Chapter 413

She rubbed her temple, and intuitively, Yunfang knew a lot of things, but Yunfang didn't come back. If she took the initiative to call and ask questions, she would directly tell Yunfang that she hid behind a tree and overheard.

Her relationship with Yunfang has never been very good. If Yunfang knew she was eavesdropping, I'm afraid there would be a quarrel again.

There are two hours to go before dinner. By then, Yunfang will definitely come back.

Blue Yue simply went back to the room to take a bath, lying on the bed to check the information about the baby's allergy. The baby has lived in Qi's family for so long, and she has taken care of her for several times. She has never tried to have an allergy. But this time, Xu miaolung came to find her on her own initiative, and the child became allergic.

The doctor only said that sensitive source is vitamin, but did not tell her exactly what it is.

Maybe before she came over, Xu Miaolong gave the baby some vitamin containing food, which led to the baby's allergy.

She hoped it was just carelessness, not

After checking the information for more than an hour, LAN Yue feels that her eyes are dry and tired. She goes downstairs and pours a glass of water. Unexpectedly, she learns from the servants that Yunfang is not going to go back tonight. She seems to have gone back to her mother's house.

She didn't explain why she went back, and the servants didn't ask much. It happened that Qi Fu and Qi Yanjun had not come back, and the servant only prepared dinner for her and her two children.

After dinner, LAN Yue takes care of blue Chen Hao and Rong Xiu to go to bed.

Two children a face listless sitting on the sofa, pulling the head, the dog "woo woo" lying on the ground looking at the owner.

Blue Chen Hao rubbed the dog's head, looked up to blue Yue, "Mom, when will my sister come back?"

LAN Yue is stunned. Since the baby was taken away by Xu Miaolong, the two children's mental state is not very good. She is also careful not to mention too much in front of them. She only says that the mother of the child is back and wants to take the baby back.

"My sister is at her mother's side. Don't you want her to be with her mother?" She helped LAN Chenhao to finish his half wet hair.

The two children curled their heads and did not speak, their faces full of disappointment. It's best for a sister to be with her mother. They just want to keep playing with her.

"Go back to bed first."

LAN Yue guessed their thoughts, but now she can't promise them. Xu Miaolong is the biological mother of the child. If Xu Miaolong is not willing to hand over the child, no one can force him.

These things are so complicated that she doesn't want her children to be exposed to them prematurely.

Help them to make up their quilts, and then brought the kitten and the dog in and slept with them. If it is normal, LAN Yue is not allowed to sleep with their pets, because the two children will play secretly until midnight.

It's just that after the baby was taken away, they lost all day. It would be better to have pets with them.

LAN Yue sat on the sofa and read for a while. After seeing that the two children were already asleep, she quietly left, closed the door and went back to her room. She rubbed her sore arm.

Looking at the wall clock, it's nearly eleven o'clock.

She didn't feel sleepy. She sat on the head of the bed and checked the information for a while, and then called the hospital to inquire about the baby's condition. She learned that the child had recovered, and the Xu family found a nanny to take care of her 24 hours a day.

She was relieved and turned off the light to sleep.

The warm quilt is easy to make people tired. LAN Yue lay down for a short time and felt that her eyes became heavy. Hazy, she seemed to hear the engine sound of the car coming from downstairs.

Hard to squint open eyes, the room is dark. The light gauze curtain on the balcony was completely closed, blocking the view, and faintly penetrated into some dazzling lights, like the light of the headlight.

Maybe Qi Yanjun is back

She thought vaguely, moved her arm to get up to check, but her head was too heavy, tossed for a while and did not stand up.

In the middle of her dream, she seemed to see the door pushed open and the dark orange light filtered through the corridor. Someone is standing in front of the door with his back to the light. LAN Yue can't see the person's appearance. The light depicts his upright body.

The man took a step, and there was a dull steady step in the room.

With a creak, he closed the door and cut off all the lights.

LAN Yue raises her eyes to see what this person wants to do. However, she couldn't tell whether it was a dream or a reality. Even when the other party sat down on the bedside and the mattress was pressed down, she felt in a trance, and the whole person was so light that she couldn't make any effort.

There was a faint smell of alcohol in the air, which made her more miserable.

LAN Yue gave up the struggle, leaning on the soft pillow, moved his finger and hooked the hem of the bed, "did you drink?" She heard her voice, and it didn't seem real.

Just as she finished, she yawned.

Weariness surged up.

"Have a drink." The people beside the bed held her cool hand and warmed her with his hot palm. At the same time, he took off the black suit with one hand and opened the quilt to lie in.

See blue Yue drowsy appearance, a burst of heartache, adjust good lying posture, let blue Yue pillow on his arm, gently embrace people into the arms.Maybe it's really sleepy. LAN Yue adjusts her posture, buries her head in his arms and quickly sleeps over.

Even breathing falls on the body, penetrates the thin shirt, touches his chest.

Qi Yanjun hums his tight muscles and grins bitterly at the woman's peaceful sleeping face. He suddenly feels that he is looking for hardship and has to come and sleep with LAN Yue.

He lowered his head to kiss lanyue's full forehead, slid down the eyebrow to the bridge of her nose, and then to the lip, greedily sucking the sweetness between her lips, so as to relieve the dry heat in the body.

All night, Qi Yanjun hardly had time to sleep. As soon as he fell asleep, the distending pain under his abdomen woke him up, but he couldn't bear to wake up LAN Yue. He stayed all night.

Only when the light came out of the window did he get up carefully and went to the bathroom for a cold bath.

Blue Yue was awakened by the sound of the rushing water. With a headache, she narrowed her eyes. First she saw the white ceiling. She was stunned for a moment before she heard the sound of the bathroom.

She was startled. The conditioned reflex sat up and wrapped up the quilt. At a glance, she saw the suit left on the bedside table. The smell of alcohol was still in the air.

This dress is very familiar, she recognized Qi Yanjun at a glance.

In the Qi family, except Qi Yanjun, no one else will enter her room in the middle of the night.

She opened the quilt and checked her pajamas. She was relieved after confirming that she was not passive. She needed to change her clothes. As soon as his feet touched the blanket beside the bed, the sound of opening the door came from the bathroom.

Looking around, I just saw that the frosted glass door of the bathroom was pushed open, and a man with a scarf wrapped around his waist stepped barefoot on the smooth floor.

Glistening drops of water flowed down the spacious chest, crossed the well-defined pectoral muscles, landed on the eight strong but not exaggerated abdominal muscles, and finally slid into the white scarf along the Sexy Mermaid line.

Seeing such a naked scene without any precaution, LAN Yue only felt a stream of heat rushing up her forehead. She quickly turned off her face and tried to calm her rapid heartbeat. She had no idea that Qi Yanjun would come out so carelessly.

"It's not like you haven't seen it."

With a smile in the low boy ring at the side, LAN Yue has not yet responded, was a pair of strong arms into the arms, the back directly in the other side of the smooth chest.

Through the thin pajamas can also feel a sense of moisture.

The water on Qi Yanjun's body made her pajamas wet! Blue Yue wrung eyebrow, want to push the person behind, early in the morning, she is not used to this kind of excessive intimate behavior.

However, Qi Yanjun's next words made her stiff.

"Bring the children back in the afternoon."


LAN Yue looks at the people behind her in surprise.

However, because of the problem of sitting posture, she could only barely see Qi Yanjun's slightly raised lips, but she did not know that her long hair hung behind her back, revealing her delicate white and tender ears.

Qi Yanjun swallowed the foam in his mouth, tightened his arms, lowered his head on LAN Yue's shoulder, and put his warm lips on her cool ears.

There was an emotional husk in his voice, "bring the child back."

"But you don't like --" children's?

Because of excessive shock, LAN Yue didn't find Qi Yanjun's small movements. It's hard to believe that Qi Yanjun will take the initiative to take the child back.

Although he had promised before, he would not disturb her.

But Qi Yanjun It seems to have accepted the baby. , the fastest update of the webnovel!