Chapter 442

"But this is the last time. I don't want it to happen again."

Yun Fang shook her head, frowned, and put away the papers on the desk. "If it goes on like this, the reputation of Yan Jun will certainly be damaged. Xu miaoreng let it go, even the blue Yue -- "she said in a voice," I thought that the woman would be at peace when she came back, and she also brought up Haohao. Who knows this woman is premeditated

"All right! You can't delay it or let others know. Especially the banquet king. "

"I see." Yunfang glared at him angrily, "I don't know what I've done. I always provoke these people..."

"What else do you say?" Qi Lin blackened his face.

Yunfang quickly shut her mouth, took the document to the side of the sofa to sit down, carefully look at.

"Miss LAN?"

Just want to knock on the door to ask what happened, a girl's voice from one side interrupted LAN Yue's movement. She turned her head and saw the maid carrying the tray. "Miss LAN, the little lady seems to be looking for you. Do you want to go and have a look?"


Yu Guang then looked into the door. Yunfang stood beside the sofa and looked at Qi Lin in surprise. Their faces were dignified.

Want to come, they will not easily tell her the matter, blue Yue rate first to accompany the children, later come to ask them.

When I went to the garden, I heard the baby howling in the distance.

Blue Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan are squatting in front of the pram to coax her, keep taking small toys to her, but the baby is not, still waving small hands to throw away the toys.

"Miss LAN, you are here at last!"

When the nurse saw her, she quickly brought the baby to her. The little guy didn't make any noise at once. She pulled her collar in her arms, and her big round eyes were staring at the kitten who ran to the grass and licked her paws.

Blue Yue saw her line of sight, could not help but pinch her little nose, "does the baby want to play with the cat?"


The little guy seemed to understand her, biting his fingers and staring at the cat's tail.

Blue Yue holding her squatting on the ground, the kitten immediately alert to jump away, two claws on the ground, fried hair staring at them.

Rong Xiuyuan saw it and ran quickly to catch the kitten.

Blue Chen Hao is in one side cover mouth, stuffy smile, "cat does not want to play with younger sister."


When the little guy heard it, he began to cry and wriggled in the direction of the kitten, hoping to catch the kitten back.

"Hao Hao!" LAN Yue knocked his head in displeasure.

LAN Chen Hao spat out his tongue and ran to catch the cat together with Rong Xiuyuan. The dog also swung his tail and ran to the tree. He forced the cat to climb to the tree and chose a thick branch to lie down there. He strolled his tail leisurely and narrowed a pair of cat's eyes.

The baby was held under the tree and looked at the kitten for a long time. Her attention was attracted by a flying butterfly, and she waved her little hand.

LAN Yue took her around the garden, looking at the glutinous rice dumplings in her arms. She looked at the grass and things in the garden in a novel way. She had already wanted to learn how to stand.

After a while, children will have to learn to speak and grow up.

Thinking of the scene a few years later, LAN Yue felt something. At the beginning, she couldn't accept the child without resentment, but slowly she also regarded the child as a part of the family. She didn't expect that the child was indeed Gu Xuan.

Gu's family is flourishing. Gu Xuan and Xu Miaolong have a legal engagement, and their children must be returned to them.

Maybe in a few days, the family will pick up the baby.

Looking at LAN Chen Hao, who is still chasing the dog in the garden, they always regard the little guy as his sister. If the child is sent away, they will be the saddest.


The little thing in my arms twisted down.

Looking down, she saw that her little white hand was holding a piece of grass, which was going to be put into her mouth. LAN Yue quickly took it off for her and went back to the hall to find a nanny to feed her.

Who knows to walk into the door to see Yunfang sitting on the sofa, expressionless sorting out a few information, saw her enter the door, but also just a casual glance, "Aunt Zhang, the baby should drink milk, you come to hold her."

Although there was no hostility, Yun Fang's tone was very cold and completely different from that in peacetime.

Aunt Zhang, who had been waiting at the kitchen door, noticed something wrong with the atmosphere. She quickly came over and took the baby away. She also looked at LAN Yue in horror. It was estimated that Lan Yue had made Yun Fang angry.

"Lan Yue, come here."

Yunfang put down the information in her hand, leaned back on the sofa, took a cup of tea and took a drink. She was careless and arrogant.

Since the baby came over, LAN Yue has not seen her show such an expression for a long time. Maybe, it is related to the conversation in the study.

"Mrs. Qi, what can I do for you?""Sit down."

Yunfang raised her eyes and glanced contemptuously at her side. When LAN Yue sat down, she took a bunch of keys from the tea table and put them in front of her. "This apartment is in the center of the city. It's a duplex apartment. I bought it a few years ago, and it's been idle. I'll give you this apartment. It's decorated and furnished. You can move it after you pack up. I can't stand a woman like you in Qi family. "

"You don't have to tell me more. Haohao will continue to be here. If the key lets Haohao follow your mother, I'm really worried. "

She took out a document and put it in front of LAN Yue, "as long as you promise these conditions, I can let go of the old man's business."

"What does Mrs. Qi mean?"

LAN Yue didn't look at the document, but looked straight at Yunfang.

Yunfang was annoyed by her eyes and poked her fingers on the document. "What's the matter? Won't you look at it yourself?"?! I've already given you face. Don't be shameless

"I still don't understand what Mrs. Qi said."

"You don't understand? How can you not understand Yun Fang angrily turned over the document, "the old man fell down the stairs that day, didn't it have anything to do with you?"

"Lan Yue, I wanted to be private. Who knows you are so uninteresting!"

Because the distance of the photo on the document is too far, and the shooting time should be at night, the surrounding scenery is shrouded in darkness.

The hotel's front door is illuminated by a light, just in front of the stairs. A man in a black windbreaker could be seen falling to the ground, while a slender woman was standing at the foot of the stairs.

The woman seemed to be watching indifferently, regardless of the life and death of the man below.

Take a closer look, the figure of the woman unexpectedly and blue Yue have some similarities.

Yunfang heavily hummed, "this is the monitoring video of the hotel. I personally asked the manager to tune it out for me. Last night, when the old man fell down, you stood here and watched, and didn't go to help. Even if the old man falls down carelessly, do you just stand by and watch? "

"Mrs. Qi, I think you misunderstood me. I didn't see how my grandfather fell down. As soon as I came back from the hall, I saw my grandfather faint on the ground

"The surveillance is clear. What else do you have to say?"

Cloud Fang angry photos thrown on her body, "while Haohao they have not come back, you quickly move out of here, I dare not live with a woman like you!" She picked up her shawl and went to the second floor. Obviously, she didn't want to talk to LAN Yue.

Busy in the side of the servant is also shivering stiff body, for fear of being affected.

Seeing Yunfang leave, they summon up the courage to look at LAN Yue. With surprise and disgust in their eyes, they didn't expect that she was the murderer who implicated the old man!

"What a surprise that she should have done such a thing."

"What's so strange? She was divorced from Er Shao for a long time. At this time, she came back with her children and forced Miss Xu away. Maybe the old man found her mind... "

"What are you two muttering about here?" The housekeeper trod over and yelled at the two maids who were hiding under the shelf.

When the servants saw this, they scattered.

Only LAN Yue sat on the beige sofa, picked up the photos that had been thrown in front of her and looked at them carefully. The woman as like as two peas in her picture is similar to the figure on the side face. It is similar to the seven or eight sides of the side face. , the fastest update of the webnovel!