Chapter 451

Standing beside the bed for a long time, when it was chilly, LAN Yue closed the window, turned on the heating, and lay on the blue Chen Hao's small bed, barely able to straighten his legs, but it was difficult to turn over.

Thinking of a dangerous person sleeping in the room, LAN Yue tolerates these discomfort and sleeps with her eyes closed.

Sleep in the middle of the night, hazy hear "click" a subtle sound of opening the door, feel someone standing on the edge of the bed, warm breathing light fall on the face.

Unfortunately, her eyes were so heavy that she couldn't open her eyes and went to sleep again.

Wake up the next day, LAN Yue opened his eyes and found himself lying on the big bed in the master's room. The white ceiling was also inlaid with that familiar crystal lamp. Looking down, a strong arm was put on her abdomen.

Turning his head on the sleeping face of Qi Yan Jun, he lost his usual publicity and seemed quiet and harmless. She was stunned for a moment and didn't remember how she came from the next room.

Controlling the strength, she sat up. Seeing that Qi Yanjun didn't wake up, she quickly walked into the west room and checked her pajamas up and down. After confirming that she was not passive, she sighed with relief and immediately changed her clothes and tidied up.

Pushing open the frosted glass door of the bathroom, the light sunlight penetrated the window screen and fell on the Khaki plush carpet in the room. The man in bed is still sleeping well.

LAN Yue is a little surprised. Qi Yanjun always gets up on time. How can he not wake up at 7 o'clock like now?

She was suspicious of the past, this just saw Qi Yan Jun's eyes under another circle of light shadow. She didn't see the details last night, probably because the lights were not on.

Recently, Qi Yanjun has been leaving early and returning late. It seems that he has a lot of things to do.

It's hard to get more sleep today.

Her eyes softened and she left the room quietly without waking Qi Yanjun. Not knowing when the people in the room woke up, she prepared two breakfasts, one in the incubator.

After breakfast has been more than eight o'clock, Qi Yanjun has not woken up.

She packed her purse and went to a nearby supermarket to buy today's ingredients, thinking about her itinerary. Although she hasn't finished her vacation yet, she has been used to arranging the driving every day. If she doesn't plan well, she will not be used to it.

"Miss LAN, madam wants to see you."

From the supermarket to push a cart out, blue Yue just want to take things out, saw a man in a pure black suit coming from the road.

On the side of the road, there is a dark car with a bright and clean body in the sun, which attracts passers-by one after another.

LAN Yue recognized that the car was Qi's, and would come to find her at this time. I'm afraid that only Yunfang.

She followed the driver's gesture and gave the driver everything in the shopping cart to take back.

Open the back door and see Yunfang sitting there waiting. She wore a cream shawl on her body, gently raised her eyes, and looked arrogantly over her face. "Get in the car, I have something to tell you." The voice is not slow or urgent, but there is no doubt about it.

There was no chance for her to refute.

"If Mrs. Qi has anything to say, just say it here." LAN Yue is not affected.

"Are you sure you can say it here?" Yun Fang's delicate eyebrows were then twisted off, and she glanced at passers-by on the sidewalk in displeasure. The strength of her frown increased, "my shoes are inconvenient to get off the ground. Either you come up or I ask the driver to ask you to come up!" She straightened her skirt to reveal a pair of bright red high heels.

The shoe surface is wiped smooth, it is not difficult to see is the expensive shoes.

"Please wait for a moment. I'll take these things back and put them away." She said she wanted to take the driver's things.

Yunfang's face is more ugly, did not expect blue Yue will be so tough to refuse her.

She gave the driver a look and sat in the car with a black face and waited.

"Sorry, Miss LAN, your things can be put on the car temporarily, please don't let me in trouble."

"I don't have time."

She passed the driver to go.

The driver doesn't want to let LAN Yue leave so easily. If he can't finish the task, Yunfang will surely scold him for coming back! "Miss LAN, please don't embarrass me! I'll take these things first. "

Two people on the sidewalk quarrel, with more and more passers-by watching, LAN Yue is also a little irritable. She came to buy things on purpose, not to be watched!

Seeing the driver still refused to give up, she angrily put the things into his hand and quickly sat on the car, "what's important for Mrs. Qi, please tell me as soon as possible. I have other things to do in the afternoon. " Said, took out the mobile phone.

Because of the distance problem, Yunfang couldn't see the contents of her mobile phone and hummed. When the driver put all the things in the trunk, she said, "go to Shaolin hospital."

"Yes, ma'am."Hearing the driver's response, LAN Yue raises her head unexpectedly. She thinks that Yunfang has come to look for her. She must be looking for trouble. Unexpectedly, the other party is running for the old man.

It's hard. Yunfang really believes that she pushed the old man down the stairs.

But in fact, it's easy to find out. As long as you take a look at the surveillance video with the hotel, you can know whether it was an accident or an accident. Yunfang didn't do this, probably because there was something wrong with the monitoring of the hotel.

And the so-called evidence that day was just that Yunfang deliberately made it. If all the evidence is true, why doesn't Yunfang continue to bring it out? I'm afraid it's because of a lack of heart.

She was at the scene that day. If she took a fake evidence and looked at it more, she would surely find the clue.

Seeing that Yunfang didn't seem to take the initiative to talk to her, LAN Yue didn't want to speak. She sent a message to Qi Yanjun on wechat. As a result, the man didn't reply and didn't know whether he was still sleeping.

Before going out, she checked Qi Yanjun's body and confirmed that he had no signs of illness or fever, probably because he was in her room, so she slept very well?

She calmed her heart and gave Qi Yanjun an address and then quit the page, so as not to be seen by Yunfang. She would complain to Qi Yanjun, which would make her angry.

Go to the hospital to see the old man's attending doctor and several nurses are waiting at the gate.

Seeing Yunfang coming, the doctor took the initiative to meet him and told them about the situation of the old man. Compared with a few days ago, the master's physical data are much more stable, but there is still no sign of waking up.

"Dr. Xie, I see. Go ahead and get busy."

"Mrs. Qi, please note that although the old man has not yet woken up, he still needs rest. You are not suitable to stay too long." The blonde Chinese doctor nodded and took the nurses away. Only a few people were left to pay attention to the old man.

Yunfang went to the window of the ward, looking at the old man with a needle in his body through the glass, his eyes slightly changed. It took a long time to open her voice. She had a deep meaning in her hoarse voice. She didn't want to be sharp in the imagination. "Lan Yue, are you very dissatisfied with our Qi family?"

"Why did Mrs. Qi suddenly ask?"

She did not deny the problem, but looked at Yunfang on guard. The impression of Yunfang has never spoken to her in this tone. Even before she married Qi Yanjun, Yunfang only regarded her as a maid's daughter, and her manner of speaking could not be called amiable.

After she married Qi Yanjun, Yunfang's attitude was even more intolerable. Most of the time, she didn't want to talk to Yunfang.

The first time I heard her say HA with this tone, LAN Yue was more defensive.

"If you don't deny it, I'll take it as an admission." Yunfang snorted, and knew that Lan Yue was not a good woman. Blue Yue has always been wrong with her, would not want to be weak with her at this time, but it seems more suspicious.

She took out a stack of information from her accompanying bag and gave it to LAN Yue, "I know that since you married Yan Jun, you can't stand many grievances. Now Haohao has grown up. He knows more than US adults, so I won't delay you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!