Chapter 465

Now, she will never be fooled! "I'm going to have a rest. I don't have time to play with you." Said, she coldly did not face, with a white side face to pray for a banquet.

Soft light from the ceiling down, fell on blue Yue. You can see the tiny fluff on her face. If you get closer, you can see the fluff blowing with the rhythm of breathing.

He looked at, between the lips involuntarily hook up the soft smile, grabbed blue Yue's hand to put on the chest, "this time really does not deceive you, is only a small game."

He said, squeezing up the peach blossom eyes, obviously remember those things that cheated her before!

LAN Yue was angry and wanted to take his hand back, but Qiyan Jun increased his strength. The palm of his hand was against his chest, and he could feel the beating of his heart.

A strange sense of touch spread through his arms, as if he could hold his heart with just one movement. Lift up your eyes, in front of you are all praying for a banquet. Your face is full of soft smile, especially soft against the background of dim yellow light.

"I..." A muscle in her hand moved her hand! Realizing what she was doing, LAN Yue was surprised to take her hand back. However, the Lord prayed for a banquet, but her strength was increased. The smile on her face was tinged with a hint, "xiaoyue'er, are you seducing me?"

The distance between them is very close, almost face to face. He gradually hot Breathing all spray on the face, just Yang hormone breath let her have no way to escape! "I don't mean that. Please let go of your hand!"

"What if I don't?" Pray for the banquet gentleman to come closer again, with a playful smile in his eyes.

Realizing that this man is likely to be making fun of himself, LAN Yue angrily says, "you --"

"don't be angry."

Before her words were spoken, the Lord prayed for banquet to raise her hand and surrender, but the smile between her eyebrows did not subside.

She knew that, but she stood up with a black face and went straight to the big bed. After lifting the quilt, she realized that this was not her room, but the room for praying to the emperor! Reflexive want to get up to leave, but suddenly a black.

Please turn off the light.

She clenched her teeth secretly. If she still insisted on leaving at this time, it would seem that she was afraid of the Lord of praying for banquet, and the Lord of praying banquet would threaten her three times and four times.

In fact, from the beginning, she should not have promised Gu An.

But now that she has agreed, she has no way to leave now. It's better to face it in a big way.

Thinking, beside the mattress is pressed down, a shadow sitting next to him, do not need to see more also know is to pray for a banquet.

With the rustling sound, the quilt on his body was pulled. It should be praying for the banquet master to lie down. She moved to the side subconsciously, so that the quilt would not be lifted and the cool air would pour in.

But it was strange that the quilt was only slightly rubbed, and there was no big action as expected.

Then, qiyanjun lay down, her warm arm rubbed her hand, she was electrocuted to avoid, causing people around him to laugh.

LAN Yue's cheek was slightly hot, and she realized that her movements were too big. She simply turned around and stopped paying attention to the relationship between the two. Although she wanted to make some private space available, it was because she cared too much that she was crushed to death.

After thinking it through, LAN Yue's frankness is no longer tangled, and she closes her eyes and begins to sleep.

Half dream and half wake up, I feel a soft touch, walking gently between the eyebrows, as if to lift the broken hair in front of her forehead, to touch her eyebrows.

She felt vaguely that she was praying for the banquet, but she didn't want to pay attention to it. She soon went to sleep again.

The next morning, I woke up and found myself sleeping in the arms of the praying Lord. His bathrobe was torn open, revealing his strong abdominal muscles.

And her lips were right on his chest! Ambiguous heat surprised blue Yue big action to stand up, sleep in the side of the man snorted frown, did not wake up.

She checked the clothes in a hurry to make sure there was no passive trace before she was relieved. A look at the bedside table over there, pray for banquet Jun's mobile phone on the side.

Didn't seem to be in this position last night?

Blue Yue frowned, just found that the Lord's hand on the bedside table there, perhaps, he woke up once, took the mobile phone to see the time.

Now it is more than eight o'clock, which has already exceeded the working and rest time of praying for banquet.

His other arm was across her pillow, and he could see traces of pillows on his sleeve. It should have been praying for the emperor to hold her when she was asleep.

Pulling the bangs in front of her forehead, LAN Yue doesn't care about sleeping in his arms. She has to go out before noon. If she is lucky, she may meet him at the gate of Mr. Huang's company.

It's her only chance. You can't miss it.

"Miss LAN, you are awake."

She didn't wake up to pray for dinner. After washing, she planned to go downstairs to have breakfast. Unexpectedly, she opened the door and smelled the delicious food. Looking up, she saw Gu An wearing an apron and was busy carrying breakfast from the kitchen.

See LAN Yue, she showed a smile, "Miss LAN, breakfast is just hot, do you need me to help you prepare hot milk?" She said, turning back to the kitchen again.LAN Yue quickly interrupted her, "no, just give me a cup of warm water. You prepared all these? " She looked at the exquisite dishes on the table in surprise.

There are not only western style sandwiches and pasta, but also Chinese cakes and steamed buns. They are very rich.

"No, these are from the hotel!" Gu An quickly waved his hand. "I got up today and was planning to go to the kitchen to see what ingredients were available. The hotel brought the breakfast. I don't think Miss LAN and ER Shao are awake, so they asked the hotel to send them back later. As a result, you still didn't wake up... "

She looked at LAN Yue carefully and realized that she had mentioned the host's affairs. Her small face turned pale and quickly changed the topic, "I asked the hotel to put breakfast here. If it's cold, I'll heat it up. Because the hotel said that there are other guests who need breakfast, they should be given priority. I was afraid that after Miss LAN woke up, the hotel had no time to prepare, so I made such an arrangement. "

Every time Gu An said a word, he took a look at her. Seeing that she had no sign of anger, she was relieved and went to the kitchen to prepare warm water.

LAN Yue naturally saw her expression. She read Gu An's information last night. One of Fu'an's former employers was irascible.

Although the salary is very high, the housekeepers are not willing to work there, and every day someone offers to resign. Gu An worked there for a year, saved enough money to go to school, and then went to the cloud family.

Coincidentally, she was the same year as Qi Yingying, and Mr. Yun asked her to take care of her granddaughter.

Qi Yingying was in a low mood at that time in the cloud family. She couldn't even go back for the Spring Festival. Maybe she saw the same year. After getting along with Gu An for a few days, she recovered a lot. This makes him trust Gu an more.

After all, the old man hoped that his descendants would be fine. When Qi Yingying proposed to take Gu An back, the old man agreed without hesitation.

These things are clearly written in the materials. No matter how you look at them, Gu An is innocent and has no suspicious place.

But he bet with her.

Hesitant eyes looked at the room, if Gu an really had no problem, how would you make these boring bets with her? However, why does Gu an want to attack Yunfang?

There is no clue about these matters for the time being.

After breakfast, she went out with information and bags, and did not tell Gu An her itinerary. She did this on purpose, so as not to ask for her whereabouts from Gu'an.

LAN Yue arrived at Mr. Huang's company at noon on time. As expected, when the Secretary knew that it was her, her tone suddenly became colder. "Mr. LAN, I'm sorry, Mr. Huang is in a meeting. If you have time, you can wait in the company for a while. "

She pointed to the sofa not far away, not even planning to lead the way.

"OK." The heart knows he Jian is to thoroughly offend the customer, she also does not want to ask too much,. With the bag to the other side, beige high-heeled shoes on the smooth marble floor made a crisp sound.

At noon, no one came in or out of the company at noon.

LAN Yue's quiet face finally showed some dissatisfaction, got up to ask the front desk. , the fastest update of the webnovel!