Chapter 482

Today, to sign a contract with Huang Zhong, Qi Yanjun directly sent her to the hotel downstairs. As soon as she got off the bus, she saw Huang Zhong's secretary come out of the hotel lobby quickly. Her face was terrified, "Mr. LAN, Hello, Mr. Huang has been waiting for you at the restaurant." Then he apologized to Qi Yanjun, "Mr. Qi, I'm really sorry. Mr. Huang didn't expect you to come here today."

"Go in."

Qi Yanjun didn't look at it and walked to the hotel with lanyue in his arms. With the constant temperature heating in the hotel, LAN Yue felt the heat as soon as she went in. She wanted to take off her coat, but Qi Yanjun's hand was still on her shoulder, and she couldn't even take off her clothes.

LAN Yue moved her shoulder a little and wanted Qi Yanjun to release her hand, but she turned around and saw the Secretary behind her secretly taking out her mobile phone. She didn't know who was sending the message.

Seeing her looking over, the Secretary immediately adjusted her mood and pointed to the restaurant, "Mr. Qi, Mr. LAN is going this way, and Mr. Huang is in the restaurant."

When she went to the dining room, she found that Huang Zhong had already been waiting in the large wing room. There were exquisite breakfast and tea on the big round table.

When they came in, Huang Zhong was standing at the table, sorting out the dishes himself. Hearing the sound of opening the door, Huang Zhong immediately looked over. After seeing Qi Yanjun, his eyes burst out with blazing heat, "Oh! How could Mr. Qi come here in person? I didn't think of it at all. What a loss to welcome him! "

He came forward to shake hands with Qi Yanjun, but he did not ignore LAN Yue cleverly. After all, he also knew the status of LAN Yue in Qi Yan Jun's heart.

Open the chair and sit down. LAN Yue feels that today's table is very rich and ingenious. Not only is there no liquor such as liquor, but even the cakes are hot, which should have just been served.

She looked at Huang Zhong and saw his secretary winking at him. It seemed that they had already exchanged information and knew that Qi Yanjun would come. She can't help but think that she just ran into her secretary and looked at her mobile phone while walking. It is estimated that she and Huang Zhongtong had information at that time.

"Mr. Qi, I'm sorry to have you come here so early." Huang Zhong himself stood up and poured a cup of hot tea to Qi Yanjun, and then poured a cup to LAN Yue. "Mr. LAN, I've prepared the contract, but I got up so quickly this morning that I forgot the contract in my room. I'll let the secretary take it."

"Xiao Li, you go to my room and get the contract. There are a lot of things on the table. Don't take it wrong." He looked at the Secretary sitting on the side.

The Secretary didn't understand what he meant and was surprised Sound, subconsciously want to hold in the hands of the document. But Huang Zhong squinted at her, and the Secretary's face changed. Then he said, "Mr. Huang, I know. I'll take the document now."

"Go and see. Don't take it by mistake." Huang Zhong quickly waved his hand with deep meaning in his eyes.

LAN Yue is sitting opposite the secretary. She can see the Secretary's expression clearly. She also notices the black document that she has been holding in her hand. If there is no wrong guess, it is the contract.

But Huang Zhong obviously didn't want to sign a contract with her so early. He deliberately found an excuse to delay time and took the opportunity to talk with Qi Yanjun. However, he is worthy of being an old doggerel. He has brought LAN Yue to almost every topic, which makes Qi Yanjun interested in talking to him.

Mr. Gu CHENFENG Qi Yanjun put down his tea cup and suddenly changed the topic. The peach blossom in his eyes was filled with sporadic cold smile.

LAN Yue was surprised by his expression. He didn't expect that he would suddenly talk about it. When talking about Gu CHENFENG with him yesterday, he still looked indifferent. Today, he showed this expression.

Huang Zhong changed his face directly, "no, it's not! Mr. Qi doesn't have such a thing. I'm not familiar with the man you're talking about! " Huang Zhong wipes his forehead and looks at LAN Yue with fear.

He naturally remembers what he said after "drunk" last night, but he didn't expect that these words would reach Qi Yanjun, who also came to find him in person for this matter.

"I think Mr. Qi must have misunderstood me!" Naturally, he did not dare to say that Lan Yue was wrong in front of Qi Yanjun. He quickly explained, "I do know Gu CHENFENG, but I haven't seen him for several years. I don't know what he looks like now. What does Gu CHENFENG have to do with Mr. Qi? "

He said a big generalist, calm down, carefully pay attention to Qi Yan Jun's look.

If Gu CHENFENG was a friend of Qi Yanjun, he would not dare to speak ill of Gu CHENFENG.

"No, I just want to ask." Qi Yanjun lifted his hand and gently held the teacup. His fingertips gently depicted it on the edge of the teacup, which seemed careless. However, Huang Zhong did not dare to be careless. He turned to LAN Yue for help.

But LAN Yue is also uncertain about Qi Yanjun, and her frankness is no longer a voice. Part of the reason why Qi Yanjun came here today may be to know about Gu CHENFENG from Huang Zhong.

However, Huang Zhong is not afraid of her. Qi Yanjun can only come to ask her in person.

"Well, this --" Huang Zhong felt flustered and wiped his sweat. "Since Mr. Qi came to ask about this, I can only be honest and truthful."

Huang Zhong repeated what he said to her last night, but this time it was obviously to the point. "I heard about Gu CHENFENG from other people. At that time, he had offended many big bosses in the city. I watched the pressure and brought him to the company. Originally, I wanted him to stay and help. But what he said refused to agree, and finally he set up his own house. I was so angry that I finished working with him, and then I didn't hear any more about him"That's when I saw him in the hotel last night, I knew that he had come here to develop." Huang Zhong glanced at LAN Yue. Seeing that Lan Yue didn't mean to interrupt at the beginning, he continued, "but I really haven't checked where he has been in the past few years and what his background is. Most of them are told by others."

"Yes?" Qi Yanjun thought deeply and did not speak for a long time.

When Huang Zhong began to fidgety, he did not hesitate to hook up his lips. "In this case, I would like to trouble Mr. Huang to find out the matter."

"No trouble, no trouble!" Huang Zhong's pale face turned red quickly, and his eyes were full of ecstasy. "It's my honor to help Mr. Qi."

Huang Zhong knows who to choose even with his eyes closed. He can take advantage of this opportunity to have a relationship with Qi Yanjun. This is simply the best.

"Thank you, Mr. Huang." Qi Yanjun knocked on the tea table with his hand, and the smile on his face concealed deep meaning.

LAN Yue looks at him and frowns for a moment to understand why Qi Yanjun wants Huang Zhong to investigate Gu CHENFENG. If Gu CHENFENG really has a purpose, he must always pay attention to the Qi family's dynamics. Once the Qi family starts to investigate him, he can make arrangements at the first time.

But Huang Zhong is different.

Huang Zhong is just one of the clients he met a few years ago. Even if there were some frictions in those years, the two sides had not met for a long time. Naturally, Gu CHENFENG couldn't stare at him all the time. Let Huang Zhong investigate Gu CHENFENG so as to avoid startling the snake.

After understanding this, she opened Qi Yan Jun's eyes even more strange. If it was her, she would have arranged the matter herself instead of handing it over to others. After all, she had no idea whether Huang Zhong could be trusted.

But for Qi Yanjun, there is no need to worry about. On the one hand, Huang Zhong is afraid of Qi family, on the other hand, he wants to have a relationship with Qi family. Naturally, he will try his best to be the best.

I have to admit that Qi Yanjun is more considerate than she is.

"What are you thinking?" Suddenly, a hand held her hand under the dining table, and her thick fingers sketched gently in the sensitive palms, which made LAN Yue quickly draw her hand back.

"No, I didn't think about anything." She glanced at Qi Yanjun and moved away from her eyes.

Unexpectedly, the people next to him came along, with a smile in his deep voice, "you don't think about anything, so why do you always look at me?"

LAN Yue's face was scalded instantly, but she was found.

Fortunately, Huang Zhong's secretary finally came back with the contract. Mr. Huang quickly stood up and signed the contract, "President LAN has a good cooperation." , the fastest update of the webnovel!