Chapter 391

"Nothing to do with me?" Qi Yanjun pulled LAN Yue's chin and forced her to look over, "your business is mine. Little yue'er, I don't like to hear that. "

He said two words altogether.

The first sentence is gloomy and angry, the next is a cold statement. Do not need to get her approval, just simply inform her, must follow his rules!

LAN Yue struggled to leave. Her white chin was pinched out with red marks, and physiological tears came out because of pain. Looking at Qi Yanjun's laryngeal knot sliding, LAN Yue suddenly lowered her head and seized her red lips. She aggressively invaded every inch of her mouth.

Such a kiss did not make LAN Yue feel comfortable. On the contrary, she even tasted the bloody taste between their lips and tongues.

Qi Yanjun raised his hand and tried to push Qi Yanjun away, but he took a step. The whole person oppressed her. Her muscular chest made her choke. Qi Yanjun took the opportunity to deepen the kissing action and made her throat uncomfortable.

But he didn't restrain at all. His big hot hand held LAN Yue's waist and pressed her to himself, as if to rub her into the flesh and blood.

Such a kiss, such a movement, full of aggression, LAN Yue was uncomfortable to hum a sound, but gradually, the limbs out of control of soft down, white hands grasp Qi Yan Jun's collar.

Although there is no active response, but also no strength to resist him.

Their bodies were completely attached to each other. She could feel the changes in Qi Yanjun's body. To her surprise, she didn't hate these changes, but her cheeks were slightly hot.

When Qi Yanjun pressed her on the sofa, her mind only flashed a "no", but her body accepted the man in front of her

"Mr. LAN."

At the critical moment, the door of the office is knocked!

She heard the Secretary's voice.

Blue Yue head blank, directly pushed the pressure in the body of the person, will have been untied clothes quickly buckle, angry stare at Qi Yanjun.

But he is a satisfied thumb wiped wet lips, "today temporarily let you go, continue at night." With the fragrance of the big hand pinched her face.

this smell is the same as the perfume on her body.

Just now, Qi Yanjun's hand touched her completely. It's not surprising that the same taste will be left behind. Those beautiful pictures lingered in my mind, but fortunately, Qi Yanjun took the initiative to clean up, got up and went to the rest room next to him, so as not to be seen by lanyue's employees here and have a bad influence.

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, LAN Yue breathed a sigh of relief. In a certain way, Qi Yanjun was very considerate, but in other places -

looking at the traces of her body being kneaded out, her face flushed with heat. She quickly buttoned up her clothes, tidied up her appearance, and opened the door for the Secretary to come in.

Secretary did not doubt too much, "general manager LAN, has sent Miss Xie to the hospital, the doctor diagnosed her fracture, but fortunately it is not very serious, it can be cultivated for a period of time. But she always claimed that she was injured in our company, and the company should take full responsibility for her. "

The Secretary frowned and handed out the document with the doctor's fracture certificate and Sheran's signature.

"Here's Miss Xie's insurance information." Secretary wrung eyebrows, the road revealed continued disgust, "Miss Xie said she had bought insurance before, not only to compensate us for medical expenses, but also to compensate her for the loss caused by injury."

This is extortion!

Blue Yue did not expect that Xie LAN would make such a choice. She was afraid that she had torn her face and wanted to get the money, "let the lawyer come to deal with this matter first, and there is no need for the reporter to explain too much."

"I see."

Miss lanyue, don't you want to have a rest

"I'm fine."

Blue Yue body micro shake, strong installed calm to meet the Secretary's eyes, explained a few words to let her out.

Yu Guang looked at the rest room beside her desk, and her eyes flashed dim. She deliberately picked up a water cup and pretended to go to the tea room. She successfully avoided Qi Yanjun and went to the nearby bathroom.

Looking at the mirror on the hand washing tray, her lips were red and swollen, which made her skin pale. Because Qi Yanjun's action was too rude, her eyes exuded tears, which made her eyes swollen and desolate.

Fall in the eyes of others is probably frightened by Sheran's kidnapping, hiding in the office to calm down.

No wonder the secretary looked at her with concern.

LAN Yue sighed helplessly. She turned on the tap and wet her hands with cool water. She stuck it on her eyes. She repeated several times to make her eyes look less terrible.

Thinking that Qi Yanjun is still in the office, she doesn't want to go back. She doesn't know how to face him. She goes to the reference room with the coffee just made.

There is no one in the reference room at ordinary times, only a set of office equipment is placed, surrounded by bookshelves and dense documents.

LAN Yue comes to open the curtain and let the sun fall on the table.

People come here regularly to clean the environment. The environment is very clean, even the dust can't be seen.She sat in her office chair, took out a document and looked through it. After confirming that there was no mistake in the document, she took out her mobile phone to check today's news.

As expected, reporters have reported the relationship between Xie LAN and Xu Nan on Weibo. Many netizens said they were shocked. They didn't expect that there would be a woman like Xie LAN. In order to get the information fee, they would have sex relations with reporters. Their values are almost worthless.

There are also reporters wearing a passer-by's vest to upload the video of Xie LAN and Xu Nan on the car. The whole video is only a few minutes, but you can see the car trembling slightly, and passers-by look sideways.

When netizens saw this video, they yelled at the hot eyes, and some people who didn't care about the big things were doing all kinds of favoritism and insidious things. They said that Xie Lan was beautiful and had the capital of this affectation.

After watching the video for a while, netizens began to wonder who Xie Lan was. If she was just an ordinary gold digger, there was no need to send the video about her and a reporter on the Internet.

After a while, the Internet broke out again. Some time ago, the news about LAN Yue's child abuse was jointly made by Xie LAN and Xu Nan.

The netizens suddenly realized that Xie Lan was originally one of the shareholders of LAN Yue. For some reason, Xie Lan was terminated. She harbored a grudge, so she cooperated with reporters to deal with LAN Yue. The so-called child abuse is also a lie made by them!

The truth is revealed, netizens have said that they dare not offend this kind of money worshipping schemer, and they are afraid that they will be retaliated by the other party if they are not careful.

In the afternoon, the company's share price slightly began to warm up, although the growth rate is not big, but it is a good symbol after all. The company's shareholders also shut their mouths and did not say three or four.

Lock the screen, LAN Yue hands against the desktop, slender fingertips pressing the temple, ease the headache brought by work, secretly relieved, finally can put down a big stone.

Outside the reporter is her to find back, but Xie LAN and Xu Nan in the car behavior, is her unexpected.

At that time, they were still on the street, so they openly and frankly came to a home run, let alone her. At that time, the reporters who were watching upstairs were all shocked and took the mobile phone to shoot.

Some reporters who are familiar with Xu Nan are still secretly spitting bad things about Xu Nan's behavior, which is just heard by her.

It turns out that Xu Nan's character has long been famous in their profession. He often secretly takes indecent photos of celebrities and rich people, and then tries to extort money from each other. As a result, he offends many celebrities. However, Xu Nan's escape means are very clever. He puts the responsibility on his peers every time, and many people have carried the blame on him.

However, Xu Nan's boss is an old acquaintance, and they are said to have an interest relationship. No matter how many people complain about Xu Nan, Xu Nan still can't be undamaged, so he will be suspended for a few days and then continue to do these activities.

It's no wonder Xu Nan can take out 70000 to Xie LAN in one breath.

After this, Xu Nan wants to turn over difficult.

"Mr. LAN, you are here."

Just thinking about something, an employee suddenly passed by the door of the reference room. She was surprised to find her here. She quickly walked over, "Mr. LAN, I have a document for you to sign. I didn't see anyone in your office just now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!