Chapter 491

"How can I cooperate with you?" Blue Yue uneasily pressed his hands in the waist, but the body could not help but press down with Qi Yanjun's action. Seeing that she was about to be pressed to lie on the bed, she raised her hand against Qi Yanjun's action in anger and shame, so as to avoid him from pressing down, "what do you want to do?"

"Print them all." Qi Yanjun laughed and took out one hand to support her head. "Xiao yue'er, you will not see me in the next few days. Will you miss me?"

"No!" She was red with anger. Although Qi Yanjun didn't keep pressing down, his lower body was stuck on her abdomen, and she could feel the burning temperature through her clothes. What's more, she didn't wear a coat indoors, which made her feel even stronger.

As long as you move a little, you can feel the change of Qi Yanjun's body. She almost suspects that this man is intentional! What to lead them out is actually to take the opportunity to tease her!

"Get up She tried hard to push Qi Yanjun up.

His eyes flashed a bleak loss, but soon brought up a smile, "you kiss me, I'll get up."

"No!" She didn't look.

"Really not?" Qi Yanjun lowered her head, and her hot and humid lips were pasted on her cheek.

LAN Yue's face was burning instantly, and she wanted to wrap her face with a quilt. She didn't want to be seen by Qi Yanjun. But the people on her body pressed her to death, let alone take the quilt, she could not even move a play.

Helpless, she had no choice but to act stiffly, not to see Qi Yanjun, do not believe that he can suppress her all night.

The sound of TV and some light footstep came from the hall. The children were playing in the hall. Suddenly, Rong Xiuyuan asked, "where are they, uncle?" The sound of rustling feet came to this side of the room.

LAN Yue clenched her sweaty hand. Although she didn't want to see her child, she didn't want to kiss Qi Yan Jun.

Just before the sound of footsteps was approaching, the man on his body let out a sigh that seemed to be if there was no sign. The weight on the body suddenly disappeared. The slender finger reached in front of her forehead and lifted her slightly disordered bangs. "I will arrange you to move there first tonight."

“……” LAN Yue didn't pay attention to him, just turned over and propped up from the bed and lowered her head to sort out some clothes. If it was not for her stubborn little face with a layer of blush, Qi Yanjun really thought she had no feeling for him.

Thin lips between a touch of self mockery smile, he did not think much, turned to be a small steamed bun to hold his legs, "Uncle Qi, what are you doing?"

"No, uncle and aunt said they would move." Qi Yanjun will let Xiuyuan embrace, "Xiuyuan hurry to pack up, a moment later the car will come."

"Wow! Where are we going? " Rong Xiuyuan's eyes lit up, and he was quickly distracted.

Blue Yue just finishing clothes, see Qi Yanjun holding the child out, her hand still holding the key. Because the force is too strong, the white palm is printed with the outline of the key, faintly suffused with blood.

Although she knew that Qi Yanjun wanted them to move out from here for their good, she still felt uneasy.

Moved to Qi Yanjun's private villa, can she still move out?

But she didn't have enough time to think about it. Rong Xiuyuan cheered and pulled on LAN Chenhao to pack his luggage. It was not important for him where to move. As long as he could play with LAN Chen Hao, he would be satisfied.

LAN Yue sat in the room, turned to look at the balcony side, the weak light through the window screen fell in the room. She stepped forward and pulled the window screen open, and she could see the office building opposite the apartment building.

At this time, it was time for work, and the office building was dark, as if everything was an illusion just now. She pinched her aching shoulder, her heart too heavy to breathe.

If Qi Yanjun comes back in time, she may have encountered an accident. Although Qi Yanjun deliberately said it lightly, she could still feel his displeasure. He put his arm around her shoulder with great strength. Until now, her shoulder is still dull and painful.

Hearing the children's discussion in the room, LAN Yue sighed, took out the suitcase from the wardrobe and put some daily necessities in. I can't imagine what would happen if these people put their eyes on the children.

The luggage was soon packed and they arrived at Qi Yanjun's private villa before 12 o'clock. Standing at the door of the European style double-layer villa, she felt mixed feelings.

Qi Yanjun has bought this villa for a long time. It can be said that he spent most of his time in this villa after taking over Qi. She thought that after he and she married, Qi Yanjun would arrange the wedding room here, but it was not.

When she almost gave up, she came to the villa in this way.


The hand that falls down suddenly is held by a warm meaning.

Blue Yue suspiciously lowered his head on the blue Chen haoying black eyes, he looked at the villa in front of him, his face showed resistance, "if you don't like here, we will move to another place to live."

He said this sentence, the tone is very natural, but LAN Yue heard but feel the pain, "Hao Hao, mother did not like here, just not used to.""But you won't go in at all!" Blue Chen Hao immediately black face.

LAN Yue looked back and found that all the people, including the driver, had gone in. Qi Yanjun was being entangled by the desire to let Xiuyuan, standing at the door staring at her from afar. Even if you can't see his eyes clearly, LAN Yue still feels that her heart missed a beat. She is not used to being gazed at by Qi Yanjun.

As if she was the only one in his world, he was willing to accept all her demands.

If Qi Yanjun could have done this to her five years ago, she would have done everything for her, but now it's too late.

She pressed the mood, squatted down and blue Chen Hao looked at each other, "Hao Hao, you can't think about mom all day, you have grown up, you should learn to be independent. This is your home. We won't move any more. "

“……” Blue Chen Hao hangs down the eyelid, ignore her.

LAN Yue knows the child's psychological grievances. In the past, LAN Chen Hao followed her to move back from abroad, and then moved out from the Qi family. They seem to have been moving, without a fixed residence.

Once you meet a place you don't like, LAN Chen Hao subconsciously says that she wants to move, but she doesn't want her children to develop this habit. She wants her children to be familiar with Qi Yanjun's existence as soon as possible.

Although she and Qi Yanjun can't go back to the beginning, she still wants to give her children a complete home.

"Go back, get used to it." She took the child's hand and went into the room.

It's too hasty to move temporarily. Most of the luggage is at the apartment. Lanyue helps the children sort out a set of pajamas. First, she asks them to go and wash them. She takes time to sort out the luggage and thinks about moving all the other things tomorrow.

The villa is very large. There is an open kitchen in the hall, but the lights are not turned on at the moment. There is darkness all around, and the sound of water splashing from the bathroom.

Qi Yanjun used to look at the two children. She was the only one in the huge living room. She put down the pillow in her heart, and she couldn't help but put down her legs.

It's a terrible feeling to suddenly go from a familiar place to a strange place and start all over again.

Until the door opened in the bathroom, she quickly adjusted her mood and told the two children to go to the second floor and pick a room they liked. She would ask them to leave early tomorrow morning, so as not to be in a hurry.

Rongxiuyuan was very excited about the whole process. First, he moved to a new home. The next day, he didn't have to go to school. He was lying in bed laughing and chatting for half an hour. Then he gradually became tired.

Blue Yue stretched out his hand next to the desk lamp to turn off a, with blue Chen Hao draw a hiss gesture, pressure voice way, "Hao Hao Hao, you hurry to sleep, don't wake up Xiuyuan."

"But I can't sleep." Blue Chen Hao covers quilt, show only a pair of eyes, look at her directly, "Mom, you stay to sleep with me, OK?"

Hearing this request, LAN Yue was stunned. Blue Chen Hao has not put forward such request with her for a long time. , the fastest update of the webnovel!