Chapter 515

"Mr. Gu, who is this?"

She pointed to a more prominent photo in the album and asked Gu CHENFENG. This photo seems to be well preserved. Although it is old, it has a very high definition, and there is a transparent protective film on it.

There are several men standing in the photo. They are sitting in an open-air teahouse in the 1970s and 1980s. Several people are sitting around a square wooden table. Two people close to the camera are drinking tea with a big bowl in their hands, and they are smiling boldly at the camera.

His 20-year-old is wearing a cool green coat, but his eyes are only bright green.

Next to the man was another middle-aged man with a conspicuous gold chain around his neck. He grinned at the camera like a nouveau riche. His smile was full of pride and disdain.

Although the two groups sat very close, they could clearly feel the hostility between them, and the smile on their faces was just a fake.

"They? I'm not sure

Gu CHENFENG came to see it clearly, but he obviously didn't understand the content of the photo. He took out his mobile phone and took a photo of this photo, "I'll ask my uncle about them. But at this time, my uncle is probably still in class, should not have time to look at the mobile phone to think He sent the message and looked at his watch.

LAN Yue looks at this time is really not suitable, although it has already passed the afternoon, but she also does not know where Gu CHENFENG's uncle is actually a teacher, perhaps even with the students in the afternoon reading.

"Mr. Gu, I'm not in a hurry. Let me know if you have any news."

She beckoned to the waiter to check out, and agreed with Gu CHENFENG to contact her on wechat if she has news. There are still things to deal with in the company, so she can't stay here too long.

Gu CHENFENG helped to pay the money, and they parted ways. She went directly to the company. Just after crossing the zebra crossing, LAN Yue turns around and sees Gu CHENFENG walking towards the parking lot. He doesn't squint all the way. He will take the initiative to avoid passers-by.

Maybe she thought too much. Just as Gu CHENFENG just said, he investigated her just to find out why she suddenly appeared in the village.

LAN Yue decided not to think more, has chosen to believe in Gu CHENFENG, now think too much will only trouble themselves. She raised her hand to lift the broken hair hanging from her ear, returned to the company to process several documents, and left work at 4 o'clock in advance.

Went to school but was told that blue Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan had already finished school. She was a little surprised. She didn't expect to come so early to pick up the children.

She drove back to the villa. Before she entered the door, she heard the sound of TV in the hall. She looked across the porch. It was really Rong Xiuyuan sitting on the sofa watching the cartoon. Her legs were swinging under the sofa, and her feet were covered with a pair of fluffy blue slippers.

Rong Xiuyuan heard the sound of opening the door behind him. He quickly turned his head and looked over. The whole person knelt on the sofa and saw LAN Yue come back. Then he saw a light in his eyes, "Auntie, you're back!" He said he jumped down from the sofa and jumped in front of her excitedly, "Auntie, I took a little Safflower in school today!"

When he said this, LAN Yue saw a beautiful little red flower on the back of his hand, which was awarded to him by the teacher in the school, "it's really great to cultivate far."

LAN Yue took the child to the sofa and chatted with him about things in school. He looked to the second floor. He didn't see something wrong with LAN Chen Hao after coming back for so long. At this time in the past, LAN Chen Hao would sit here and watch TV with Rong Xiuyuan.

"Auntie, brother Haohao is on the second floor, and uncle is also on the second floor." Perhaps she was aware of her small movements, Rong Xiuyuan sat in her arms and looked up at her. Her face was pretty and lovely against the light. "Auntie, are you going to find brother Haohao, I'll go with you."

"No, Xiuyuan will watch TV here. My aunt will come back soon."

She took Rong Xiuyuan to the sofa and kneaded his hairy head. Seeing that the child did not need to be told, she would sit on the sofa and watch TV, so she went to the second floor at ease.

On the way through the kitchen, I happened to meet Ye Xin coming out from inside. When I met her, she said hello respectfully, and then went to the dining table with the tableware in hand, and put the tableware well.

Ye Xin's attitude doesn't seem to have changed, but LAN Yue feels more estrangement between her tone. She rubbed the temple, also do not want to tube so much, now only afraid blue Chen Hao will think more.

Walking down the stairs to the second floor, the corridor was lit with dark lights, just right on the road ahead. Blue Yue goes to the room of blue Chen Hao, the plush slippers of home step on the floor and make a dull sound, reverberating in the corridor.

When she passed by, the door of her study was slightly open. Blue Yue subconsciously stopped the pace to look inside, and unexpectedly saw the light in the study was dim, only the desk light was dim yellow.

But the light intensity of the desk lamp is not strong enough to disperse the darkness in the room, but the man sitting in the office chair does not care at all. He props up on the armrest of the chair with one hand and stares at the computer on the desktop without expression.The dim light fell on him, which made his facial features more profound. There was a chill in his resolute lines. I didn't know what he was looking at.

LAN Yue raised her hand and wanted to knock on the door, but the action was suddenly stiff in half space. Recalling the matter of last night, she sighed back to move toward the room of blue Chen Hao, did not want to disturb Qi Yan Jun.

But did not know that she had just turned around, the people sitting in the study looked up, just caught her turning away from the back. Qi Yan Jun squinted and picked up the earphone on the desk, "the meeting will come here first."

After that, he stood up and walked out of the study, regardless of the reaction of the opposite person.

Although he is no longer in charge of the company's affairs, he has to make some important decisions himself. After the temporary interruption of the meeting, he followed LAN Yue to the outside of the blue Chen Hao's room, looked at the blue Yue gently pushed the door open, called blue Chen Hao a, saw he did not reply to just walk in.

The light in the children's room is not on very bright, blue Chen Hao is lying on the desk to sleep in the past, under the arm is also pressing a notebook, it seems to write these things.

Blue Yue originally wanted to gather together to see clearly the content written on the book, but a thought since this is the little secret of blue Chen Hao, she would not go to see. Carefully close the book, holding the blue Chen Hao to the big bed there, want to let him rest on the bed.

But before she sat down, the boy on her shoulder woke up.

He looked around vaguely before he realized he was there, "Mom." He soft soft lifting arm ring in blue Yue's neck, yawn just sober up some, "how did you come over?"

"I just got off work, Xiuyuan said you were in the room."

She put the child on the bed, squatted down to tidy up the bangs he had been sleeping in disorder, and looked at the desk, "what were you writing just now? Is that your teacher's homework for you


Blue Chen Hao suddenly woke up, big action ran to cover the book, "Mom, did you just see my book?"

"No LAN Yue was surprised to see him so nervous, but he didn't make it clear. He timely changed the topic and didn't want to embarrass the child to explain everything clearly. "Haohao, come here first. Mom has something to discuss with you."


Blue Chen Hao is sure she won't ask, just put the book into the drawer, a face strange came over, the facial features and Qi Yan Jun Yue hair similar. Looking at him step by step, LAN Yue's heart is a burst of bitterness, a burst of emotion.

When she secretly fell in love with Qi Yanjun, she had countless fantasies about whether they would get married when they grew up, and if they had children, whether they would look like him. These little girls' dreams accompanied her whole childhood. When she finally got married with Qi Yanjun, she gradually felt disappointed and even left here in despair.

Originally thought that she and Qi Yanjun would have nothing to do with this, but the master Qi told her that Lan Chen Hao was her and Qi Yan Jun's children

Looking at the child and Qi Yan Jun more and more like, she did not have the original joy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!