife again.

She can drive Xu miaoyong away, but it is the children who suffer in the end.

She also likes babies and can't bear to let her suffer.

"When will her parents come back?" Yunfang didn't see LAN Yue's abnormality and frowned. "Nannan has lived here for so many days. If her parents really don't have time to take care of this child, you can tell them that I can take care of them for a longer time."

Yunfang's lips rose slightly, hoping that the children's parents did not have time.

After a few days of getting along with each other, she likes this child from the bottom of her heart. If she can stay, it's the best!

"I see."

LAN Yue pinched her hand, and her heart was aching. Without waiting for Yunfang to say more, she turned back to her room and did not intend to tell her child's life story to Yunfang for the time being. There was no enough evidence on hand.Although it has been guessed, the evidence still needs to be found.

After passing by the door of Qi Yanjun's room, she stopped slightly, sighed and finally left.

However, just before long, the door was pushed open. Qi Yanjun, dressed in a gray bathrobe, leaned against the door frame and looked at LAN Yue's direction of leaving.

Just in the room, he heard the footsteps of LAN Yue, but when he opened the door, there was no one.

He pursed his lips, called Li Yiyao, and sat in the living room of the side hall drinking coffee.

Before long, Li Yiyao came over with a document, "Qi Shao, this is the information you want."

There is a DNA identification on the data, confirming that Qi Yanjun and xiaobaobao are related by blood. This report was made in the hospital at the beginning.

Qi Yanjun stares at the report with a sinister face, and Li Yiyao doesn't say much.

After waiting for a long time, Qi Yanjun didn't mean to open his mouth. Li Yiyao gently reminded, "Qi Shao, Xu miaoreng has been in the hospital these days. She didn't agree to our request and made a lot of noise in the hospital. Is it necessary to arrange for her to be sent away? "

Although the hospital is Qi's, Xu miaolung can make such a fuss every day, which will affect other patients in the hospital.

"No Qi Yan Jun squinted, "she likes to pretend to be crazy and silly, so let her pretend."


Li Yiyao felt numb on the tip of his tongue. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at the faces of the people in front of him. The hospital is not a good place for self-cultivation. The strong smell of disinfected water in the air will be unbearable.

Xu miaoreng has been in the hospital for several days. Recently, he can't eat any food and becomes moody.

Qi Yanjun asked her to leave here, but she refused to agree or tell the whereabouts of the child. She insisted that the child had been knocked out. She didn't even know that the child was in Qi's house. She thought it was the nanny who took the child away.

"Qi Shao, what should I do with this child?" Li Yiyao asked carefully.

He already knew that the child was brought back by LAN Yue, but the child can't live here all the time. The Qi family will know her identity sooner or later.

We have to deal with the child before it gets out of control.

Qi Yan Jun tapped on the table, thinking of LAN Yue holding the child's gentle expression, the strength in the hands of cold does not increase, "let her live for a period of time."

“……” Li Yiyao's face flashed with surprise, "OK, I'll arrange it right away." Although he said so, he was still a little strange. He thought that Qi Yanjun would take advantage of LAN Yue and take the child away.

But on second thought, LAN Yue likes this child so much that if the child suddenly disappears, she will be anxious.

After all, Qi Shao is still concerned about LAN Yue's mood.

Now the only solution, I am afraid, is to let Xu Miaolong hand over the child's custody. The child is innocent and will only suffer when he follows Xu miaoyong.

This is what Qi Yanjun wants to do.

However, Xu miaolung refused to agree, and he still made a scene in the hospital, even alerting the patients in the hospital. The reporter also came to interview him.

A passer-by revealed that famous actress Xu miaoyong was in the hospital, suspected of mental disorder.

As soon as the report came out, it surprised the whole city.

Guan Xiaoxiao also saw the report on the news, and quickly came to look for LAN Yue, "Xiao yue'er, please read the news quickly! How could Xu miaoyong be in the hospital of Qi family , the fastest update of the webnovel!