Chapter 475

"Let me do it."

Gu CHENFENG gently interrupts her and takes out her wallet from her briefcase. LAN Yue's sharp eyes saw that there was a scar on his wrist hidden in his sleeve.

Although the color of the scar is not very deep, it is obviously darker than his wheat skin and can be easily seen. Before reaction, Gu CHENFENG's long five fingers swayed in front of her with a card.

Blue Yue a Leng, suddenly feel this hands very familiar, until Gu CHENFENG got up to say goodbye, she did not respond.

Guan Xiaoxiao looked at it strangely, "xiaoyue'er, what's the matter with you? Did Mr. Gu give you an idea just now? "

But Chen Feng can't cut in more than once. Let alone LAN Yue, even she has benefited a lot.

"No LAN Yue was pushed by Guan Xiaoxiao before he regained consciousness. He looked at the door of the restaurant, frowning and thinking, "Mr. Gu's hand, I look familiar with my eyes, as if I've seen it somewhere."


Guan Xiaoxiao was more curious. He looked at his hand and suddenly burst into a burst of laughter, "xiaoyue'er, I can't believe you are also hand controlled. Many white-collar workers in our class say that Mr. Gu's hand is very good-looking, like a hand model. His hands are so good-looking, you should have seen them in advertisements. "

"Isn't it?"

LAN Yue is not sure. She can't remember where she saw her for a while.

They sat in the restaurant for a while and returned to the company before it was dark. He Jian made such a fuss, but the company lost a lot of senior management, leading to the company almost unable to operate normally.

Although it's still working hours, all departments are very cold and self-conscious. They are afraid that the company will close down at any time. Some people have even started to submit resumes to other companies.

LAN Yue returns to the office and modifies the contract according to Gu CHENFENG's method. The effect is better than before. She contacted Mr. Huang. Because of Qi Yanjun's relationship, Mr. Huang promised to cooperate with her. She didn't come to remember to tell him the content of the cooperation.

"Mr. LAN, we have cooperated so many times, don't I believe you? These are small things. Let's talk about them later. " Huang Zhong was quite heroic in his mobile phone. "I just bought some small gifts when I was on a business trip before. I was thinking whether I should ask the Secretary to send them to Mr. LAN. Mr. LAN called me. This is really a coincidence."

"Why not? Anyway, we have to talk about the contract. I'll go there in person. What's wrong with LAN Zong? Let's talk to each other face to face. It doesn't matter, do you think?"

"Mr. Huang has a point." LAN Yue raised her lips and laughed, but there was no smile in her eyes.

Huang Zhong came here just to get close to Qi Yanjun. Where was he to talk about the contract with her? "But Huang Zhong is so busy that it would be too troublesome to ask Mr. Huang to come here on purpose. Let's discuss it through video --"

"ah! Mr. LAN must not say these polite words! " Huang Zhong seriously interrupted her, as if she had said something extraordinary, "we have been working together for so long, how can we have any trouble. Let's just say that. I'll go to see you. Mr. LAN should not refuse. Oh, by the way, I still have a meeting to hold, so I won't talk about it. "

He said he hung up the phone, obviously did not give LAN Yue the chance to refuse.

LAN Yue pursed her lips and held the mobile phone for a long time. After five or six minutes, she was powerless to reply to the black screen of the mobile phone on the side.

Huang Zhong is determined to come and find Qi Yanjun. Even if she calls now, Huang Zhong still has other excuses to interrupt her. Besides, she has no ability to stop Huang Zhong from booking tickets privately.

We should not have met Huang Zhong with Qi Yanjun last time.

She rubbed her temple in chagrin. After finishing the documents on the desk, she and Guan Xiaoxiao went to school to pick up the two children. When asked, they learned that the children had already been taken away.

At first she thought it was Yunfang, but after listening to the teacher, she found that it was Qi Yanjun.

"Since Haohao and their school is over, I'll go back first and trouble the teacher." She said hello to the teacher. She went back to the car and rushed back to her apartment. I don't know how Qi Yanjun suddenly took the initiative to pick up the children from school, and didn't say hello to her in advance.

"Wow! It's all burnt. "

When she got home, she opened the door and heard the voice of Rong Xiuyuan coming from the kitchen. She poured into her nose with a choking smell of burning, and white smoke was still floating on the ceiling.

"What happened?" LAN Yue was frightened and ran to the kitchen. Then she saw Rong Xiuyuan standing on the chair in a small brown sweater and wearing a light blue apron in front of her. She looked at the pot with heavy smoke on her face.

Blue Chen Hao is standing next to the black face, delicate small face also stained with a few stains, as if with the hands to touch up.

He didn't see LAN Yue. He was so angry that he took off his apron and threw it on the ground, "I won't cook it!"

"I said you couldn't do it." Qi Yanjun leisurely took the lid to cover the pot, which prevented the smoke from spreading.

LAN Yue looked at the messy kitchen, a headache, "what are you doing?" The dishes were still piled with untreated vegetables, and the water on the leaves dropped on the floor, making a small water mark.Not to mention the blackened pot.

"Auntie, you're back!" Rong Xiuyuan jumped down excitedly, threw himself into her arms, looked up and said, "uncle said he would prepare dinner for us. Brother Haohao said he could cook, so uncle let brother Haohao cook, but brother Haohao was burnt."

"I missed it!" Blue Chen Hao gas red face. When he and LAN Yue lived outside, he often helped to cook. He had learned how to cook simple dishes.

Rong Xiuyuan quickly covered his mouth and didn't dare to say more.

Blue Yue see the kitchen is too crowded, let the two children go out first, she pulled up the sleeves to put things away, but was interrupted by the people around her.

"I'll do it." Qi Yanjun emptied the contents of the pot and squeezed detergent to clean the pot.

The sleeves of the sweater had long been pulled up by him, revealing his wheat elbows. When he tried to brush the dirt out of the pan, strong muscles swelled on his arm, and even his thick sweater couldn't cover it.

"Xiaoyueer, help me to pull the sleeve."

Qi Yanjun suddenly called out to her. LAN Yue had not yet regained consciousness. Subconsciously, she went forward to help him with his slightly slipped sleeve. The back of his finger touched his warm muscles and then retracted. Only then did he realize his action.

She stepped back and stood behind her. She looked at Qi Yanjun, who was a little rusty and put things away.

Qi Yanjun also needed to do these things when he was marching. Naturally, he was not unfamiliar. However, he had been busy in the company for such a long time, and had little opportunity to do these things. He had been unfamiliar for a long time.

"You --"

just wanted to ask him why he suddenly took the children into the kitchen, there was a rustle behind him.

Looking back, I saw two small heads squeezed by the glass door of the kitchen. LAN Chen Hao looked hostile at Qi Yanjun, as if he had eaten shriveled here just now, so he ran to see how Qi Yanjun planned to deal with this matter.

Rong Xiuyuan looked at it curiously, and her little face with baby fat was full of curiosity.

They looked for a while, blue Yue led them back to the room to take a bath, so as not to be choked by the smell of lampblack. Qi Yanjun's cooking skills she is still at ease, there is no need to worry.

"Xiuyuan, I will let you eat my cooking tomorrow!"

"Mm-hmm! I believe in brother Haohao

LAN Yue was packing up her clothes when she heard the two children talking solemnly behind her. She thought it was funny. But after a deep thought, did Qi Yanjun deliberately want to get closer to the children?

Rong Xiuyuan said that he liked Qi Yanjun and regarded him as a hero on TV.

But blue Chen Hao to this man's hostility is very heavy, so Qi Yan Jun just specially arranged some interaction. She thought for a moment and did not intend to interfere in the affairs between them.

Qi Yanjun is the father of the child, he has the right to interact with the child, she can not stop. The character of blue Chen Hao and Qi Yan Jun are somewhat similar. If she forcibly interferes, it will be counterproductive.

After dinner, LAN Yue took her clothes and was ready to take a bath. Just walked to the bathroom door, I heard the mobile phone ringing outside. It was Qi Yanjun's mobile phone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!