Chapter 485

She turned around, only a few dim yellow street lamps were on the dark sidewalk. The cold wind moved the leaves and made a "rustling" sound. No one could be seen.

But I did hear footsteps approaching.

LAN Yue unscrewed her eyebrows and picked up the document to speed up her pace. When she passed the security room, she woke up the security guard and asked him to pay more attention to the situation around him.

"OK, I'll check in for you." As soon as the security guard woke up, he didn't understand what she was saying, so he took up his pen and registered her phone number.

Considering the time is too late, LAN Yue is too lazy to talk to him. After carefully looking back, she does not have anyone else behind her. She goes straight to the apartment building and passes through a green path.

Although there are street lights, the trees on both sides are too luxuriant to cover the lights. The front side is dark, the leaves are rustling on the top of the head, and the suspicious footsteps come from behind again!

This time it's straight for her!

"Who is it?" LAN Yue quickly turned back, in addition to the leaves blown by the cold wind, there was nothing suspicious.

Is it wrong again? She screwed off her eyebrows, always felt numb in her heart, and at the moment, regardless of how much she thought, she quickly walked towards the building. In the building, the lights are on. From a distance, you can see a strong figure coming from the elevator.

He was wearing a black down coat, his hands in his pockets, his pace was not slow, but it gave people a momentum that could not be ignored. The bright light fell on his face from the top of his head, a pair of upturned peach blossom eyes were deep and gloomy, which made her shudder.

"Qi Yan Jun?" Blue Yue surprised, quickly walked to Qi Yan Jun in front of, "how can you come over?"

"I'll pick you up." Qi Yanjun drew up the corner of his lips and put his arm around LAN Yue's slender waist. His peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly. He glanced coldly at the dark garden behind her, and soon withdrew his sight. It was like an illusion.

When LAN Yue raised her head, she saw only his happy smile, as if she was just coming downstairs to pick her up.

But she didn't tell Qi Yanjun about her schedule tonight. Huang Zhong's secretary came here temporarily. If the plane was delayed on the way, she couldn't be sure when the other party would like to come. So she didn't tell Qi Yanjun the specific time, just let him look at the two children.

When she got home, it was past twelve o'clock. She handed over the documents to Qi Yanjun and took a bath first. However, she did not find that she had just entered when the door was knocked.

Qi Yanjun opened the door, a man in a black coat carefully stood outside the door, pressed down the voice and said, "Qi Shao, let people run away."

"Where have you been?"

Qi Yan Jun carelessly next to the door frame, open the file bag will all the information out. The materials are very thick, with more than 30 pages. They are neatly bound into a small book with several photos on it.

Almost all the photos of Gu CHENFENG from small to large have been turned out, which shows how attentive Huang Zhong is.

Qi Yan Jun raised his lips and the chill on his face made the people outside tremble slightly. By the dim light at the door, I could see that there was a long and thin scar at the corner of the eye, which just ran through the eyebrow and scratched on the bridge of the nose.

At first glance, it seems that he was severely scratched by a sharp knife, which made the man's face look fierce and evil. But he did not dare to take a breath at the moment. He quickly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened the video which had been prepared for a long time. "He ran away from the small dark lane next to the building. He seems to be very familiar with the surrounding environment, so he has no shadow."

When the man opened the video, the picture was dark. After a few seconds, he saw several dim yellow lights in the camera. However, the camera swayed violently, accompanied by heavy panting.

By the weak light, you can see a shadow of a person running forward, suddenly into the side of the small dark lane disappeared.

In the pursuit of the people behind obviously did not expect the other party will suddenly make such a move, in situ Leng for a while later also ran in. At this time, another person came out from behind to help the person with the mobile phone. Unfortunately, the target character has already run away, even if they work together, they can't catch up.

"Qi Shao, Lao Liu has sent someone to chase after him, but there is little possibility that he can catch him." After watching the video, the man also calmed down and analyzed the advantages and disadvantages in a deep voice, "we have been following Miss LAN. After Miss LAN got off the car, there was no other car stopping nearby. This person suddenly ran out of the dark, so I suspect that she should have been lying here waiting for the opportunity."

Just now, there was a door opening from the bathroom.

Qi Yan Jun closed the document, his eyes flashed a cold light, "such a thing, only this time."

"I see!" The man subconsciously tightened his body and obeyed Qi Yan Jun's words. Knowing that Qi Yanjun didn't want LAN Yue to find out their existence, he walked back to the house next door before LAN Yue came out.

When LAN Yue dried her hair, she saw Qi Yanjun standing at the entrance to close the door. The automatic sensing light at the porch was still on. You could see Qi Yanjun holding the opened file bag in his hand."Are you out?" She asked suspiciously. Even if you want to open a document, you don't have to go out. There are lights on the balcony.

She did not hear the sound of opening the door when she took a bath just now. She suddenly saw Qi Yanjun standing at the door, feeling very strange.

"I went to take out the garbage." Qi Yanjun replied and put the document on the desk and used a hair dryer to help her blow her hair clean.

LAN Yue was not used to this kind of action at first, especially when Qi Yanjun put his hand into her hair and rubbed her sensitive scalp with thick fingers, which made her subconsciously want to avoid it. But at this time, the man's fingertips gently exerted force to help her massage her scalp.

LAN Yue couldn't help shaking her body. Undeniably, this feeling was very comfortable. But she didn't want to let herself sink in Qi Yanjun's gentleness, and forced her spirit to look at the document put on the desk, "did you read that document?"


Qi Yanjun's deep voice came from behind, listening to some indifference.

With the dark TV in front of her, she could see herself sitting on the sofa. Qi Yanjun stood behind her with a hair dryer and lowered her eyes to help her comb her hair.

Just as she wanted to ask, Qi Yanjun suddenly raised his eyes, and his eyes were tinged with a warm smile, "xiaoyue'er, are you afraid I will be angry when you talk to me about other men

"Isn't that what you're looking for?" LAN Yue screwed off her eyebrows. The man would throw the pot on her.

But since Qi Yanjun did not read the document, she did not want to say more. She looked at it casually with her mobile phone. After a while, she felt that her eyes were heavy, but her hair had not dried. She adjusted her sitting posture a little and leaned against the back of the sofa to have a rest, but she went to sleep directly.

In a daze, she felt that someone had taken her mobile phone away, and LAN Yue subconsciously grabbed it, caught a warm thing and held it in her arms.

The next second, the body suddenly a burst of air, she felt that she was picked up, next to a generous and strong arms. There is a faint smell of Cologne on the tip of nose, which aggravates the weariness.

She didn't know when she had gone to sleep. When she woke up, she opened her eyes and saw a wheat colored chest in front of her eyes. She had seen it almost every morning.

After looking at Jun Yan, who is still sleeping, she turns over and looks at the sunny outside the balcony. The dazzling light penetrates into the room.

It's over seven. Look at the alarm clock.

She got up and cleaned up and sent the children to school before they were late. Breakfast was also bought on the street. By the time she got back to the company, it was already over nine o'clock.

Although she doesn't have to open it, LAN Yue is not used to the feeling of being late. She makes a cup of coffee and rubs her temple in person, wondering why she got up so late this morning, and even can't hear the alarm clock.

Remembering that Qi Yanjun helped her dry her hair before going to bed last night, maybe it was because she was so comfortable that she didn't even know when she would go to sleep. , the fastest update of the webnovel!