Chapter 489

"But I want to hear it from you." Qi Yanjun came over, his cheek resting on her shoulder, looking like he was nestling in her arms.

LAN Yue is not used to this action, and wants to let Qi Yan Jun get up, but he has to press on his body. He also grunts with dissatisfaction, which makes LAN Yue even more unaccustomed. Blue Chen Hao also can do these actions with her when she was a child, but very little after growing up, did not expect even Qi Yan Jun also like this.

"What do you want to know, don't you ask?" She tried to push the man away from her body, but the other side insisted on sticking to her, and put her arm around her waist to confine her in her arms.

LAN Yue wants to resist, but Qi Yanjun has naturally picked up her hand and put it in the palm of his hand to play with. His slender finger gently pressed her ring hand, and his chin was just against her forehead. "Other people report on your journey. I don't know what you think."

Two people are very close, LAN Yue can feel his chest gently vibrate when he speaks, sending out a dull echo.

"You've got someone to follow me." LAN Yue wants to push him away, but because he is pressed in his arms, his actions become unnatural. Looking back, he seems to be playing coquettish in his arms.

Her cheek was slightly hot, and after looking up to make sure that Qi Yanjun did not show any other expression, she forced herself to sit upright. She didn't know how much Qi Yanjun knew. After a few seconds of drinking, she decided to check on Xiaoxiao and tell him about the attack last night.

Said, she suddenly looked at the side of the people, "did you know that someone was following me last night just to deliberately come down?"

"Yes." Qi Yan Jun drooped her eyes and held her hand on the car chair in his palm. He rubbed her carefully and could not see the expression on his face. The neon lights from the windows flashed on his face, making his expression more profound.

LAN Yue couldn't see what he was thinking, so she didn't ask more questions. She just told him all the things in the past few days, including the mysterious missing Xiao Liu.

If Huang Zhong had not cheated her, Xiao Liu would have been replaced.

The car returned to the apartment building smoothly. LAN Yue was worried about her two children. She got off the car and walked quickly to the building. After a few steps, he found that Qi Yanjun didn't follow him. Looking back, he was discussing things with the driver.

LAN Yue knows that the driver should be a subordinate of Li Yiyao. He is probably talking about Xiao Liu. After waiting for a while, seeing that they haven't finished chatting, LAN Yue walks into the building first.

"Qi Shao, we have searched the neighborhood, but we can't find the man last night. He should have run away." The driver looked around the building against the cold wind, and his expression was more dignified. "Behind the building, there are all kinds of small dark alleys. If you are not careful, you will get lost. But the man can walk freely. He should be very familiar with here. He must have made a lot of arrangements before he started

"In these days, Gu An did not have any strange behavior. The third miss has been in the villa these days, and Gu An has not gone out at all." The driver took a picture out of his pocket.

The person in the picture is Gu An, who is cleaning the villa in maid's clothes.

"Qi Shao, since the other party has already taken action, should we start first and catch Gu An?" The driver seemed impatient and didn't want to wait in vain.

"Catch her, and she'll tell you?" Qi Yanjun opened the information, and there was no expression on his pretty face.

"This - she will not." The driver's face suddenly turned ugly. It was clear that Gu An was a girl in her early twenties, but her endurance was better than anyone else. Up to now, she had no flaws. She looked like an ordinary maid.

If Qi Yanjun didn't insist on staring at her, they would have given up.

"Is there anyone nearby?" Qi Yan Jun asked coldly, but his attention was still on the data, and even the speed of browsing had not changed.

"Yes?" The driver was stunned for a moment, then suddenly moved to the side and blocked Qi Yanjun in front of him. On the opposite side of the road behind him, there was an ordinary silver van.

The car was covered with dust and looked very old. From time to time, workers carried bags after bags of goods out of the van and transported them to a small shop on the side.

The driver squinted at the car, "Qi Shao, this car is suspicious."

"Yes." Qi Yanjun handed the information to him, "arrange for a few doctors."

"Doctor?" The driver thought he had heard something wrong, but Qi Yanjun's face only with a slight smile, glanced at the car and went to the apartment building, leaving the driver suspicious, but he didn't dare to delay Qi Yanjun's orders, so he quickly arranged for a doctor.

It's nearly six o'clock in the evening to get things done.

It was still early spring, and the sky at more than six o'clock had been covered by night. After dinner, LAN Yue took care of her two children and took a bath. She asked Qi Yanjun to accompany them to watch TV. She went back to her room and opened Gu CHENFENG's information to check.

Qi Yanjun has read this information, and there is no special strange place.

Originally she did not intend to see, but the appearance of Xiao Liu worried her. Those people attacked Guan Xiaoxiao last night, presumably to steal the information, but they were not sure who the information was. So they divided them into two groups, tracking her and Guan Xiaoxiao respectively.What secret did Gu CHENFENG have that attracted these people?

The information is very thick. Huang Zhong has arranged it very neatly. She has just read a page and learned that Gu CHENFENG's parents died in a car accident when he was very young, and then he was adopted by an elder in the same village.

These things were too private. She deliberately ignored them. She started to check them directly after Gu CHENFENG went to the capital city. She found that there was no special place. Huang Zhong said all the things that should be said that day.

So why did they steal Gu CHENFENG's information instead of taking it directly on the plane?

LAN Yue gently taps on the table and arranges things carefully. She suddenly finds that Xiao Liu's behavior is not only full of mistakes and omissions, but also seems to be deliberately guiding her to point the spearhead at Gu CHENFENG.

"Auntie, are you there?"

Just thinking, the door was suddenly "Dong Dong Dong" knock, across the door to hear Rong Xiuyuan crisp milk.

LAN Yue looked at the time and found that it was already more than 10 o'clock. At this time, she should want to check the homework for the children. They are still kindergarten, although there is no paper homework, but the teacher will often arrange some homework, so that parents can spare more time to accompany their children.

LAN Yue also no longer think about it, temporarily put things down, put the file in the drawer, and took time to accompany the two children. It's almost 11 o'clock when they go to bed. LAN Yue has to rest in advance when he thinks that Huang Zhong will come tomorrow.

Although there is no obvious wound on Guan Xiaoxiao's body, there is a trace on her neck. The doctor suggests that she stay in hospital for observation for a few days. Huang Zhong arrived in Haicheng at noon and immediately came to visit Guan Xiaoxiao to express his apology.

He is also accompanied by a 30-year-old man. The man is also apologizing. When he looks down, LAN Yue sees that the hair on his head is relatively sparse. It is estimated that this is Xiao Liu, Huang Zhong's secretary.

"Mr. LAN, vice president Guan, I'm really sorry. Because something happened in my family temporarily, I didn't remember to tell Mr. Huang. I'm really sorry for the trouble Xiao Liu may have known the whole story. When he apologized, he kept raising his hand to wipe off sweat. He also looked at Huang Zhong's face with a frightened face. He was afraid that he would be dismissed.

"Secretary Liu's words are heavy. Even if you don't ask for leave, they will take away the information in other ways." Blue Yue shook his head, "I went back last night and looked through the information, and found no strange place."

"Yes! I have also read those materials. Gu CHENFENG's background is an ordinary rural young man. Compared with those young talents in Beijing, he is really not up to standard! " Huang Zhong made a look of disdain. "I don't know how he offended those people. They had to take away his information even though they had so much effort. They almost made LAN misunderstand me!"

"By the way, why isn't Mr. Qi here?" Huang Zhong rubbed his hands and looked around.

LAN Yue felt upset when he saw this expression. , the fastest update of the webnovel!