Chapter 387

"I've looked into these." He an said, "Sheran, twenty thousand of them are from Miss LAN, right?"

"Yes." She knew that Sheran would not give up until she got it, so she only gave her 20000 yuan.

"That's right. I have investigated the source of her funds. She returned the apartment she had rented before and took a deposit of eighteen thousand yuan, which adds up to thirty-eight thousand yuan, and the 60000 plus came from a reporter. "


LAN Yue's eyes are slightly bright. This is what she wants to check! "Can you find out who that reporter is?"

She had long suspected that it was Sheran who sold her story to reporters that caused such confusion. As long as she could find out, the rumor could be solved naturally.

"A little longer, though."

"OK, if you have a clue, contact me."

LAN Yue hangs up and handles the files on the desk.

After dinner at home, I got a call from he an again and sent a photo on wechat, "it's this reporter named Xu Nan. He's a reporter from the entertainment front line. His qualifications are quite old-fashioned."

"He had attended the Party of Miss Lan's company before. At that time, Sheran had not left his job. I think that's how they got to know each other. Last Thursday, Xie LAN took 20000 yuan from you. Before long, she got in touch with Xu Nan. The next day, she returned the apartment and left with the deposit. Her account was more than 100000 yuan. In addition, the more than 60000 must be Xu Nan's disclosure fee for her! "

LAN Yue listens to he an's analysis and points out the photo of Xu Nan. The other is a man about 30 years old with dark skin. He looks very ordinary and has no obvious characteristics. He can't remember where he met this man.

But she knew that the staff at the bottom would often get together and occasionally invite some familiar reporters to come over.

If Xie LAN had been to these parties, it would be no surprise that she would have known Xu Nan.

"Send me the exact address of Sheran." After weighing, LAN Yue still decided to deal with it from Xie LAN. Xu Nan is an experienced reporter. If you go to him suddenly, you may be slandered by Xu Nan.

It must have been easier for Sheran to handle.


He an does things neatly and quickly sends the address.

LAN Yue pays him, and the cooperation between them ends here.

According to the hotel information given by he an, LAN Yue called in the past. Because the hotel is more advanced, it took some trouble to get Sheran's room number. The front desk transferred it to her.

Soon, the phone was answered, heard Xie LAN languid leisurely tone, "who?"

"It's me." LAN Yue didn't intend to talk nonsense with her, "Miss Xie, a gentleman who claimed to be Yang Zhicheng came to see you the other day. I gave him your apartment address, but he said that you had moved away. I found out you were on holiday after checking."

"Yang, Yang Zhicheng, did he come to me?" Sheran panicked. "Does he know I'm on this side of the resort?"

"I should know. He came to the company that day to make a scene and damaged the company's financial affairs. I was going to let the police deal with this matter. But Yang Zhicheng refused to admit that I need a witness now. If Miss Xie could come and help, it would be better. "

"So it is."

Through the microphone, I heard Xie LAN breathe a sigh of relief, did not speak again, should be thinking about whether to come back.

LAN Yue is not in a hurry, waiting for her response quietly. The reason why he didn't directly tell Xie LAN what the reporter disclosed was that he was worried that she would run away again after he knew that the matter was exposed.

It's just a cover to ask the police to sue Yang Zhicheng, in order to deceive Xie LAN to come back.

According to Xie Lan's character, she certainly doesn't like being chased by Yang Zhicheng for money. If she can have a chance to deal with Xie LAN, she won't let her go.

Sure enough, before long, there was a slight noise on the phone. It seemed that something was put on the desk and made a "Bata" sound, "OK, Miss LAN, I know, I will be back soon! Speaking of it, Yang Zhicheng has something to do with me. "

She sniffed and began to sob, "Miss LAN, I'm so sorry. My ex boyfriend borrowed a sum of money from Yang Zhicheng. I acted as a guarantor for her. Who knows Who knows, he ran away without paying back the money. " "I didn't know what to do at that time, so I went back abroad all night, hoping to find my ex boyfriend and let him take responsibility."

"But I couldn't find him for a long time. The money I brought was almost used. At this time, Xu Miaolong came to me She said she could lend me money Miss LAN, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't believe Xu miaoyong! "

Xie LAN took the opportunity to admit his mistake, sincere words, and kept crying.

, if blue Yue hadn't investigated her information in advance, she might have believed Sheran because of her crying. However, according to he an's information, Xie Lan's ex boyfriend borrowed money to help Xie LAN hold a birthday party, in order to win Xie Lan's face.But later, they found that it was too convenient for them to borrow money from Yang Zhicheng, as long as they provided their ID cards and signatures. After they paid off the first debt, they borrowed several times in succession. After accumulating to six million yuan, Yang Zhicheng asked them to pay back the money.

But some time ago, they were extravagant and had only tens of thousands left.

As soon as Xie Lan's boyfriend heard that he wanted to pay back the money, he ran away that night. Yang Zhicheng can't find anyone, so he has to find Xie LAN to pay back the money.

In the final analysis, it is their insatiable greed and incessant borrowing that they owe this huge debt. However, in her retelling, she did not mention that time of extravagance. She only said that her boyfriend borrowed money and didn't pay it back. She was innocent and implicated.

LAN Yue doesn't want to investigate this matter with her now, and make an appointment to let Xie LAN come.

Xie LAN a can deal with Yang Zhicheng, the night booking tickets, the next day at noon back.

As soon as she got off the plane, she would not stop to look for Mr. LAN. But as soon as she arrived at the door of the company, she suddenly saw a familiar figure with her head lowered. From the side of the small dark lane, she quickly walked to the seven cars parked nearby.

This figure, Xie lanyue looks more familiar.

"Brother Xu?" She couldn't help blurting out.

When the man who was about to walk to the car heard this, he pulled his hat down cautiously and looked at the sound source rigidly. When he saw the woman standing in front of him, Xu Nan's face was happy, and his eyes fell on her proud chest. Then he drew to the purplish mouth, Gulu swallowed the foam, Miss Xie, how did you come back

"I..." Zhang KaiKou, Xie LAN almost couldn't help calling LAN Yue back to Xu Nan, but this matter involved Yang Zhicheng. Xie LAN didn't dare to say more, but she turned a wink at the topic. "I saw the report on the Internet, so come back and have a look."

"Let's get in the car and talk about it!"

Xu Nan's face suddenly changes, grabs Xie Lan's hand to quickly sit on the car and close the door.

There were only two of them in the car, and the dim light depressed the atmosphere.

Xu Nan is not quite assured to look out of the window, turned back to Xie LAN made a hiss gesture, anxious way, "this matter can't be mentioned now, you went to the seaside these days, so don't know the seriousness of the matter."

"The Qi family has intervened in this matter. They are looking for me in the office." Xu Nan spit on the foam. "I don't know what they think. A reporter was going to interview LAN Yue a few days ago. The Qi family actually smashed all the reporters' camera equipment. It's too much!"

"Is there such a thing?" Xie Lan's eyes widened. She had been on holiday before and had a good time. She was forgetting these things!

These things have not been reported out, Sheran only knew that the online comments suddenly disappeared, but did not know who did it. She thought that this was the situation in China. Maybe in a few days, the topic about LAN Yue would appear again, so she did not investigate the inside story.

When Xu Nan told her personally, she did not know the seriousness of the matter.

Qi family even reporters are not afraid, if you know that these things are her spread out, certainly will not let her go! Thinking of this, Xie LAN felt a cold sweat behind her spine, and the tone of LAN Yue when she came back was shivering. , the fastest update of the webnovel!