Chapter 479

But until now, Gu CHENFENG is considering for her, and just right did not exceed the bottom line. Maybe the other party just saw Guan Xiaoxiao's face to help her so enthusiastically, but she has been on guard against each other, which makes LAN Yue very sorry.

Just as she wanted to thank Gu CHENFENG, the other side frowned and looked at her watch. "Miss LAN, I'm really sorry. I want a video conference and I have to rush back to deal with it. Why don't I take you back to the wing room first? "

"No, I'm sorry to trouble you tonight."

LAN Yue stood up with her chair and felt that her body had improved a lot.

Gu CHENFENG confirmed again and again that she was not in a big way before he picked up the coat on the back of the chair and left. It happened that Huang Zhong and Guan Xiaoxiao came out of the wing room with some anxiety.

Seeing the moment of Gu CHENFENG, Huang Zhong was stunned at first, then showed a surprised expression, looked up and down at Gu CHENFENG, "Oh, isn't this Mr. Gu? I haven't seen each other for years. I didn't expect Mr. Gu to be here. "

"Mr. Huang, long time no see."

Suddenly stopped, Gu CHENFENG did not show uncomfortable expression. He still talked with Huang Zhong politely.

Guan Xiaoxiao was surprised, "do Mr. Gu and Huang always know each other?"

"I don't know." LAN Yue shook her head and looked at it strange, but they seemed to have known each other for a long time. After a simple greeting, they chatted quickly.

It turns out that Gu CHENFENG once had a relationship with Huang Zhong several years ago. At that time, Gu CHENFENG had already shown a very calm personality in his early twenties, which was very suitable for business.

Huang Zhong offers Gu CHENFENG a tempting olive branch, and Gaoxin employs him as the top management of the company. He also intends to marry his daughter to Gu CHENFENG and let Gu CHENFENG take over the Huang family in the future.

Anyone who is familiar with Huang Zhong knows that Huang Zhong has a couple of children. My son just got this diploma from a foreign university. After he came back, he had nothing to do. He was doomed to be unable to hand over the family property to him. Although Huang Zhong's eldest daughter is also sensible, she is totally ignorant of business.

Huang Zhong tried his best to train his daughter, but he lost hundreds of millions. Huang Zhong was so angry that he stopped letting his daughter interfere in the affairs of the company. He began to be keen on finding a quick son-in-law to inherit his property.

Gu CHENFENG only needs a little inquiry to know how much gold the olive branch contains. It can be said that he was Huang Zhong's son-in-law at that time, but he was finally rejected.

Huang Zhong hated this for a long time. Although others did not dare to say much, they did not dare to have a relationship with Gu CHENFENG. Therefore, Gu CHENFENG left the capital and came to Haicheng. Then he became Guan Xiaoxiao's classmate. Unexpectedly, he met Huang Zhong again.

The conversation between the two is not pleasant. Huang Zhong obviously still regrets that he was rejected in that year. Before saying enough, he began to sarcasm Gu CHENFENG openly and secretly, saying that he was not as good as he was then.

Gu CHENFENG still kept smiling. "Thanks to Mr. Huang's concern, he has been lazy in recent years, which makes him laugh."

"Beyond my ability!" Huang Zhong's scorn in his eyes is more prosperous, and he disdains to talk to him more. He goes straight to LAN Yue and smiles enthusiastically, "Mr. LAN, I'm really sorry! I was so happy for a moment. I drank too much. Vice president Guan reminded me that I could not drink too much. I'm really sorry. "

"It's OK. Mr. Huang is polite."

She looked at Gu CHENFENG who was deliberately left behind.

Gu CHENFENG just saw it, with a gentle smile in his slender Phoenix eyes. See her also look over just nod to say hello, point to watch again.

LAN Yue understood what he meant and ordered his leader to send him away.

Seeing this scene, Huang Zhong's face darkened a little. After returning to the wing room, he immediately replaced a table of dishes on the list. While chatting, he asked about Gu CHENFENG intentionally or unintentionally.

Chen Zhiyue, who is very concerned about the other side, has never thought about it.

"It's useless to have a unique idea. It's just a dead brain! I don't know how to grasp such a good opportunity! Others don't know that they think my daughter is not worthy of him, so they are rejected by him! " Although Huang Zhong didn't pour any more wine, he left a bottle of white wine by his hand and drank one or two mouthfuls at any time. The tone of his words was a little strong, obviously he had drunk too much.

LAN Yue didn't say much. After all, for northerners, they still like to have a drink when they eat.

Huang Zhong seemed to have a strong voice. He looked up and poured a glass of wine and said, "look at the relationship between LAN Zong and Gu CHENFENG. You should not know the background of this person?"

"I don't know."

LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao look at each other and see the confusion in each other's eyes.

For her, Gu CHENFENG is just Guan Xiaoxiao's classmate, outstanding talent, there is nothing else. Although she once doubted each other, they were resolved with the help of Gu CHENFENG.

Huang Zhong coldly throws out this topic, she really can't go on.

"I didn't expect LAN to know." Huang Zhong pulled his lips and sneered. After drinking another cup of wine, he slowly said, "I met Gu CHENFENG only six years ago. At that time, he was a little famous figure in Beijing. Many big bosses were talking about him and wanted to dig him into his own company.""But this boy is stubborn! No matter how high the conditions are offered to him, he will not go. I still remember a real estate owner who directly said that he would be given a Beijing account and let him live in a villa and drive a luxury car. That kid Leng is a big boss to refuse, he did not have background at that time, offend so many people, will certainly have an accident. "

"No, it didn't take long for the boy to be thoroughly investigated and found out that he came out of his childhood. The young talents in the capital city couldn't help but go to find fault for him, trying to prove that he was not defeated by a rural boy. That boy was miserable at that time

Huang Zhong took another sip of wine and sighed, "don't talk about where you live. Even a bite of rice has become a problem. If I hadn't looked at him pitifully and brought him back, the boy would have starved to death. Tut! He did this to me in the end. What a white eyed wolf

He became angry again. The Secretary tried to persuade him several times, but it was useless. He just drank up a whole bottle of white wine and complained about Gu CHENFENG's ignorance. However, he could still feel regret from his tone.

LAN Yue and Guan Xiaoxiao didn't say much about their insight and interest.

Although Huang Zhong's conduct at the dinner table is bad, he is also a good customer. Unfortunately, he is over 50 years old, and the company will not last long. His daughter and son are not good, so he can only put his hope on the right son-in-law.

At the end of the day, Huang Zhong gets drunk. The Secretary asks the hotel attendant to take him to his room. He apologizes to LAN Yue again and again, promising that he will remind Huang Zhong to sign the contract tomorrow.

"Xiao yue'er, it seems that Mr. Huang is still very poor." When he got to the parking lot, Guan Xiaoxiao lowered his eyes and sighed with regret. "If we didn't have the customer of Mr. Huang, we would be in trouble."

"Do you think Huang always gets drunk because of emotion?"

"Isn't it?"

"No LAN Yue shook his head. "He also knows that his time is running out. Mr. Gu may be the only suitable person for him. But Mr. Gu refused him, and Mr. Huang could not save his face to go to him. Knowing that we knew Mr. Gu, he deliberately brought up the matter with us, hoping that we could help him pass a message to Mr. Gu. "

"The trouble?"

Guan Xiaoxiao was surprised. She didn't think so much. However, LAN Yue said that she immediately felt suspicious again. After all, Huang Zhong's drinking capacity was famous. After all, Huang Zhong could still talk for hours after drinking two bottles of liquor. However, she only drank one bottle of liquor tonight, which made her feel suspicious.

However, she also listened to others about these things. She had never really tried Huang Zhong's drinking capacity and did not say much about it.

After thinking about it, he felt that he would not tell Gu CHENFENG about these things. "If you didn't tell me just now, I'm afraid I can't help mentioning it with Mr. Gu."

Blue Yue light frown, "don't mention it, after all, it has nothing to do with us."

Although she said so, she still doubted Gu CHENFENG's life experience.

Huang Zhong said he came out of a small place. , the fastest update of the webnovel!