Chapter 431

Back at the villa, the servants were already preparing lunch.

Yunfang, wearing presbyopia glasses, looked through the meal list that needed to be used on the day of the hundred day banquet. Seeing that Xu miaoyong came back from the outside with a bright red satchel, she snorted and ignored, looked around the dining table and twisted her eyebrows, "how come Haohao and Xiuyuan haven't come in yet?"

"Madam, young master, they are still in the garden..." The servant carefully observed Yun Fang's expression, stammering and swallowing a mouthful of foam, "young master, they said, wait a moment and then come in."

"How can this work?" Yunfang smashed the chopsticks on the table and glared at the servants, "they are just growing up. How can they eat at irregular times! You too, won't you

The servant grimaced and apologized.

Yunfang "tut" sound, personally went to bring the two children back, so that they do not have fun outside.

Xu miaolung watched the whole process, his eyes filled with disdain. This is the character of Yunfang, and the boy is the most beloved.

"Miss LAN, you're down."

On the other side of the stairs, Xu Miaoyuan looks sideways. She happens to see LAN Yue coming down from the second floor. She is still wearing the long light brown windbreaker. She has made up a light makeup on her face, and she can't see that she is pale.

Xu miaoreng picked up his chopsticks and ate the appetizer. Yu Guang still stays on LAN Yue's body from time to time, holding the mobile phone under the desktop.

Think of director Zhang to her guarantee, red lips hook up a banter smile.

The dining chair on the opposite side is pulled open. LAN Yue sits down and looks at Xu miaoyong's face. With a smile that can't be restrained, she lowers her eyes and arranges the tableware.

After a few minutes, Yunfang came in with two little boys who were playing with mud. The two maids walked quickly after her with their heads down. They held a small pet in their arms.

Kitten fur or snow-white, from time to time lazy lick paws, while the maid did not notice to jump to the ground, quickly ran to blue Yue's feet.

The maid's eyes were red with fear.

"Forget it!" Yunfang fidgety pressed the temple, waved to stop the maid from carrying the cat back, pointing to another maid's hand is also covered with mud, but also do not know "bark" barking dog, "hurry to take it to wash clean, you two also go to wash."


Rong Xiuyuan responded with a clever voice and saw Xu miaolung sitting on the dining chair and looking over. He squeezed behind LAN Chenhao. The two children ran upstairs like smoke, and the maid quickly followed.

"Serve first, and leave them food."

Yunfang opened her chair and sat down, glancing at Xu Miaoyuan, her face slightly blackened.

But Xu miaolung, without knowing it, enjoyed lunch gracefully with a knife and fork.

During this period, no one spoke, only the slight sound of tableware collision could be heard. When the servant serves the dishes, he always keeps Yun Fang's face first, and then looks at Xu miaolung, for fear that he will make the master's family angry.

LAN Yue turned out to be the quietest person. She dropped her eyes to finish the lunch in front of her and got up to leave the table. She sat on the inside, just as the servant put the dining car next to her.

She went around specially and left behind Xu miaoyong. She could see that Xu miaoyong put the mobile phone on her lap and pressed it with her hand.

Maybe she was aware of it. Xu miaoyong put out her hand and wrapped her mobile phone. She leaned forward with vigilance. She didn't want to be seen with something in her hand.

LAN Yue's eyes changed slightly, and she didn't expose Xu miaoyong on the spot.

She went back to her room, took out a mobile phone she didn't use very often from the drawer, replaced it with a card, and fortunately she was able to turn it on. The mobile phone just now couldn't be turned on because it fell on the ground and the screen cracked.

On wechat, she found the head of LAN Jun and asked him about her parents.

After a while, LAN Jun didn't reply.

She sat on the bay window and waited.

The bay window is in a good position, and you can see the view of the gate directly. Pull up the window screen, the afternoon sun is blurred.

LAN Yue finds his father's remains from the trunk, and puts them on the table to read them carefully. Some time ago, in order to take care of the baby, she took some of her clothes from the apartment, and also took her father's relics.

Most of these relics are letters, some old newspapers, and not many photos.

After looking through the letters for a long time, no useful information was found. Most of the letters were written by her father, recording some trivial things in life, and even the address of the addressee was not written.

When she saw these letters for the first time, she mistakenly thought that her father was just keeping a diary. After listening to LAN Jun's words, she suddenly found that these letters were originally sent to her mother, but for some reasons, they were not sent out.


When her father took her to the Qi family, her mother was no longer there.

Through the pain from the left atrium spread to the whole body, LAN Yue took a breath of cool air, quickly put down the letter in his hand, stood up and poured a cup of cold water to calm his mood.

Standing in front of the window, she gazed at the green grass not far away. Her head was full of thoughts about her parents and Qi's family. She felt more and more headache.Holding the chair to sit down again, just before long, a silver car drove from the warehouse to the gate.

At a glance, he recognized that the car belonged to Xu miaoyong.

She frowned and looked at the clock on the wall. The hour hand pointed to more than three o'clock. It's really strange that Xu miaoyong should leave so early. At this time, the baby should be about to wake up.

In the morning, I heard the servant say that Xu Miaolong came back from the old man. The old man promised to let Xu Miaolong take care of the baby before the hundred day banquet.

But now the child has not woken up, Xu miaoyong left?

"Ma'am, would you like to collect the tea brought by Miss Xu?"

"Put it in the counter. I don't want to drink this tea at all!"

There was a faint voice of conversation outside the door. Although I can't hear clearly, I still hear Yunfang's impatient tone and mention "Xu miaoyong".

Blue Yue micro Leng, I'm afraid it's Yunfang to look at Xu miaoyong's face, Xu Miao can't bear to leave.

She did not delve into the problem. She picked up the water cup and intended to wash it. However, looking up, she saw the security guard come out of the security room and stopped Xu miaoyong. She also handed something in her hand to Xu miaoyong.

Xu miaoreng stretched out his white hand from the window and took it. Without looking at it, he put it into the car and stepped on the accelerator to leave.

It seems that Xu miaolung and the security guard know each other?

She went to the window and watched the security guard thoughtfully.

After handing things over to Xu miaolung, the security guard patrols around and returns to the security room when there is no other urgent matter.

The more you look at it, the more you find his behavior strange.

In particular, she had not been asked by other security guards before going out. The security guard denied it, but he had a friendship with Xu miaolung in private.

This made her wonder if they were related.

"Miss LAN, I wake up."

The door was knocked and she heard the nurse's reminder.

Convergence of mind, fast step in the past, see wrapped like a small dumpling like baby lying on the European style baby bed, "wuwuwu" bite fingers, see blue Yue come over, she quickly raised her small hand "eeya" to embrace.

"Prepare milk powder for your baby first."

She told the nanny to sit by the window with the baby in her arms and help her to tidy up her clothes. Meanwhile, she paid attention to the movement of the security room.

About four o'clock, the security guard began to change.

Blue Yue called, just took over the security answered the phone, "Miss LAN, what can I do for you?"

"Please help me to see what's wrong in the security room."

"What's wrong?" The security guard was puzzled, and then he heard something being turned over. As he turned, he asked, "is something wrong with Miss LAN? I've looked over the table. Is there anything wrong? Do you want me to go through the surveillance? "

By the way! And surveillance! "Look, it mainly depends on the monitoring at the gate. I went out at noon. Would you please help me to see if anyone went out with me?"

"I see."

The tone of the security guard was solemn.

Little guy "Yi Yi Ya" resisted for a long time. LAN Yue had no choice but to hang up the phone first. Let the security guard let her know when she has news.

She really doesn't mind being heard about her and LAN Jun by Qi's family, and she will be very frank with them. But if Xu miaoyong hears her, the matter will be more complicated! , the fastest update of the webnovel!