Chapter 420

So fast? LAN Yue surprised to put down the phone, followed the waiter back to the wing room, but found Gu Xuan and Qi Yanjun are not there, and there are three cups of drinking water on the table.

"Miss LAN, please wait a moment. I'll go and have a look."

The waiter was surprised to see this situation. He apologized to lanyue in a hurry and turned to leave the room to find Qi Yanjun.

LAN Yue sits in the original position and looks at the water cup beside her. This cup should be Qi Yanjun's, but where did he and Gu Xuan go? Looking at the rain outside the window, she was a little uneasy.

After sitting in the wing room for a while, he couldn't stand it and got up and went to the corridor.

Maybe it was because Gu Xuan had arranged it in the morning. The second floor of the restaurant was so quiet that she could not see anyone else. She could hear the dull noise of her shoes on the wooden floor.

Just want to ask the waiter about Qi Yanjun's two people's going downstairs, suddenly there is a crisp sound in the corridor, like the voice of a lighter, listening very familiar.

Lanyue walked over there and saw the corridor with exquisite decoration. The green trees beside the road could be seen directly. Some of the luxuriant branches even extended into the corridor. The rain water dropped on the floor along the leaves.

Qi Yanjun leaned on the fence not far away, playing with a lighter with dark brown retro patterns. With a smile on his face, he looked out of the window in his spare time. His pure black shirt showed his vigorous figure.

He opened the lid of the lighter and closed it again and again, making a crisp sound.

LAN Yue listened, inexplicably afraid.

However, the owner of the lighter said with a smile, "you asked me to come here just for this matter?"

"Yes." Gu Xuan also leans on the guardrail, but his face is heavier than Qi Yanjun, "I know the child is in your house, and I think it only takes a day to find out."

"I won't let you?" The lighter snapped shut.

Gu Xuan's face became ugly again, "why not let it go? Don't you want to admit that child? It's just for me to deal with it. "

Qi Yanjun smiles and looks at his friend.

His eyes didn't change much, but Gu Xuan felt something was wrong. Obviously, Qi Yanjun didn't want to accept his request. But since he has made an appointment, he has no intention of returning empty handed.

He took out his mobile phone, pressed a few times on the screen and handed it to Qi Yanjun, "these are all evidence."

"Even if it is evidence, I have no obligation to believe. I believe in my judgment."

He passed Gu Xuan and left, ignoring the dark face of the other party.

LAN Yue, who is not far away, doesn't understand what they are talking about. When she comes back, she sees Qi Yanjun coming towards this side. There is a smile between her sexy thin lips. It is clear that she has known her here from the beginning.



Qi Yanjun took her hand and interrupted her doubts about overflowing.

Blue Yue even more doubt, why does Qi Yan Jun not let her ask? She just wanted to know why Gu Xuan specially asked them out, but there was no flaw in Qi Yanjun's face. She subconsciously looked back at Gu Xuan, but she saw that Gu Xuan was still holding the posture just now, with her back to her, but she could not see the expression. Her hand was holding the mobile phone tightly, and she could see the blue veins on the back of her hand.

Gu Xuan was in a bad mood at the moment.

What on earth does he want to do?

Qi Yanjun didn't give her a chance to ask questions. He took her to the restaurant next to her for lunch. There were more people in the restaurant. They went directly to the wing room.

Just drank a mouthful of warm water, LAN Yue didn't recognize the doubt in his heart all the time, "what did Gu Zong just say to you?"

"He's going to have a paternity test." With a knife and fork in his elegant manner, Qi Yanjun carefully cuts the steak in front of him, pushes him to LAN Yue and wipes his hands with a napkin.

LAN Yue looked at his action, and was shocked and calmed down. He even picked up a fork and ate delicious beef. Then I remembered that Qi Yanjun had prepared it for her personally, and suddenly it was tasteless.

Push the thing in front of him, "why does he want to do paternity test, with whom?" Words just out, LAN Yue suddenly remembered the little baby in Qi's family, "is it a baby?"

She was shocked!

Qi Yan Jun nodded lightly, and his bent jaw showed a little chill. He pulled a scornful smile and said, "Xu miaolung has contacted him before." I took a sip of red wine from the glass and didn't want to talk about the woman any more.

Blue Yue holding the fork, saw his displeasure, also did not continue to ask.

After lunch, she went back to the company in Qi Yanjun's car, thinking about the relationship between Gu Xuan and the baby. When she got off the bus, she didn't find Qi Yanjun staring at her. She closed the door and went to the company.

"Bang" of the door closed, so that the man raised eyebrows, slightly hot eyes fixed in the blue Yue graceful figure, a pair of long legs slender white, can not see any defects.

Until blue Yue walked into the company, he withdrew his sight, took out the mineral water from the dark grid of the car door, looked up and drank most of it, and then forced down the heat in his body.With one hand on the window, looking at the direction of LAN Yue's departure, she lifted a touch of indulgence with bitterness on her face. Just a figure of her back almost made him lose control, but LAN Yue did not look back.

Stepping on the gas pedal, he drove back to Qi's villa and parked the car in the garage. He saw Li Yiyao walking calmly and quickly, "Qi Shao, we have found it."

Li Yiyao took out his mobile phone and gave it to him. "I checked Xu miaoyong's call record. She called President Gu yesterday. I haven't investigated the situation of Mr. Gu. Do you need to check it? "

After all, Gu Xuan is Qi Yanjun's brother, and his power is not weak. Li Yiyao does not want to investigate him rashly, lest Gu Xuan find out.

"No, it's all about coming and going."

Qi Yanjun leaned against the car body, took out a cigarette in his mouth and didn't light it. The light bitter taste of tobacco rippled in his mouth, and he waved his hand with a bland expression, "deal with the matter as soon as possible."

"I see."

Li Yiyao understood Qi Yanjun's meaning and went to one side to make a phone call. He mentioned Lin Cui and Xu miaoyong vaguely.

Lin Cui knows some secrets of Xu Miaolong. If it is announced at this time, Xu Shichang will send Xu Miaolong away in order to maintain the reputation of Xu family.

After explaining the matter, Li Yiyao made a brief report. In the process, he did not dare to see Qi Yanjun's face.

He also knows that Qi Yanjun has been very impatient with this matter. If he hadn't considered LAN Yue's feelings, he would have sent Xu Miaolong and his child away directly. How could Xu Miaolong have been struggling for so long?

Seeing that there was no hope to take the child back, Xu Miaolong went to Gu Xuan and wanted him to help her out.

However, Gu Xuan is not a fool. He won't believe Xu miaolung's words just because of a few words.

Just to the off-duty time, LAN Yue received a call from Gu Xuan.

She didn't answer the phone for the first time. Instead, she pondered over what Qi Yanjun said to Gu Xuan in the dining room in the afternoon. Why did Gu Xuan insist on pestering her?

"Why don't you answer the phone?"

Guan Xiaoxiao passes by holding a cup of water and looks at LAN Yue as if bending over.

"Nothing." Blue Yue immediately returned to his mind, covered up the mood in his eyes, took the mobile phone to the glass wall, the dark orange sunset reflected on his body.

Her skin was white and cold in the setting sun.

Answered the phone, put in the ear quiet "hello" voice, "Mr. Gu, do you want me to do something?"

"I'm downstairs at your company." Gu Xuan came straight to the point, "in a moment, you will take the child out, and I will do a paternity test with her."

Today, I heard the paternity test for the second time. Her heart was suddenly shocked and could hardly hold her cell phone. "What do you mean?"

“……” Gu Xuan didn't reply. He only heard a deep breath. Obviously, he was not in a good mood.

LAN Yue was mildly angry. "Mr. Gu, since you suddenly said that you would like to make a paternity test with the child, proving that you are also very concerned about the child during this period, you should know that Mr. Xu has promised to give the child to the Qi family a few days ago. You do not seem to have the right to ask me to bring the child out."

"Why not?" Gu Xuan laughed back and said, "if I were the father of the child, I would definitely have this right!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!