Chapter 378

But LAN Yue cheated her too much. If she had told her in the morning that this business could not make money, she would not take the initiative to go to Xu miaolung and buy fruit and bird's nest on the way. As a result, she only got 20000 yuan!

Even six million odd is not enough. Moreover, it offends Xu miaoyong.

It's not a good deal.

Looking at LAN Yue's motionless expression, Xie LAN secretly gnaws her teeth, and she knows that Lan Yue is intentional. He mixed into the company as an investor, but also modified the system privately. LAN Yue is giving her a lesson.

If you throw away your hand, the 20000 will be wasted.

"Well, I'll sign it!" Xie Lanhuo went out.

She can't take the money.

LAN Yue asked the Secretary to prepare the contract again. Xie LAN confirmed that there were no more excessive conditions in the contract. He signed his own name, which was so powerful that he could almost cut the paper.

"Signed!" She throws the document to LAN Yue directly. She looks at this woman indignantly. She has a large sum of money on her hand. There is such a big company. She also wants to take out 20000 yuan to send her.

If LAN Yue is willing to help, the six million debt may be easily paid off.

Xie Lan's eyes turned and her face changed slightly. After receiving the check of 20000 yuan from LAN Yue, she quickly left the company and hid in the dark lane beside her. She quickly dialed a reporter's phone number.

"Hello, I have something to tell you about LAN Yue and Xu miaoyong. What's the price here?"

The two sides agreed on the meeting place. Xie LAN bought a mask on the street temporarily and took a taxi to the small restaurant in the city center. In the box, he saw a middle-aged man in a plaid shirt, with a mobile phone in his hand, smoking low.

Xie LAN adjusted her breath and knocked on the door. Facing the man's gaze, she deliberately lowered her voice, "excuse me, are you Mr. Xu?"

"Yes, I am. Are you Miss Su? "

Xu Xu man got up warmly and shook hands with her.

Xie LAN sat down in front of the man and pretended to be su. And this man is a little reporter she knew when she was an investor in lanyue's company.

Although he is only a small reporter, he has a big company behind him, which is very rich and powerful. He is good at digging other people's privacy and making money.

Qi Yanjun and LAN Yue, as well as Xu miaoyong, these three people, this company all know.

It's convenient for her.

Xie LAN called out the chat record of Xu Miaolong and the doctor from her mobile phone. She made up a lot of it by adding salt and vinegar. When the reporter heard the light in her eyes, she decided to buy her information on the spot, and immediately transferred 50000 yuan.

"Only 50000?" She also thought that with Xu miaoyong's "popularity", these materials would be very valuable.

"Miss Su, this is just the first money." "If this report can cause a sensation, we can still make money next. If we are lucky, we can make millions at a time."


"Of course The reporter hummed and laughed, "look at the rich people like Qi family and Xu family. Do you think they will allow these reports to continue to ferment? Wait, they'll pay a high price for this information. "

"That would be great."

Xie LAN raised her long hair, showed her proud chest, and deliberately showed a delicate expression to the reporter, "then please teach me well. I used to work in lanyue's company, but because I knew too much, she dismissed me. It was too much. I couldn't swallow this tone and wanted to ask you for help. "

Xu Nan's eyes stay on her plump chest. Because of long-term overtime, her skin is flabby and her face is flushed. "Gulu" swallows foam, "of course, I will take good care of you."

Xie Lanjiao smiles angrily.

After a while, a strange sound came from the wing room.

Until nearly dusk, Xie LAN left the hotel with pride. When she got into the taxi, she tidied up her clothes on her shoulders. She could see a red mark on her white skin.

She was content to look at the hand just got back 70000 money, beautiful red lips more attractive.

Xu Nan and the company previously declared, just got the information about Qi Yanjun and Xu miaoyong, his company gave him 80000 degrees. Xu Nan originally only gave her 50000 yuan. Later, under her "flattery", she gave another 20000 yuan. In addition, LAN Yue's 20000 yuan had already reached 90000.

With the money, she can leave here temporarily and go to a place where Yang Zhicheng can't find her.

After Xu Nan publishes the report, she may be able to make another profit.

Xie Lanmei Zizi's money was collected. After returning to her apartment, she quickly returned the house, took back the rest of the deposit, and left with her luggage all night. She didn't want to be found by Yang Zhicheng.

The next morning, when LAN Yue went to work, he found that there were many private cars on the road opposite the company, which almost filled the whole road. It was strange to see.Since the nearby companies have their own underground parking lots, employees will park their cars in them, which is more reassuring. Only the customers who come to visit will park their cars outside because of insufficient parking spaces.

On weekdays, about ten customers come to visit, which is like today? LAN Yue counted about 30 cars on the side of the road.

"What happened?"

She asked the security guard at the door.

The security guard shook his head in embarrassment. "I don't know. I came to take over at six o'clock this morning, and I saw this situation. Last night's night shift colleague said that these cars had been parked outside in the early morning. They didn't violate the rules, and we didn't dare to drive them away

Even if I walk on the elevator, I feel strange when I step on the blue skirt.

The moment of looking up, a dazzling light flashed through the corner of the eye.

However, the light soon disappeared. When she looked up, the light had disappeared. If her eyes had not been blinded for a short time due to the sudden appearance of strong light, it was almost suspected that this was an illusion.

But looking back, there was nothing but the row of cars parked outside.

Blue Yue wrinkled under the door, stepped into the elevator, made a call to the security office, let them pay close attention to the outside situation.

When I got off work at 5:30 in the evening, it was still calm outside.

She stretched out, almost forgetting this morning's accident.

Pick up things, drive the car back to Qi's villa.

As soon as the car reached the gate, the children's clear laughter was heard.

"Mom, you're back!"

LAN Yue pushes open the door to get out of the car. LAN Chen Hao, who was still playing at the gate, opened her hands and rushed to her. There was also a hemp white traction rope on his wrist. A dog cub, who looked like a little local dog, ran with his short legs. His stomach was bulging, his head was crooked, and his head was staring at LAN Yue. Suddenly, he made a "Wang" sound and made a bravado forward Next, "Ao Wu" hide behind blue Chen Hao.

"Look, mother! This is the little dog I saw nearby this afternoon Blue Chen Hao presents treasure like dog to hold up.

The dog was afraid of strangers, and pulled his ears. The paw of the dog was hung and did not dare to move.

The pup, with short brown fur, looks only about three months old.

"Has the dog been checked?" She doesn't object to children having pets, but she is also worried that small pets will hurt their children.

"Checked." Blue Chen Hao pointed to the villa side, "grandma asked the veterinarian to come and check. The little dog is very healthy, but he is hungry. I found meat from the kitchen for it to eat, and it played with me. Mom, can I keep it

Blue Chen Hao put the dog son on the ground, squat down and rub its head.

The dog flicks its tail happily. It seems to know that Lan Yue has the right to decide. A pair of wet eyes glanced at her with expectation from time to time, and then she rubbed lanchenhao pathetically.

"Yes, but you have to take good care of it. It can't be hot for three minutes, or you'll have to find a new owner for it."

LAN Yue is determined to cultivate the children's sense of responsibility, and deliberately speaks very seriously.

Blue Chen Hao embraces the dog to nod heavily, "Mom, you can rest assured! I'll take good care of it, and the slim kitten , the fastest update of the webnovel!