Chapter 400

"This --"

looking at the change on the check, Lin Cui was moved. If she got the money, where would she need to stay as a maid in the Qi family?

Since LAN Yue brought her from the small Western-style house, she thought that her salary would rise. Who knows, it's almost the same as before, but the workload has increased a lot. She has to watch LAN Yue put on the appearance of a hostess and give directions in the villa!

This is the most intolerable thing for her!

It's clear that all of them are maids. LAN Yue can become the hostess of Qi's family if she has a "good father", but she will be criticized by LAN Yue.

In the past, there was no one to take care of her. She just cleaned up the small house every day. She is really suspicious now. LAN Yue brought her here to torture her!

It's better to help Xu miaoyong do things, and leave here immediately after saving enough money! "Miss Xu, don't worry. I'll take the baby to you!"

Lin Cui took the check.

She knew that the girl was brought back by LAN Yue from the outside. Since LAN Yue brought the baby back, Yunfang's attitude towards her has been much better. Some servants secretly guessed that Lan Yue was on purpose. She knew that Yunfang liked children, so she borrowed a child from others and wanted to take the opportunity to please Yunfang.

This woman still has a plan!

"Don't worry. I don't want to let Qi family know about it. Please contact me if you have news."

Xu miaoreng gives Lin Cui the contact information, and tells Lin Cui not to save the contact information, so as not to be investigated afterwards.

Lin Cui still had a lot of housework to do. After recording Xu Miaolong's words, she trotted back to the villa.

Xu miaoreng pushed the sunglasses and left quietly along the path, without being found by anyone.


In the next two or three days, Lin Cui will contact Xu Miaolong on time and report the children's affairs to Xu Miaolong. Because Yunfang is really too tight, Lin cuigen has no chance to start, these days are in a hurry.

Another week passed.

Blue Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan finally finished the winter vacation, to officially start school. This is a big event for Yunfang. She specially prepared several days in advance. On the opening day of school, she also called LAN Yue to send the children to school together.

It happened that Qi Yanjun was not at home, and it was raining outside.

Aunt Zhang, who is in charge of taking care of the baby, got up early in the morning to feed the baby. She began to doze off at more than ten o'clock in the morning and lay prone beside the crib.

Lin Cui walked in carefully, still holding a cup of warm water in her hand. She gently woke up Aunt Zhang, "Aunt Zhang, are you ok?"

"Yes?" Aunt Zhang fell asleep and was stunned for a while to see that the person standing in front of her was Lin Cui. Her expression softened a little. Although Lin Cui just came here, she was very serious about her work. Although she often talked with other maids, she would not care too much as long as it didn't affect her work.

"Xiaocui, do you come to me for something?"

"Nothing. I woke up early this morning and poured you a glass of water." Lin Cui hands over the water cup and looks at the baby sleeping on the crib.

These days, she has already inquired about the baby's work and rest.

The child needs to get up and drink milk at more than six o'clock in the morning. He will go to sleep after eight o'clock and wake up after eleven o'clock.

She has an hour left!

"Thank you very much." Aunt Zhang always felt that Lin Cui was about the same age as her daughter. Seeing that she was so concerned with herself, she naturally lightened her vigilance.

"Aunt Zhang, I can see that you've got dark circles under your eyes. You'd better go and have a rest. I'll just look at it here. It's just that I'm going to clean up in the neighborhood. "

Lin Cui points out to the corridor outside, where mops and buckets are already ready to start cleaning.

Aunt Zhang originally thought it was inappropriate, but after seeing these, she felt a little moved. When she was in the countryside, she often helped others take care of their children. She was very experienced, but after all, she was too old to stay up late to take care of the children as before. However, it was not good for her to ask for leave with the host family.

Hearing that Lin Cui was so intimate, she agreed with a smile and went back to her room to have a rest.

Lin Cui saw that no one rushed to the outside to contact Xu Miaolong by phone. "Miss Xu, Qi family is not at home at this time. Do you want to take the baby away?"


Xu miaolung replied two words lightly.

Bearing the joy in her heart, Lin cuipressure rubbed the sweat in her palms. After today, she would no longer have to stay at Qi's house to watch LAN Yue pointing!

But she knew that there were cameras around the baby room, so she didn't have any impulse. Instead, she was mopping the floor outside with a mop, deliberately making a loud noise to wake up the baby.

The baby woke up to find that there was no one in the room. His mouth was flat and he cried loudly.

"What's the matter with the young lady?"

Seeing the opportunity, Lin Cui quickly ran into the room and picked up the baby. Seeing that the baby kept crying, she comforted a few words, deliberately facing the direction of the monitoring camera, "young lady, don't cry, I'll take you to find Aunt Zhang."She was deliberately amplifying her voice to make sure the monitor could record her voice.

The baby didn't know the person in front of her. She cried even more when she heard her voice so loud.

Lin Cui quickly took some baby supplies and walked quickly to Aunt Zhang's room. However, on the way, she deliberately went around a place without monitoring, left from the back door, and walked quickly to the intersection of the villa area with an umbrella.

The child kept crying in her arms, and the rain splashed on her white face.

Afraid of attracting other people's attention, Lin Cui quickly pulled out a pacifier and put it into her mouth. "Don't cry. If you cry again, I'll throw you here and let the stray dog take you away!"

Children less than half a year old naturally can't understand this sentence, but the baby can understand Lin Cui's expression. Seeing Lin Cui so fierce, the little baby sobbed pitifully. She didn't dare to cry any more. She shrank in her swaddling clothes and looked around. Her small expression looked pitiful.

Lin Cui didn't care about it. She stepped up to the intersection and saw a black car parked under the rain. Although she didn't know the car, it looked very luxurious. Lin Cui couldn't help but stop her pace. She looked at the car with envy. She was stunned for a few seconds before she regained consciousness.

She cautiously walked to the side of the car and knocked on the window, "is it Miss Xu?"

The window was lowered by one-third, and Xu miaolung squinted at the baby whose face turned white with cold. Only a month did not see the child, but she felt that the child looked like LAN Yue.

At the thought that the child had lived by LAN Yue for more than a month, she turned her face in disgust, "Uncle Li, hold the baby."

"Yes, miss."

The driver looked back at Xu miaoyong in surprise. Seeing her face was so angry, he untied the seat belt and held the child. Seeing that the child was cold like this, Lin Cui was only concerned about taking an umbrella for himself. He couldn't help but stare. Lin Cui was scared and retreated. He thought he had done something wrong and offended the Xu family.

The driver picked up the child and quietly turned the air conditioner up a few degrees. Fortunately, only swaddling clothes were wet, and the children's clothes were still dry.

The driver wiped the child's face with a paper towel. Looking at her red eyes, he felt heartache. "Miss, the child just got wet. Would you like to take him to the hospital?"

"No way!" "Xu miaolung glared," sent to the hospital will be found, I will let the family hospital come to see. " She tugged at the shawl on her shoulders, especially disliked the child.

Lin Cui told her that when she was in Qi's family, the child was very obedient. She would never cry and stick with LAN Yue all day long. As soon as LAN Yue left, she became angry. The servants had suspected that the girl was actually the child of LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun.

Later, when the children's life experience was exposed, they were restrained.

But as soon as the child came back to her, she was either crying or sick. She didn't let her be peaceful for a moment. She almost suspected that the child was coming to torture her.

"Miss Xu, our agreement has been completed, you see --" Lin Cui bent down and flattered.

Xu miaoreng threw the rain that splashed on his sleeve. "Your reward will be transferred to your card directly. You'd better leave here as soon as possible. If Qi family asks about it, you can't reveal half a sentence, otherwise you know what will happen." , the fastest update of the webnovel!