Chapter 462

Perhaps it is to see the alert in her eyes, the man took the initiative to smile, pointed to the apartment building opposite the supermarket, "I am a resident of block a, just moved here, if the Miss doesn't mind, I can help you to carry things back, which building do you live in?"

"No, my things are not heavy."

Her eyes changed slightly. A was a little far away from where she lived. Maybe this person was indeed a resident here. She was suspicious too much.

thanked each other for his kindness. LAN Yue went to his apartment alone, and suddenly he smelt a Cologne like a coffee, like a series of men's perfume.

she frowned. Qi Yanjun seems to have no perfume today. Where does this smell come from? After searching for it, I finally found the source of the flavor in the wallet on the satchel, and then I remembered the man who had just met at the gate of the supermarket.

sniffed the smell of perfume, and once again appeared a man's elegant face in his mind.

Back in the apartment, Qi Yanjun is still lying on the sofa "mm-hmm-ah" groaning, but also deliberately looking at LAN Yue, as if in seduction, "little yue'er, I have a stomachache, you come and give me a hug."

"I don't have time!"

LAN Yue walked into the kitchen with a straight face, turned on the faucet and put his hands into it. The cool water ran away from the white fingers, which soon turned red.

She sipped her dry lips and tongues, but felt that the coolness was not enough, and she put her hands into it. Cool water along the wrist all the way down, cold light to absorb cool air, this just reluctantly suppressed the hot and dry heart.

Just as soon as she opened the door, she saw Qi Yanjun lying on the sofa with his white shirt open at will. She could see not only the strong texture of his chest, but also the baggy trousers on his waist.

She was sure that Qi Yanjun was on purpose!

"Xiaoyue, whose perfume do you smell?"

Just want to turn around, nose tip cold not Ding brush a block of hard things, scared blue Yue back to fall back two steps, fixed eyes to see Qi Yan Jun standing in front of, "what do you come in for?"

, "what's the smell of other people's perfume on you?" Qi Yanjun's aggrieved words repeated, bent down on her shoulder, hands in her waist shape like discontented pinch.

Blue Yue eat pain, "just met a neighbor in the supermarket, chatted a few words."

"Which neighbor?" Qi Ying Jun was buried in her hair, her voice sounded stuffy and stuffy. "No one went out to the supermarket for perfume."

This tone sounds like a child who can't get candy. LAN Yue suddenly thinks of LAN Chen Hao. Have to say, Qi Yan Jun this pair of unreasonable appearance, and blue Chen Hao is very similar.

He made such a fuss, LAN Yue couldn't help pushing this person away, and carefully recalled the situation in the supermarket just now.

There was nothing wrong with the stranger who suddenly bumped into her. As for that, the man just picked up the purse for her.

is wearing a suit on the other side. It is estimated that he has just come back from work overtime, and his perfume is also very normal. Nowadays many people use perfume before they go to work, even men are no exception.

She couldn't tell Qi Yanjun about these things. The man seemed to be out of order today. She just told him that he was hit by a stranger on the way and his wallet fell to the ground.

"Where's your wallet?" Qi Yanjun's face changed slightly and recovered quickly.

However, LAN Yue is aware of the change in his tone. He realizes that things may not be as simple as expected. He wipes his hands and brings his wallet. Watching Qi Yanjun open the purse, he suddenly takes out a black bean which is smaller than a grain of rice from the crack in his wallet.

"What is this?"

She was surprised to get over, by the light can only reluctantly see a small black thing on Qi Yanjun's fingertips, it doesn't look like dust.

It doesn't stick to your wallet all the time, and it can stay in the bag for no reason.

"Maybe it's a bug."

He took the paper towel and put the little black thing on it, but the gloom on his face did not disappear. He went to the balcony to call Li Yiyao and explained some things. Qi Yanjun's face was better. He squinted a pair of peach blossom eyes and looked at a block. His deep eyes were full of cold.

Because she found a small thing in her purse, LAN Yue could only tell Qi Yanjun everything she met on the road, including this strange man who helped her pick up her wallet from the ground.

The other party has directly touched the wallet, and it is likely that he put the bug down.

Li Yiyao quickly came over and took the bug back for inspection.

It's already ten o'clock. LAN Yue stirred the porridge in the pot, added some chopped vegetables, and made a simple green vegetable porridge, and prepared seasoning.

After eating, according to the original plan, she was going to catch the plane. The suitcase was left at the door without moving.

However, such a thing happened just now, so she had to suspect that the other party had already targeted her, otherwise she would not just meet in the supermarket. Her intuition is that the person in black who bumped into her is the one who installed a bug in her purse. However, there is no evidence so far, and she doesn't say much about it.If you go to the airport at this time, maybe you will meet those people.

She didn't even know who it was.

"Xiaoyueer --"

as soon as she took out her mobile phone and wanted to cancel today's itinerary, she heard Qi Yanjun's voice and looked up in doubt. Unexpectedly, Qi Yanjun just looked over.

Seeing what she was holding in her hand, Qi Yanjun's smile flashed in his eyes. He got up and sat down beside her, "don't cancel. Just take me with you." With that, he deliberately lowered his head and rubbed her ear.

She was sensitive to avoid, perhaps Qi Yanjun this morning is the idea, has been pestering her. The sudden appearance of these people just gave Qi Yanjun a reasonable reason.

However, this is indeed the best solution.

If there is no accident, Guan Xiaoxiao should be dealing with He Jian. The top management of the company will be dismissed in a short time. She must find Mr. Huang immediately to maintain the cooperation between the two sides, so as to avoid bringing more serious losses to the company.

Just, do you want to take Qi Yanjun to the past? Indecisive eyes fell on Qi Yanjun, she could not take attention. Part of the reason why I want to go to the capital to find Mr. Huang is to avoid Qi Yanjun. If we go with Qi Yanjun, it will be meaningless?

"Little yue'er." Qi Yanjun rubbed her face again. Her short hair was smooth and soft. The soft feeling spread to the whole body. LAN Yue bit her teeth and didn't make a strange sound. "My ticket has been reserved. I can't delay it."

After saying that, he got up and went back to his room and wanted to pack up some more things. He didn't refuse or agree.

Qi Yanjun bent his eyes with a smile and immediately bought the ticket to Beijing this afternoon.

The time was set at four o'clock.

They went out three hours in advance, perhaps because Qi Yanjun was with him, and LAN Yue didn't meet any accidents along the way. As the car passed by the building in block a, she looked through the window and thought of the man who helped her pick up her purse.

Look at the appearance, whether it is the ordinary person or not.

The other party did not leave any information, and she could not explore.

There was no delay in the flight. They arrived at the capital at 6:00 p.m. on time and went directly to the hotel that had been reserved. Guan Xiaoxiao only asked his secretary to reserve a single room for her. Originally, he wanted to let Qi Yanjun arrange it by himself. However, he had the courage to take away her suitcase, walked directly into her room and wrung on the mineral water for a drink.

After a day's flight, LAN Yue didn't bother to wrestle with him. He took a bath first, and then asked the hotel to arrange a room later.

When she took a bath, she faintly heard Qi Yan Jun's conversation outside.

Looking through the slit between the curtains, Qi Yanjun stood in front of the open window, with his back to her, with his mobile phone in his hand.

I can't see his expression, but I can hear his voice with a chill, "have you found it Well. "

Don't know what the other side said, he hung up the phone and walked out. When passing the bathroom, he twisted his brow and seemed to be a little worried. , the fastest update of the webnovel!