Chapter 435

"You changed the test report."

A man's voice is calm and indifferent, but if you listen to it carefully, you will find that his voice is shaking, as if holding back his anger.


As soon as a woman pushes the person in front of her, she strides to leave. But a man stretched out his hand and pulled her back. His back hit the wall hard and made a dull noise.

LAN Yue also feels pain in the back of her head. She pushes her back to the corner to avoid being discovered by Xu miaolung and Gu Xuan.

Why are they fighting here?

But on second thought, they are husband and wife. Even if it is a quarrel, it has nothing to do with her. It seems that it is not good for her to hide here to eavesdrop.

LAN Yue adjusts her mood and plans to leave directly. Who knows Gu Xuan pinches Xu miaoyong's wrist, and his voice is filled with gnashing anger, "either you admit it yourself, or I'll take you to see the evidence!"

"I don't know what you're talking about! You don't believe me anyway. Why do you care about the results? "

Xu Miaolong's face turned pale for a moment. He shook off Gu Xuan's hand and strode towards LAN Yue's direction.

LAN Yue still couldn't understand what they said. When he looked back, he saw Xu Miaolong coming towards this side. She did not dodge, but walked towards her car, without asking Gu Xuan what happened.

"Why are you here again? LAN Yue, you mean it Xu miaolung stopped and glared at her!

LAN Yue didn't want to talk to her more. She opened the door and sat on it. She turned on the headlight and saw that Xu miaolung seemed to want to come over and question her. Suddenly, she looked at Gu Xuan's place, and stamped her feet with anger and strode to get the car.

Just holding the door, a steady footstep came from behind. The dark window reflected Gu Xuan's tight face. At the same time, you can see LAN Yue's car driving into the outside.

Seeing that Lan Yue finally left, she was relieved.

In this gap, the man behind him was approaching, "I ask you again, did you change the test results?"

Xu Miaolong had never heard of this tone in Gu Xuan. He must have been mad.

Gu Xuan has long known that sooner or later Gu Xuan will be aware of the report, but I did not expect that it will be today, and LAN Yue will hear it. The woman had heard her talk twice in a row, and she almost suspected that Lan Yue was intentional!

The top priority is to deal with the people behind you!

She turned around with her neck up. "Do I need to change the results? You don't believe me at all, and you take the baby to do the test without telling me! Gu Xuan, your feelings for me are just like this! "

Ignoring the man's dark face, she turned to get in the car and leave.

A big, wheaten hand slammed against the door. "What's the real result on the report?"

"What you have is real!" Xu miaolung was angry and red eyed. "I don't even know that you want to take your child to do the test. How can I get the results. You didn't believe me in the first place, and now you want to ask me? "

Speaking of the excitement, tears big as beans fell from the beautiful curved eyes, which slid down the white cheek to the chin and dropped onto the clothes.

Gu Xuan was stunned and didn't expect her to cry. The hands on the car door were clenched into fists, and the angry voice was almost roaring, "if you want me to believe me, don't do so many small moves! Xu miaoreng -- "

he called her full name for the first time, and her narrow eyes were full of terrible blood red. But staring at Xu miaoyong for nearly a minute, he couldn't say the cruel words in his heart. He beat him on the door and turned around to calm his breath.

In this quiet parking lot, his angry breath can be clearly heard, and Gao Da's back trembles with strong emotion.

Xu miaolung opened his lips unexpectedly, but he didn't expect to see despair in Gu Xuan's back.

What if she didn't care about it, because she was suddenly afraid?

No! This should not be something she needs to worry about. She has no feelings for Gu xuangen!

Xu miaolung generally opened the door, stepped on the gas pedal, and quickly left here. There's a screeching noise on the floor.

Gu Xuan clenched his fist and watched the car disappear in the parking lot. The sound of the stone pillar, which the fist slammed to one side, gave a dull echo.

His fingers were worn bleeding, but he did not pay attention to, quickly sat in the car to let the driver go back.

The driver didn't dare to ask more questions and stepped on the accelerator and left.

For half a month, Gu Xuan did not look for Xu miaoyong again.

At the beginning, Xu miaoreng was still in fear that Gu Xuan would bite him. Sooner or later, he would find out the relationship between the child and him.

But unexpectedly, a few days later, she overheard Gu Xuan on a business trip to a foreign country, and she had no time to deal with other things. She was relieved and her heart was empty. It seemed that there was something missing.

She didn't dare to think about it. She focused on the baby.

At first, she couldn't touch the children at all, and she had to be careful that the LORD would come back suddenly. He stayed at Qi's house for an hour or two every day and left.Gradually, she found out the children's work and rest time, specially selected the time in the past. Maybe it's the things that left a deep impression on the children. Every time the child saw her, she cried loudly, which made her face black several times and ordered her to leave immediately.

Under helpless, Xu miaolung had to move the old man out, which suppressed Yunfang's anger.

Finally, on the day of the hundred day banquet, Xu miaolung bought the baby's favorite toy to coax her. The child is willing to contact her.

"Grandfather, be careful."

LAN Yue helped the old man who came specially to come in from the back door of the hotel. There are fewer people here. No one will see the old man.

Tonight, the weather suddenly turned cold, the old man also put on a black down. A gust of wind blew, and the old man put his fist in his mouth and coughed.

Blue Yue worried to help the old man, "grandfather, in fact, you don't have to come here today."

"What if I don't come here?" The old man snorted angrily, "do you want to watch Qi's family be fooled by a woman?"


Looking at the old man tightly pulling the file bag in his hand, LAN Yue is silent and does not speak. He helps the old man go to the wing room arranged in the morning.

This wing room was arranged by her, and even the Lord praying for banquet may not know it.

She went and served the old man with hot water.

"Where's the banquet king?"

"He's out there." Blue Yue took the cup and put it well, carefully looked at the old man's expression. Although the face is a little pale, but the overall is not about.

The old man only told her to wait at the back door.

"Go and help me to find Mr. Yan. I'll tell him about it."

"Grandfather, you..." She looked at the document bag in the hand of the old man, on which was also printed the logo of Shaolin hospital.

Shaolin hospital is the last time Gu Xuan and baby do identification of the hospital.

The old man suddenly came over, still holding the file bag of Shaolin hospital in his hand, which made her wonder whether he knew anything.

"What, guess?"

The old man stirred up his silvery eyebrows and took out the document in the bag calmly. "I know the decision of you and Gu Xuan. Shaolin's father just met me. He talked about this matter, and he showed me the inspection list."

The report was handed out in black and white.

LAN Yue takes over the report slowly. Gu Xuan's English name is written in English at the beginning of the report. Because the baby has no name yet, the doctor, after consulting them, uses "Nan Nan" instead of the baby's name.

This detail, only LAN Yue and the people present at that time knew, so she was sure that this was the test result of Xiaobao and Gu Xuan.

What was written at the beginning, she didn't look at it carefully, but jumped at the result.

That 90% result leaps into our eyes! LAN Yue's eyes slightly stare, "is the baby of Gu Xuan?" Her hands trembled with these words.

Even if she did doubt the possibility, but when the result is in front of her, it is simply unacceptable!

"Grandfather, how could this be possible? The girl's eyes are so similar to the one praying for banquet -- "

she tried to explain, but her eyes were full of majestic anger at the old man, and she snorted heavily," what's impossible! When Gu Xuan was a child, he looked a little bit like Yan Jun. Don't talk about Gu Xuan. Before children's facial features are shaped, they all look a bit similar. "

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