Chapter 426

"I mean it to you!" Xu Tong angrily pulled her back, "sister, what are you doing? Why does Gu always take the child to do paternity test for no reason. Isn't the father giving the child to the Qi family? What's wrong with you again Xu Tong was mad with anger, and the last sentence came out in one breath.

After that, he realized that the event was not good, and Xu miaoyong was really black. Xu Tong is a little guilty. What he said just now is too direct. He coughs twice and softens his tone. "Isn't the child from Qi family? The best arrangement is to give the children to the Qi family. You and Gu are always legal couple, and Mr. Gu is patient with you. You can have a try with Mr. Gu. "

In addition, the lawyer can't make a reasonable argument.

The more you listen to it, the more uncomfortable she feels. Her questioning eyes fall on her brother. "Why do you think so? I'm with Gu Xuan."

"I do it for you!" He pressed it on his forehead and pulled it out of his forehead.

Xu miaoreng's eyes sank down. After all, she looked at her younger brother as a child. Even though Xu Tong had studied abroad for several years, she knew his little habits very well.

Pressing the temple with his hand is an unnatural performance when he is guilty.

For a moment, it seems to understand why Xu Tong has to let her and Gu Xuan together, but to stay away from the Qi family. And her father, are afraid of the Qi family!

"My own business, I have my own discretion, you don't have to say!" With that, he suddenly reached out and opened the door lock.

Xu Tong did not react, she got out of the car and left.

"Sister -" Xu Tong untied his seat belt and got up to chase after him. However, he saw Xu miaoyong stop a taxi and go straight away.

He was so angry that he beat the car. He wanted to persuade Xu miaoyong to come back, but he was so angry that he ran away! He looked thoughtfully at the first-class hospital and stepped on the gas pedal to return to Xu miaoyong's villa in the suburbs. He didn't hear the door open until more than seven o'clock in the evening.

He quickly got up and went over to check. He saw Xu miaolung throwing the key on the shoe cabinet with weariness. When he bent down to change his slippers, he heard the sound spread in the hall. When he looked up and saw Xu Tong, he immediately turned a blind eye in anger, "what are you still doing here so late?"

"Sister, I have something to ask you."

"What are you asking?"

"What are the test results of children and Mr. Gu?"

Xu miaoreng just took out the slippers and froze. He put on the shoes calmly, "you know what the child is. I don't know?"

"So what's the result?" Xu Tong didn't pay attention to her, deliberately opened up the topic, went forward to ask.

Xu miaolung was forced to be impatient, "it's not Gu Xuan's, what do you ask so much to do?" A will block in front of Xu Tong pushed away, she quickly walked into the hall, left and right looking, as if looking for something.

Xu Tongxin knows Du Ming and stands at the porch and looks at her, "don't look for it. The nanny has been dismissed."

"Who fired her?" Xu Miaolong was angry.

"That's what mom means." He sat back on the sofa and drank. "The nanny doesn't know anything. When mom comes in the afternoon and asks the nanny where you are, the nanny says that she will help you get the report this afternoon. If you ask someone to take the report in private, Mr. Gu will be angry when he knows about it. His mother asked the nanny to leave in advance, and uncle Liang will help you keep it secret. "

"For this matter, my mother went to Uncle Liang's house to talk with aunt Liang for a long time in the evening, and then she took care of it. You can get the nanny back. "

“……” Hearing that the matter had something to do with her mother, Xu miaolung was full of anger and could only suppress it. She wanted to get rid of the talkative baby sitter, but her mother was one step ahead of her. She glared at the back of Xu Tong's head and couldn't speak for a long time, so she strode back to the room and slammed the door.

Looking at the movement of the upstairs, Xu Tong sighed deeply, dialed the number of the president of Liang, and went to the side hall specially, so as not to be heard by Xu miaolung.

"Uncle Liang, I believe my mother has already talked to you. I'm calling this time to ask about the test results of the children and Mr. Gu Ninety percent!? No, it's nothing. I'll just ask. I'll disturb you

Shaking hands to hang up the mobile phone, Xu Tong's face is full of disbelief!

Although 90% of them are not very high, the paternity tests rarely show 100%. Ninety percent is almost the same as 100 percent!

He then dialled the phone number of a friend, who was the minority shareholder of Shaolin hospital, with the authority second only to Qi family.

When he got through the phone, he directly asked, "Alin, I asked you to help me modify Qi Shao's paternity test last time. What was the result of that identification?"

"Why did you suddenly ask about it? I remember a long time ago. " His friend murmured vaguely, but he had a good relationship with Xu Tong, and went to check the information. "At that time, the test results showed that Qi Shao and the baby were just strangers, and there was no blood relationship. Ah, if you hadn't told me to look at your sister, I would not have taken the risk of modifying the result. If Qi Shao knew, he would have skinned me! ""Are you sure?"

"Don't you talk nonsense? The original result is still in my hand! Do you want to show it to you? "


“……” My friend didn't expect him to be so serious. He was speechless and finally sighed, "come here. I had intended to dispose of the information, so that no one else could find it. "

Xu Tong couldn't hear what he was saying. He immediately left with the key, thinking about who the father was.

Xu miaoreng had called him to help him contact the doctor before he was doing artificial pregnancy. He thought that the matter was too ridiculous and refused to accept it. Who knows later, he saw his sister had successfully conceived on the Internet.

At that time, Xu Miaolong's phone had been unable to get through. He was anxious every day for fear that he would pierce the sky, and he had to be distracted to calculate the time when the child was born.

He thought that when the baby was born, no matter whether his sister agreed or not, he would take the child back and claim that it was the child born by his wife. But he didn't expect the baby to be born prematurely.

When he got the news, Qi Yanjun had decided to make a paternity test with his child. At that time, he was so anxious that he felt dizzy, thinking that since his sister had to squeeze into Qi's family, he simply obeyed her wishes.

But he didn't want Xu Miaolong and Qi Yanjun to remarry. He just knew that Qi's family would take the children away. No children, his sister should be able to stop, so secretly told friends to watch his sister.

As a result, his friend misunderstood his meaning and changed the result of paternity test. He had no way to get angry. After all, it was he who asked for help. His friends were also worried that if the Qi family knew that the children were not theirs, they would drive Xu miaolung away.

Stepping on the accelerator all the way, he spent half an hour coming to his friend Shao Zilin's home.

Although the Shao family is not as good as the Qi family, it is also a big family. Shao Zilin is an authentic rich second generation. He didn't go to work at this time. When he opened the door, he was still wearing a nightgown and yawning sleepily. "The information is in the computer. You can read it yourself. After reading it, delete it for me. " Said a yawn, "I've been so busy recently that I forgot to delete the information."

Xu Tong did not say much, striding into the villa, in the study saw a computer on, the computer shows Shaolin hospital documents. The identification clearly stated that the child had no relationship with Qi Yanjun.

"What the hell is going on here?" His anger is beyond his imagination.

He thought the child belonged to Qi family, but now he told him it was Gu Xuan?! It's hard to understand that her sister had an accident during the operation.

I'm afraid there is no other possibility other than this explanation.

He thought about it before and after thinking about it. He just swiped the mouse to delete the file. In addition to Shao Zilin and him, no one will ever know the secret.

His parents told him that Qi family liked that girl very much. It is not a problem to raise a baby girl with Qi's financial resources. He doesn't want to create extra troubles. The Xu family can't bear any more pressure.

Turning off the computer, he saw that his friend was lying on the bed and sleeping. After thinking about it, he took out a bottle of wine from the trunk and put it on the table. It was a reward for his adventure. , the fastest update of the webnovel!