Chapter 394

The curtains in the ward were all closed, making the room dark. Xie Lan's arm was wrapped in a thick bandage and was injured in plaster. She broke her arm and got out of bed with tears on her face. She stretched out her hand to hold Xu miaoyong.

However, Xu miaoyong is disgusted by it and reaches out to brush the dust that does not exist on the skirt.

Xie Lanqing was embarrassed by this attitude. Her father was also a local rich man. Although he didn't like her, he never owed her in life. She also enjoyed the life of a celebrity society. Later, she spent money too fast, which made her father unhappy, so she canceled all her bank cards.

What qualification does Xu Miaolong have to despise her?!

But thinking of the phone call Yang Zhicheng just now, Sheran shivers, for fear that the other party will directly rush into the hospital and ask her for money. She had to leave as soon as possible. "Miss Xu, I have done so many things for you, are you so unkind?"

"What have you done for me?" Xu miaoreng painted delicate light make-up, but a closer look, you can find that there is a circle of light shadow under her eyes, her look between some irritable.

It can be seen that Xu Miaolong has not had a good rest recently.

She would never have come here at this time if she hadn't told her about her previous cooperation.

"This is the agreement my lawyer has prepared for me." Xu Miaolong was too lazy to tell her more. She took out a lawyer's letter from her bag and threw it on the bed. "When I cooperate with you, I have made it clear that I will give you money, and you will handle affairs. When I get the money, it's none of my business. "

"We worked together for more than two months, and you took nearly two million from me. These are the daily accounts of the bank. You can see them clearly

She threw a thick pile of bills on the hospital bed, and made a harsh voice. Sheran's face turned pale. "I was, that was - that's what you told me. If you want me to dress up like a famous woman, or you can't be partial to lanyue."

Hear two people say here, blue Yue's mood becomes a bit delicate.

It was the first time that she heard the conversation between Xu Miaolong and Xie LAN. It seems that Xu miaolung had really expended a lot of thought in order to cheat her. Unfortunately, she did not finish the task as perfectly as she imagined, instead, she made a lot of trouble.

According to Xu Miaolong's character, he will definitely find Xie LAN to settle accounts.

It's just that Xie LAN not only hurt her hand, but also has a lot of people on the Internet criticizing her, and even checking out her family situation. These things will be known by her parents sooner or later.

Sheran's father didn't like her very much. After hearing this, he might drive her out.

However, from beginning to end, Xu miaoyong did not show up, and her children were also taken out for news. No matter what Xu miaoyong has done, the child is innocent.

Some netizens even intercepted the baby's appearance from the so-called video of her abusing children. The netizens were surprised to find that the baby was very cute, and immediately forgave her. Some people also thank Xu miaolung for giving birth to such a lovely child, hoping that the child would not become such a person as Xu miaoyong.

It can be said that in this matter, LAN Yue and Xie Lan's reputation have been damaged in varying degrees, and only Xu miaolung has won sympathy.

At this time, Xu Miaolong and Xie LAN get rid of the relationship, afraid that they don't want to be known by the outside world.

But Xie Lan's situation has been very bad, Xu Miaolong this time to get rid of her, Xie LAN is afraid that even the medical expenses can not be paid.

"I do say that, but can you guarantee that every sum of money you spend is in accordance with my plan?"

"I --" Xie LAN shuddered with a guilty heart.

"Therefore, you have violated our agreement for a long time, and now you are not qualified to put forward any conditions with me. You'd better read this lawyer's letter. Every treaty above has legal effect, and I have the right to sue you. "

"Are you trying to cross the bridge?" Sheran was shocked.

This time, Xu Miaolong did not pay attention to her.

The next room rang out the heartless opening sound, Xie Lan was shocked and cried, "Xu miaolung, if you leave like this, I will confess my relationship with you with the reporter!"

"Then you'll be sued for libel."

Xu Miaolong chuckled. The squeaky sound of high-heeled shoes crossed the door and disappeared quickly.

Blue Yue complex mood from the side of the room out, through a virtual door can hear Xie LAN collapse of sobs. She pursed her lips and walked towards the elevator. It was a coincidence that she met the secretary who had just come upstairs.

"Miss LAN, I've got the medical record."

"No She walked into the elevator, the white ceiling light, a tired face, "let the lawyer go to discuss the compensation with Sheran, as long as it is not too much to agree with her."

"But -" the secretary was shocked, but looking at LAN Yue's calm expression, she couldn't say any doubt. She was stunned for a few seconds before she responded, "but, Miss Xie's injury has nothing to do with us. She just broke her arm in the company. If we are willing to compensate, it will not only form a vicious circle, but also the shareholders will not accept it. "

The Secretary said it carefully.After all, she has been around lanyue for such a long time. Naturally, she knows the situation of the company very well. Once she admits the responsibility, the shareholders will say that lanyue does not have the leadership ability and has made such a big thing in the company.

What's more, it is necessary for those who have a bad heart to know that they have lost money. Maybe someone will fall down intentionally next time and continue to blackmail.

No matter from which aspect, we should not compensate.

"I'll tell my lawyer that I'll compensate in my own name without going through the company's audit." LAN Yue waved her hand to the Secretary to stop talking about it. She also felt tired.

She was the only shareholder in the company, and then there were so many more shareholders. Shareholders always value the interests of the company. In the long run, the company will become inhuman.

She is willing to compensate for Sheran, not because she is soft hearted and pitiful, but because she wants to completely end the matter.

Xu Miaolong's method of treating Xie LAN just now can only force her to the end. But Sheran is not willing to end like this, she will recklessly pull others with her burial.

The person to be buried is either Xu Miaolong or her.

In this case, it's better to give Sheran some money and let her leave here. Sheran is famous. She won't come back.

Back to the company, LAN Yue contacted the lawyer to deal with the matter as soon as possible.

Xie Lan was very happy to know the news and asked for a million yuan. LAN Yue didn't agree. The lawyer finally changed it to 50000 yuan. Although Xie LAN is very dissatisfied, but Yang Zhicheng and they have already known her news and are on their way.

Xie LAN couldn't help it. She gritted her teeth and agreed that the lawyer offered 50000 compensation. On the same day, she went through the discharge procedures and went back to find her mother by plane.

LAN Yue was relieved to learn the news from the lawyer.

Although Sheran is not smart, she knows too much and must be sent away.

"Little yue'er!"

All of a sudden, the door of the office was pushed open, and Guan Xiaoxiao came quickly. The lawyer was still here. She was stunned for a moment, and anxiously gave LAN Yue a look.

LAN Yue understood her eyes, "lawyer Yang, you go out first."


The lawyer cleaned up the documents on the desk, told Guan Xiaoxiao to go out.

"Xiao yue'er, did you really promise to compensate Xie LAN?" As soon as the lawyer left, Guan Xiaoxiao couldn't help it any longer. He walked quickly to his desk and put his hands on it.

"I paid."

Because it took only one day for the lawyer to negotiate with Xie LAN about the amount of compensation. She transferred the money directly, and it was only a day and a half. Even if Guan Xiaoxiao wanted to stop it, it was too late.

"Why did you promise her?"

Guan Xiaoxiao can't understand. She can see that Lan Yue doesn't like Xie LAN. Moreover, when Xie LAN falls down, there are many employees watching nearby. It can be proved that Xie LAN started first, and then Qi Yanjun came to pull Xie LAN away from LAN Yue.

This matter has nothing to do with LAN Yue from the beginning to the end.

Even if it's only fifty thousand, Guan Xiaoxiao doesn't think it's worth it.

"This is a lawyer's letter from Xu Miaolong to Xie LAN." LAN Yue had long guessed that she would be questioned, so when she promised to transfer money to Xie LAN, she made a request that she call out all the documents.

Guan Xiaoxiao looked at these documents, changed his face, "Xu Miaolong, this is to force people to death." , the fastest update of the webnovel!