Chapter 445

After getting something, Xu Miaolong calls the driver, stops the car at a junction in front of her and lets the maid get off the bus, reminding her not to be known by a third party.

After Xu miaoyong's car was far away, the maid repeatedly said that she was good. She looked up at the road, sure that no Xu miaoyong would not turn around temporarily, she took out her mobile phone from her bag and made a phone call.

In less than ten minutes, a pure black car came from the front of the road, crossed the traffic and stopped at the side of the road.

The maid quickly stepped forward and respectfully said to the half open window, "second little, Mr. Gu, I have just contacted Miss Xu." Reaching out of the bag that signed the name of Xu miaoyong out of the check, "this is the check Miss Xu gave me."

"What else did you say?"

Qi Yanjun is sitting in the carriage, the darkness in the car covers the upper half of his face. Looking down at the mobile phone, he didn't answer the check on the maid's hand.

The maid thought about it for a while, and said it in detail. When it comes to Xu miaoyong's strange smile of covering her mouth after being misunderstood, Gu Xuan, sitting in the room, coldly looks over, but soon withdraws his sight.

The maid only felt a chill. When she recovered, she saw Gu Xuan turn her head and look at the window. She also knows the relationship between Gu Xuan and Xu miaoreng. She dare not say that Xu miaoreng is not right now. She chooses some key points.

"Er Shao, I'll go back first if there's nothing else. Miss Xu told her that if there was any other news, she would be informed immediately. "

"Yes." Qi Yan Jun's deep response.

After the maid left, he put away his mobile phone and looked at the people beside him with a smile, "what are you going to do with it?"

"There is no evidence to prove that grandfather Qi was pushed down." Gu Xuan, with a stiff face, deliberately avoids mentioning Xu miaoyong directly. However, the hand on the thigh was pinched into a fist.

The black suit pants covered the muscles in his thighs, but not the veins on the back of his hands! "I'll find out about it."

He pushed the door open to get out of the car.

Qi Yan Jun increased the smile, "but I don't have so much time, waiting for you to find out."

Gu Xuan froze and looked back at Qi Yanjun. After a few seconds, don't cross the face "en" sound, push open the door to stand on the side of the road, immediately there is a paint black business car coming from the rear.

The assistant and driver helped to open the back door. "President, I just learned that my wife went to Shaolin hospital and was probably going to visit Mr. Qi. Do you need to go over and have a look


Gu Xuan gets on the car and stares at the car which belongs to Qi Yanjun.

Until the assistant drove the car away, he didn't say much.

Li Yiyao watched the black Rolls Royce pass by them. He tightened his grip on the wheel and looked at the back seat anxiously. "Qi Shao, can Mr. Gu handle the matter?"

"Yes." Qi Yanjun nimbly played with the mobile phone in his hand, and his thin lips made him laugh. "Gu Xuan didn't lose his sense of propriety for such a woman."

Li Yiyao frowned and seemed to have something to say. But seeing Qi Yanjun's expression, he stopped and drove the car to the parking space opposite the hotel.

People in the back seat pushed the door away and walked to the hotel with long legs.

He drove the car away knowingly.

At this moment, it is the evening, the sky above the head dyed with deep dark blue, and more and more guests come to the restaurant for dinner.

LAN Yue sat in the restaurant all afternoon and ate some cake and tea. After a few mouthfuls of dinner, she felt full. With the waiter said hello, she returned to the room ahead of time, until eight o'clock, but also to call them blue Chen Hao.

She did not talk with blue Chen Hao about last night's matter, explained to him the next day to go on a temporary business trip, and came back a few days later. Two children don't want to startle her.

Although blue Chen Hao lived in Qi's home for so many days, he didn't like to talk to Yunfang. If he told him the matter too early, he would quarrel and make trouble to go with her.

These are between adults, there is no need to involve children.

Open the door of the room, insert the room card, and the light in the living room will turn on. She took off her coat and was about to pick out some clothes to take a bath. As soon as her front foot entered the bedroom, her back foot was hugged around her waist!

LAN Yue was scared. She tried to push away the people behind her in a panic. A slightly coarse warmth was pasted on her cheek, "little yue'er, just a few days ago, you don't remember me?" This person says, still free a hand to sketch gently in her sensitive abdomen, crispy feeling lets her jump in, reflex shiver.

After hearing the voice of her descendants, she began to struggle with anger and shame, "Qi Yanjun, you let me go!"

"No The strength across her waist was tightened. Qi Yanjun's arc-shaped and resolute chin was pillowed on her slender shoulder, and her lips and eyes were slightly cold to look at the double room in front of her.

Besides some necessary furniture, there is not even an extra chair. The distance between the end of the bed and the TV table is very close, and you can touch it when you turn around.

Although it is a star rated hotel room, it is still much worse than Qi's, and even the apartment rented by lanyue outside is much better than here."How did you get in?"

LAN Yue didn't see the cooling eyes of the people behind her. She was surprised to see the room card inserted on the door. She wondered how Qi Yanjun took another room card.

"Wherever you are, I will come."

The slender fingers slipped gently on the bridge of her nose, and LAN Yue's cheek was slightly hot. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she broke away from the shackles and turned around, and then she could see clearly what Qi Yanjun looked like.

Dark green windbreaker on his body more mature and introverted, wearing a black turtleneck sweater, lining the contour of the face more profound. A pair of peach blossom eyes slightly curved at her.

LAN Yue wrung her eyebrows and deliberately ignored his hoarse and ambiguous words. She took her clothes to take a bath, regardless of what Qi Yanjun was doing outside.

One of the walls of the bathroom is a glass wall. LAN Yue puts down the curtain. Through the slit between the curtain and the wall, I saw Qi Yanjun sitting on the end of the bed near the bathroom, looking at it with a mobile phone.

Sweating from the palms of her hands, she pulled down the curtains in case the men outside could see her.

Warm water from the shower head sprinkles, dispels the daytime weariness. There was no other sound in my ears except the sound of the running water. LAN Yue can finally calm down to think, associate Qi Yanjun just said that the ambiguous, should have known that Yunfang drove her out, specially came to find her.

With a sigh, I didn't want Qi Yanjun to come to her at this time.

It's not necessary for two people to rub in the room.

She wanted to dress up, but she didn't tidy up the room. As soon as I turned on my mobile phone, I saw a message from the hourly worker.

The room has been taken care of, but the smell of disinfected water still hasn't gone away. We can't move back until early tomorrow morning.

Blue Yue had to admit his life to push open the door of the bathroom, the warm wind blowing in the face. She deliberately did not look at the man sitting by the bed, took the hair dryer and began to blow dry her hair.

Just blowing for a while, the hairdryer with weight in her hand was taken over, and her slender fingers were interspersed tenderly between her half wet long hair.

LAN Yue is standing in front of the glass mirror blowing her hair, a little bit up her eyes, you can see that the man in the windbreaker looks after her hair attentively. Qi Yanjun's stature is much higher than her, drooping his eyes, and his serious appearance makes his heart jump suddenly.

LAN Yue put aside her sight. Five years ago, she had imagined that there would be such a scene. However, Qi Yanjun did not understand her mind until she was in despair.

Until now, she doesn't need Qi Yanjun to accompany her all the time, but this person appears in unexpected ways and treats her with such a gentle side

Heart faint pain at the same time, there is a trace of joy.

When her hair was dry, she took the hair dryer, whispered a thank you, turned to put things away, sat by the bed to rest, "I'm going to sleep, you go back first."

"You don't want me to accompany you?" Qi Yan Jun has the cheek to sit on the bed next door, holding her cool little hand in the palm of his hand.

The subtle touch let LAN Yue release his hand immediately, "no need, you go back."

After that, he lay down on the bed, turned off the light, and turned his back to Qi Yanjun. , the fastest update of the webnovel!