Chapter 408

Xu miaolung quickly hid behind the post beside the window, biting his teeth and staring at LAN Yue. He had never tried to be so embarrassed. Lanyue used to hide from her. When is it her turn to hide from lanyue?

But there is still a baby crying in the mobile phone. If she is found by LAN Yue at this time, she will be destroyed before the meeting!

"Miss, what can I do for you?"

"Give me a bag of sugar, please."

Guan Xiaoxiao walks to the cashier and points to the bag in the hand of the waiter. The waiter looked at the bag and found that they had forgotten to put the cream and sugar in it.

The waiter immediately apologized and handed them the things.

Pushing the person who opened the coffee shop, Guan Xiaoxiao whispered and chuckled, "xiaoyue'er, the person who picked you up is coming! If I delay your time, Qi Yanjun won't let me go! "

She was joking and laughing, which happened to be heard by Xu miaolung.

The view beside the window is very broad. Xu miaolung can see a pure black bridge car parked at the door of the company. The pouring rain splashed on the car body, blurred the line of sight, but Xu miaolung still recognized the car model at a glance. It was one of Qi Yanjun's cars!

After living in Qi's family for five years, she expected Qi Yanjun to change her mind every day, and was particularly concerned about Qi Yanjun's affairs. How many cars did he have? She could tell them at a glance!

"Then I'll go back first."

At the door, Guan Xiaoxiao began to laugh again. She looked over and saw Guan Xiaoxiao open her umbrella with a smile. She went to the side of the road and stopped a taxi.

Blue Yue fixed to look at the company door there, eyes gradually heavy convergence. However, the slightly upturned lip corner actually revealed her joyful mood, no matter how, Qi Yanjun personally came to pick her up, she was still happy.

Re opened the umbrella, blue Yue stepped on light blue high-heeled sandals to the zebra crossing, just past the window.

Xu miaolung quickly hid behind the pillar, watching LAN Yue cross the road, came to the black car, bent down as if to say something to the people in the car.

The door of the car opened unexpectedly, Qi Yanjun could not dodge the blue Yue in his arms.

Today's weather is a little bit cold. Qi Yanjun is wearing a black windbreaker, outlining a tall and strong figure. With his arms outstretched, he embraces the petite woman in his arms. His beautiful face has a kind of vicious smile, which attracts the attention of passers-by, and some female white-collar workers are slightly red.

Even if you can't hear their conversation, the intimacy of this scene is enough to make Xu miaoyong angry. Her manicured nails live on the table and buckle a piece of paint.

She and Qi Yanjun have been married for so long, such a man has never done these actions to her! Even if she has put down her face and actively seduced Qi Yanjun, Qi Yanjun also passes by her side without even remaining light on her body!

The old servants of Qi family all know these things. They are respectful to her on the surface, but laugh at her secretly.

When did she suffer such humiliation from childhood to adulthood?

"Miss Xu --"

the urgent call in the mobile phone made Xu miaoreng awake. She looked up and saw that the call had not been hung up. The nanny screamed in panic, "Miss Xu, she is crying again. I have already called Dr. Liang, but Dr. Liang said that the rain outside may delay some time on the road. Can you come back first?"

"The little lady may not cry when she sees you."

"She won't cry when she sees me?" Xu miaolung sarcastically raised his lips. This daughter has long regarded LAN Yue as her mother. Where is her existence in her heart? Holding his fist and looking at the opposite side of the road, LAN Yue has pushed Qi Yanjun away and strides into the co driver's seat.

Although she didn't communicate with Qi Yanjun, her face was flushed and she wanted to refuse. She was really a bitch! Xu miaolung bit his teeth and hated this woman in his heart!

"If you call the doctor, don't bother me! I'm in a traffic jam Waiting for the nanny to talk, she hung up the phone and glared at Qi Yanjun as she sat in the driver's seat. She put her hand on LAN Yue's face. LAN Yue was sensitive and avoided. Qi Yanjun's smiling eyes were fixed on her.

Never thought Qi Yanjun hateful before, but with his own eyes and LAN Yue's interaction, Xu miaolung suddenly found that men can be as bad as this.

When he married her, Qi Yanjun thought she didn't exist, but he contacted Li Yiyao every day to find out the whereabouts of LAN Yue. Why marry her if you don't like her?

Just want to waste her time!

"Miss, your drink is packed."


Xu miaoreng snatched the stuff from the waiter's hand, and the other party was frightened to avoid it. But she strode to the door without looking at it and carefully watched the other side of the road.

After Qi Yanjun's car left, she returned to the car with an umbrella, bypassing the traffic jam and returning to the villa in the suburb.

This villa was given to her by her mother and has a history of several decades. The green vines attached to the exterior walls look a little urgent. Fortunately, the house has been decorated and the environment is still high-end.Xu miaolung opened the door, and then heard the child's "Wah Wah" cry from the side hall.

Put on slippers and walk over to have a look. The family doctor in a white shirt rolls up his sleeve and squats on the ground to help the baby with medicine. The nurse holds the baby nervously and comforts him from time to time.

The child's forehead was red and swollen. It was still very hard.

Xu miaoreng frowned and walked over, and the sound of his feet startled the doctor. The doctor wiped his sweat and stood up solemnly. "Miss Xu, the child's forehead is a little bit fierce. It's hard to judge the exact injury with the naked eye. It's recommended to send it to the hospital for examination."

"Going to the hospital." Xu miaolung increased the intensity of twisting her eyebrows and looked at the crying child with a little dissatisfaction.

The young nanny was aware of it. She held the child in her arms and retreated. She apologized, "Miss Xu, I'm sorry. I didn't know she would fall off the bed. I just went out after watching her fall asleep."

"Come on, don't mention it."

She raised her hand to interrupt the headache, in this case, she did not want to take the child to the hospital, which undoubtedly exposed the whereabouts of Qi family.

Her mother told her the day before yesterday that Lan Yue went to the Xu family in person and wanted her to hand over the child. If she takes the child to the hospital, will LAN Yue miss this opportunity?

But the child cried really worried, Xu miaolung impatiently rubbed the temple, let the nanny and the hospital send the child.

The child's facial features are not mature, at first glance, they can not be recognized.

With so many children in the hospital every day, she didn't believe LAN Yue could recognize her daughter at a glance.

"I see, Miss Xu." The nurse didn't know her mind, but she was scared by Xu miaoyong's expression and stepped back half step. A cool feeling poured up from the bottom of her feet. Looking at the child crying in his arms, he suddenly felt heartache.

Even the doctor on one side frowned with disapproval, "Miss Xu, in this case, you should accompany the child in the past, some insist on the signature of relatives, we do not have this right."

“……” Xu miaoreng didn't look at it. He sat on the sofa with a black face. "When you call me, I'll take care of it. Dr. Liang, you are the doctor that my father got back. After so many years in our family, I'm very relieved to give the child to you. "

"This --" Dr. Liang's face was blocked.

After working in the Xu family for so many years, I knew that Xu miaoyong's personality was not as gentle as the outside world said, but unexpectedly, she didn't even care about her own children.

What to say to leave the child to him is very reassuring. This is clearly to put the burden on him. He does not want to bear the black pot.

Dr. Liang was trying to refute this. The baby in the baby sitter's arms suddenly opened his mouth and began to cry. The doctor was worried that she would hurt her wound if she moved too much. He did not have time to talk to Xu miaolung. He glanced angrily and told the nanny to pack up the things and rushed to the hospital immediately.

The front door of the villa was closed to shut off the crying of the children.

Xu miaoreng took out the coffee he had just bought and took a sip of it. His face looked a little better.

Her white fingers are tapping on the brown sofa. She can't hide like this all the time. She has to find a way to get the sovereignty back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!